
标题: [求助]GWD 26-4 感觉答案不对 [打印本页]

作者: CCAML    时间: 2009-9-19 04:47
标题: [求助]GWD 26-4 感觉答案不对

答案给的是C. 明明B对呀。

Consumers planning to buy recreational equipment tend to buy higher quality, more expensive equipment when the economy is strong than when it is weak. Hill and Dale is a business that sells high-quality, expensive camping and hiking equipment in Boravia. Although all the signs are that Boravia’s

economy is now entering a period of sustained strength, the managers of the business do not expect a substantial increase in sales.

Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest justification for the managers’ judgment?

A.   A significant proportion of Hill and Dale’s sales are made to customers who enter the store in order to buy one particular item but, once there, find other items to buy as well.

B.    In Boravia when the economy is strong, those who might otherwise go camping tend to take vacations overseas.

C.   The economic upturn is likely to allow Boravia’s national parks, where most of the camping and hiking is done, to receive extra funding to improve their visitor facilities.

D.   Advances in materials technology have led to the development of hiking and camping equipment that

is more comfortable and lightweight than before.

E.    Many people in Boravia not only are committed to preserving the country’s wilderness areas but also

are interested in spending some time in them.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/19 9:16:08编辑过]

作者: skyzhang    时间: 2009-9-19 09:57


作者: mingming8152    时间: 2009-9-19 10:01



C说野营地出现问题,所以大家可能会选择其他的recreational equipments了,那么这个店的销量就会下滑了。

作者: skyzhang    时间: 2009-9-19 10:20
B说的是take vacations overseas,没有说take camp overseas.  渡假和野营有质的区别。

C说的是 公园的facilities会变得更好。哪里有说“出现问题????”

作者: CCAML    时间: 2009-9-19 12:47

通过B表达的意思是大家有钱去国外度假 (带着用具去国外野营的可能性极小,即使去国外野营,用具也多半是在当地租),就不去camping了,不去camping,就不用买设备了。所以销量不会增加。支持经理的观点。

facility 通常是指道路,护栏,公共设施什么的。Camping本身用的设备,公园是不提供的。至少在美国是如此。

作者: cllcchocolat    时间: 2009-9-19 21:48


B.    In Boravia when the economy is strong, those who might otherwise go camping tend to take vacations overseas. (只是说出国度假,又没说不用hiking和camping的东东了,可能人家去国外hiking和camping呢,除非你能假设他们出国不用这些)

C.   The economic upturn is likely to allow Boravia’s national parks, where most of the camping and hiking is done, to receive extra funding to improve their visitor facilities. (关键在于highlight的这句话,说了national parks是camping和hiking的主要地方,这些地方的设施和装备在经济好的时候由extra fund,那么个人去买这些equipment就相对少了,对原文作出了解释)

又做到这题,觉得答案就是B, 之前不知道为什么没看到otherwise go camping...

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/21 11:38:50编辑过]

作者: TonyGe    时间: 2009-9-19 22:18


1. not all people go vacation overseas.

2. visitor facilities=野营登山装备

作者: owenwei    时间: 2009-9-19 22:38



C没有明确建立high-quality, expensive camping and hiking equipment 和visitor facilities这间的联系,给人的感觉是公园花了钱改善了设施,so what?

作者: TonyGe    时间: 2009-9-19 22:55

c right.

those otherwise go camping,tend to take vacations overseas. 他们本来就不想camping

vistior facilities = 装备

选B 同志 注意了!

作者: skyzhang    时间: 2009-9-20 10:08
以下是引用TonyGe在2009/9/19 22:55:00的发言:

c right.

those otherwise go camping,tend to take vacations overseas. 他们本来就不想camping

vistior facilities = 装备

选B 同志 注意了!

C visitor facilities ,是指,饮水设施提供,服务设施提供,道路设施提供等。

作者: gracezz    时间: 2010-5-27 10:30
作者: wwhappy    时间: 2010-5-29 22:45
如果照B所说,sales应该会下降,但是the manager do not expected a substantial increase ,而C恰好说明不会有a substantial increase.
作者: alwynzhang    时间: 2010-5-30 15:20
文中没有直接建立VISITOR FACILITIES 和个人RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT的联系啊,一个公园的公共设施和个人配备显然是两码事啊。觉得前面有同学为了解释答案而解释了。
作者: harryholly    时间: 2010-12-18 14:03
标题: 美女请三思
如果照B所说,sales应该会下降,但是the manager do not expected a substantial increase ,而C恰好说明不会有a substantial increase.
-- by 会员 wwhappy (2010/5/29 22:45:34)

如美女你所说,销售其实是不会增加的,但是没人说他一定下降。题目的意思是按照规律——经济好的时候买质量好的东东,但是在介个地方,情况不同,经济好,大家都出去玩了,没人hiking camping了,所以刚才说的那些东东都玩不转了,所以卖那些东东的估计赚不了啥钱。仅此而已。个人拙见。

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