
标题: GWD-TN-10-41 请教版主 [打印本页]

作者: xxxyyyzzz1    时间: 2009-9-29 17:02
标题: GWD-TN-10-41 请教版主

In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.

A.    due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

due to its being so genetically similar the ant considers all its fellows to be a close relative and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

because it is so genetically similar, the ant considers all its fellows to be close relatives and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

because they are so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be close relatives and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

because of being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

1)请问the + 名词泛指一类事物时,谓语动词用单数还是 复数?
3)similar to one another是不是不简洁的表达?这种表达本身有语法错误吗?


[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/29 17:05:24编辑过]

作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-9-29 21:19
作者: patrick    时间: 2009-9-29 21:33

请问为什么选D,如果看没有划线的部分,the spread of this species in its native Argentina,是不是划线部分也应该用的是单数的ant, 这样才保持一致,对么?

作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-9-30 06:28

我觉得未划线的its指代this species,不过我GWD的这道题目跟lz的不一样,挺奇怪。

作者: xxxyyyzzz1    时间: 2009-9-30 08:54
至于one another不知道这样表达够不够简洁,只是觉得除了D其他的 选项主谓问题比较大,就只能选它了。

作者: jinqijia    时间: 2009-9-30 10:36
答案为D。C中struggles that limits是肯定不对的。
作者: xxxyyyzzz1    时间: 2009-9-30 10:52

作者: jenny1989    时间: 2009-9-30 14:19



作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-10-1 20:18
以下是引用xxxyyyzzz1在2009/9/30 8:54:00的发言:
至于one another不知道这样表达够不够简洁,只是觉得除了D其他的 选项主谓问题比较大,就只能选它了。

The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.


种群是不行的,prep笔记上的原话是“定冠词the+姓氏、朝代、部族名称等,表示一群人,是集合名词,谓语要求用复数。如the Smith为史密斯一家,the Shang表示商朝人等。”

作者: xxxyyyzzz1    时间: 2009-10-2 15:06

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