
标题: OG12th-89, 没有找到以前的讨论 [打印本页]

作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-1 13:58
标题: OG12th-89, 没有找到以前的讨论


Since it has become known that several of a bank’s top executives have been buying shares in their own bank, the bank’s depositors, who had been worried by rumors that the bank faced impending financial collapse, have been greatly relieved.  They reason that since top executives evidently have faith in the bank’s financial soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false.  They might well be overoptimistic, however since corporate executives have sometimes bought shares in their own company in a calculated attempt to dispel negative rumors about the company’s health.

In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the followng roles?

A. The first describes evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second gives a reason for questioning that support.

B. The first describes evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second states a contrary conclusion that is the main conclusion of the argument.

C. The first provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that conclusion.

D. The first describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second gives the explanation that the argument seeks to establish.

E. The first describes the circumstance that the arument as a whole seeks to explain; the second provides evidence in support of the explanation that the argument seeks to establish.

答案: A, 不懂为啥是A 不是D

作者: reneedu    时间: 2009-10-2 20:03
作者: dandan2010    时间: 2009-10-2 22:42



作者: yuyue0277    时间: 2009-10-3 10:52

个人认为这段的结论是HOWEVER前面的那个短句: They might well be overoptimistic ,而however后面的是来说明他的

作者: Brandon16    时间: 2009-10-5 13:42

个人觉得在A选项中的questioning that support应该对应这句话的功能“They might well be overoptimistic”而 however后面的话即BF2是给出一个理由来支持 They might well be overoptimistic”。



作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-8 11:55


A中的"supporting a conclusion"是指 banker's depositors have been greatly relieved" 而非本段的结论"They might well be overoptimistic"吗?

感觉D不对的原因在BF1的描述describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain 请NN帮忙

作者: zxlstoner    时间: 2009-10-8 21:26
D选项错误是因为,作者并没有去establish any argument,而只是对BF1所支持的观点call into questions.

作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-9 11:20

有呀,They might well be overoptimistic就是作者要establish的argument呀

作者: dandan2010    时间: 2009-10-9 16:41

简单点吧:(题目:They reason that since (因为)top executives evidently have faith in the bank’s financial soundness, (所以)those worrisome rumors must be false)=A选项里的a conclusion,第一段黑体是对它的support.

They might (表怀疑)well be overoptimistic。而第二段黑体就是表达对这个support的怀疑的理由。

作者: coffeenow    时间: 2009-10-10 14:34

同意DANDAN的观点,我这题开始也错了,看着这个帖子琢磨了下,可能是MIGHT的问题。LZ可以比较下124题,同样也是BOLDFACE并且有两个相反观点(貌似一般BOLDFACE题都这样,或者我孤陋寡闻),但是124题比较明显的表达了反方观点的因果关系....would be....however since......即作者认为这是个有因有果的ARGUMENT,而89题,作者用了MIGHT,语意上倾向于这是一种猜测和推测。不过光从一个语气词推论出正确答案我觉得ETS是有点BT的。

作者: jillchenyy    时间: 2009-10-11 13:55
楼上的意思是因为有might所以d中的第二段 "the argument seeks to establish." 就不那么准确了,不知道我理解得对吗
作者: elephantybee    时间: 2009-10-28 15:09

这个argument的主要想要establish a conclusion that "that might well be too optimistic",其中that 指股民对高层管理人员买股票这一现象的结论。所以,since 后面(第二句黑字)所给出的是作者对于他这个argument 的解释,而第一句黑字是指出故事发生的环境或现象。


作者: zdx618    时间: 2009-10-28 16:02

Main conclusion:They might well be overoptimistic,

作者: yidiyuehan    时间: 2009-11-3 20:36 89

另外一个讨论,我觉得这个题目的D 选项ETS 给的解释太玄乎了, 我就是看了解释晕的.
我觉得D &E 选项没有把握整个argument 的主旨, 作者主要是想说 高层买股票就以为这个银行没啥事 有点太乐观了. 而不是整个为了去解释高层为啥买股票.  BF2 也不是那个作者想establish 的 explanation, 而是用来support his position that 高层买股票就以为这个银行没啥事 有点太乐观了.
作者: eva01    时间: 2013-9-17 23:33
作者: 奶牛316    时间: 2013-9-27 08:25
zxlstoner 发表于 2009-10-8 21:26
个人感觉OG里面解释的比较清楚了。D选项错误是因为,作者并没有去establish any argument,而只是对BF1所支 ...

