标题: 求助:GWD-25-Q22(期待牛牛的解答) [打印本页]
作者: 800120summer 时间: 2009-10-4 01:35
标题: 求助:GWD-25-Q22(期待牛牛的解答)
Springfield Fire Commissioner: the vast majority of false fire alarms
are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street
corners. Since virtually everyone has access to a private telephone,
these alarm boxes have outlived their usefulness. Therefore, we
propose to remove the boxes. Removing the boxes will reduce the
number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim that the
proposal, if carried out, will have the announced effect?
A. The fire department traces all alarm calls made from private tele-
phones and records where they came from.
B. Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costs Springfield approximately
five million dollars annually.
C. A telephone call can provide the fire department with more informa-
tion about the nature and size of a fire than can an alarm placed
from an alarm box.
D. Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire depart-
ment’s capacity for responding to fires.
E. On any given day, a significant percentage of the public telephones
in Springfield are out of service.
作者: LittleMike 时间: 2009-10-4 02:04
就是俩东西比,一个是box,一个是private phone call,五个选项要找一个支持去掉box的,那么那个选项一定是说private phone call比box好在哪里,那么才能证明box真的没有多好那么就去掉
而C清楚的说明了并且有进行两者的比较,说private phone call比box好在可以提供更多信息,这样也许能够帮助消防人员决定带多少人去多少消防车(我自己瞎想的),那么比A更加确凿的说明了private phone call好,可能这么理解C就是好一点
作者: 800120summer 时间: 2009-10-4 23:47
作者: LittleMike 时间: 2009-10-4 23:57
If you trace someone or something, you find them after looking for them.
作者: 800120summer 时间: 2009-10-5 00:21
作者: melodyflying 时间: 2009-10-5 12:10
之前写错了 还是删了别误导群众了
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/8 10:13:13编辑过]
作者: melodyflying 时间: 2009-10-5 12:27
要的是把握整个逻辑链条 抓住问题本质
答案一目了然 没有任何犹豫
作者: 800120summer 时间: 2009-10-6 01:22
作者: panny 时间: 2009-10-7 16:25
作者: TheAssembly 时间: 2009-10-7 20:46
作者: TheAssembly 时间: 2009-10-7 20:51
逻辑为:去掉盒子改用私人电话 推出 谎报减少
作者: zuozuox 时间: 2009-10-7 22:16
作者: cissy630 时间: 2010-5-17 20:09
此题在OG12上的正确答案为A 当时做OG时我也错选了C 花了好些时间弄懂原因
先看题干,问的是 if carried out, will have the announced effect 那就回原文看到底announced effect是什么(lawyer前辈说过,要特别注意结论的具体性和特殊性)最后一句:Removing the boxes will reduce thenumber of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire即为announced effect 这句话包含两层意思:
1、reduce thenumber of prank calls 2、will not hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
看A:traces all alarm calls made from private telephones会使人们不敢谎报火灾,满足1的要求,records where they came from 则满足2的要求
再看C: 不难发现它只满足2的要求而不满足1的要求
作者: mars1mack 时间: 2010-5-23 00:56
之前做og的时候选错了~~看了答案,反觉它的重点是放在prank call。今天做gwd的时候又发现它,就当然的选A了,谁知道答案是C!我晕……
还以为我 记错了~~!
作者: Joshwu 时间: 2010-6-27 21:50
C 明显是一个合理想象的选项。
文中的结论是 Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
和是否能增强 fire department 对于火灾情况的了解没有关系。
作者: bunnygw 时间: 2010-8-26 13:25
作者: 雨潇 时间: 2010-9-7 11:18
作者: 小橘子 时间: 2010-9-7 12:17
C好像有点夸大了PRIVATE CALLS 的功效,难道用PRIVATE CALL就能知道火势的大小和范围
作者: hahaafeng 时间: 2010-9-21 17:06
作者: terryisakid 时间: 2010-11-12 19:27
作者: 小彼得潘 时间: 2010-12-1 20:34
这必须是A啊 第一次做OG想死了想明白了为什么是A 然后做GWD居然又来个C 我还差点就信了 我要以为我出问题了呢 话说GWD16错的好惨
作者: totalgloria 时间: 2011-4-1 16:14
haha 可不是嘛 见证历史
作者: Latiaslee 时间: 2011-4-7 23:01
作者: 红红的云 时间: 2011-4-8 02:06
One of the premises given by the author is that "virtually everyone has access to a private telephone", which they can use to call in a fire alarm. This would include the people who currently use the fire alarm boxes to make prank calls. Suppose all the fire alarm boxes are removed. The pranksters can still use their private phones to make phone calls, and so the amount of prank calls will not necessarily be reduced. But if the fire department traces all calls made from private phones and are able to determine where they came from (and potentially the identity of the prank caller), this would discourage the pranksters from calling and would thus probably result in a reduction in the amount of prank calls.
作者: crystalbain 时间: 2011-8-20 22:54
结论:Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
A.The fire department traces all alarm calls made from private telephones and records where they came from.
C. A telephone call can provide the fire department with more information about the nature and size of a fire than can an alarm placed from an alarm box.
我想补充一点想法就是:A选项说可以trace and record 那些电话的地点来源,是对应的“without hampering ...'s ability”, 因为原来alarm box的优点就是可以准确告诉消防局哪个地方着火。而如果以private phone也可以达到同样的效果,就相当于,private phone并没有削弱原有方式(alarm box)的报警能力。
当然结论中还有一部分是reduce prank call,这个其实在已经包含在“拆除alarm box”这个提议里了,文中说alarm box引起prank call,所以拆了它,自然就降低了prank call. 当然你说,那全部变成了private call,是否private call 骚扰报警的几率也不小呢,这道题不用考虑这个,因为是让我们考虑支持! 题目或选项中没有说private call跟prank call的关系,就不用管它。所以,对于reduce prank call这个问题,trace private call可以看成起了作用,也可以看成不会起什么作用,无所谓。A的关键在于说,新方式没有使得报警能力变差。
这样分析之后,只能说明A好,再看看C: c说通过电话可以比alarm box汇报更多火情信息,那首先,这句话是否可以看出那个方案可以降低prank call呢?C没提供什么线索,没有提到是否可以trace到这个号码,甚至这个打电话的人,就没法知道是否可以降低骚扰报警,alarm box出现好多骚扰报警不就是这个原因么,不管怎么说,到底能不能降低prank call,C压根儿没提,没有关系,咱也可以当A没提这回事不是么。接着就看,C的说法是否提供了一些线索说明这种方式是否hamper了报警的能力呢? 如果打电话者说不清楚所在位置(对于很多很多女生来说是完全有可能的吧!),那其实还不如那个地方有个alarm box呢,消防局可以一下子就知道哪里着火,还不用在电话里费劲。所以如果只靠电话可以提供更多信息这个功能,不能完全说明它就是绝对强于alarm box的一种报警方式,毕竟,对于消防局,最最重要的信息是---位置!
作者: ssyy23 时间: 2011-8-24 15:13
作者: CLAUDIALIN 时间: 2011-9-1 18:18
作者: 7hattrick 时间: 2012-5-6 17:50
電話本身不會自動報警,是”人”去打電話報警,所以移除了電話不代表就不會有prank call(又不是把所有會打prank call的人消滅);所以在把公共電話移除 只剩私人電話之後,要加上”會監控並追蹤報警的私人電話來源”這個假設,才能加強argument!
跟後面幾回比起來 tn24的第16回真是挫折 大部份都錯在RC 最難控制的部份阿...
作者: 纳纳太阳花 时间: 2012-5-9 14:49
作者: crystalzm 时间: 2012-12-13 11:33
A项:如果消防局取消了alarm box又可以追踪一切私人电话,那就匿名的恶作剧电话肯定会减少啊。
C项:即使telephone有这个优势,但不能解决恶作剧火警的问题。如果问题是alarm box不能很好的帮助火警救援,C项才能supportive吧
作者: 午夜精灵Ying 时间: 2013-12-10 23:36
panny 发表于 2009-10-7 16:25
答案肯定是A啊。措施想要达到的结果是:reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
答案C 跟reduce the number of prank call 和 without hampering people’s ability to report a fire 完全没有关系
作者: jiaaivic1987 时间: 2015-7-7 03:35
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