作者: MMMM25    时间: 2015-8-26 17:32

89 Since it has because known that several of a bank's to executives have been buying shares in their own bank, the bank's depositors, who had been worried by rumors that the bank faced impending financial collapse, have been greatly relieved. They reason that, since top executives evidently have faith in the bank's financial soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false. Such reasoning might well be overoptimistic, however, since corporate executives have been known to buy shares in their own company in a calculated attempt to dispel negative rumors about the company's health

In the argument above, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?

A The first describe evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second gives a reason for questioning that support.
B The first describe evidence that has been taken as supporting a conclusion; the second states a countrary conclusion that is the main conclusion of the argument.
C The first provides evidence in support of the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that conclusion.
D The first describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second gives the explanation that the argument seeks to establish.
E  The first describes the circumstance that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second provides evidence in support of the explanation that the argument seeks to establish.

前提:several of a bank's executives have been buying shares in their own bank,

直接结论1: top executives evidently have faith in the bank's financial soundness.
直接结论2: corporate executives have been nown to buy shares in their own company in calculated attempt to dispel negative rumors   

最终结论: the worry of the impending financial collapse is wrong.

为什么D不对呢,因为第二个BF是不能得到最终结论的,它是反最终结论的。为什么A对呢,如果按照第一种引申义,the first BF 加第一种引申义是支持最终结论的,而第二个BF恰巧又是质疑前提对结论的支持的。

作者: DeliciaAn    时间: 2015-10-31 10:17
MMMM25 发表于 2015-8-26 17:32
89 Since it has because known that several of a bank's to executives have been buying shares in the ...

注意A选项说的很隐蔽:supporting a conclusion。而不是supporting a main conclusion.这是不一样的。
作者: IWANT750    时间: 2015-11-28 04:54
Depositors were worried  by rumors.

Depositors get confidence again because of the top executives of the bank buy shares of their own bank.

Top executives of banks buys shares on purpose: to dispel the rumor instead of being confidence of the bank.
Sorry that I can't type Chinese.

作者: gloooooria    时间: 2017-5-21 01:03
请问describe evidence和describe circumstances是一回事吗?
作者: cynthiadocc    时间: 2017-8-21 18:23
the second boldface应该只是support “such reasoning might well be overoptimistic",而不是explanation。
the second boldface 只是提出了一种可能性,如og解释当中所说的不一定correct,只是为了质疑depositors的观点不一定对。如果是explanation应该是完全正确的,explanation的意思是executives之所以这样做是因为他们知道这样能够dispel worries。而题干只说了是might well be overoptimistic

类似的题目 og16 659:
S1提出现象;s2commonly though ......because(explain);  s3 however(意味着other explain)...bf1...(evidence); s4 not that...but rather that...bf2(other explanation)
这道题没有类似might等推测的题,而 not that ...but rather that可以看出来作者否定commonly的观点而提出另一个由studies‘ finding strongly suggests 的 explanation。

作者: askfjaw    时间: 2017-9-29 21:25
zxlstoner 发表于 2009-10-8 21:26
个人感觉OG里面解释的比较清楚了。D选项错误是因为,作者并没有去establish any argument,而只是对BF1所支 ...

作者: W...    时间: 2021-8-14 10:52
yidiyuehan 发表于 2009-11-3 20:36 89另外一个讨论,我觉得这个 ...


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