
标题: OG12-93未讨论 [打印本页]

作者: wildeyes    时间: 2009-9-17 17:49
标题: OG12-93未讨论
93.       Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paving about S5 a barrel more for crude oil than thev were last year.

 (A)        Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were

(B)        Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

(C)        Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year's because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

 (D)        It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were

 (E)        It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year's because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did

答案A, 但是有个疑问,A里面 Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because...
 prices 和 last year 比较 ?这怎么解释?


[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/17 18:07:43编辑过]

作者: wildeyes    时间: 2009-9-17 18:10
作者: skyemily    时间: 2009-9-17 22:49

个人觉得应该不是像你勾出来的那样prices和last相比较,而是this year than last


作者: 孤独狂欢    时间: 2009-9-17 23:06
是this year 和 last year比较啊
作者: wildeyes    时间: 2009-9-17 23:28
不是应该加个those of last 才能和prices比啊?这种省略规则是怎样的呢?
作者: Deboisseu    时间: 2009-9-17 23:37


作者: skyemily    时间: 2009-9-18 00:14

例句:Arctic ice shrinks less this year than last.


感觉这更多是一种习惯用法,如果往细了说应该就是按逻辑意思省略掉重复的部分,因为last在此处明显指last year。


作者: wildeyes    时间: 2009-9-18 10:09
作者: neomatrix    时间: 2009-9-18 11:20

简言之就是prices this year are higher than (prices) last (year)

但不能用prices of this year结构,因为year是不能有价格的;因此也就不能用those of last

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/18 11:22:39编辑过]

作者: lzj1209    时间: 2009-10-3 21:20
以下是引用neomatrix在2009/9/18 11:20:00的发言:

简言之就是prices this year are higher than (prices) last (year)

但不能用prices of this year结构,因为year是不能有价格的;因此也就不能用those of last


作者: jinqijia    时间: 2009-10-3 21:35
作者: smallashley    时间: 2009-12-17 16:59
作者: 尘未    时间: 2010-3-4 23:35
简言之就是prices this year are higher than (prices) last (year)
但不能用prices of this year结构,因为year是不能有价格的;因此也就不能用those of last

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/18 11:22:39编辑过]
-- by 会员 neomatrix (2009/9/18 11:20:00)

states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups.


但想知道这类比较是必须省略么,当年代比较时,last year's price省略成last?
作者: 尘未    时间: 2010-3-5 16:55
简言之就是prices this year are higher than (prices) last (year)
但不能用prices of this year结构,因为year是不能有价格的;因此也就不能用those of last

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/18 11:22:39编辑过]
-- by 会员 neomatrix (2009/9/18 11:20:00)

states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups.


但想知道这类比较是必须省略么,当年代比较时,last year's price省略成last?
-- by 会员 尘未 (2010/3/4 23:35:55)

原题是状语比较,即price this year 比较price last year, 所以可以省略主谓宾

下面的是主语比较,this year's start-ups 比较 last year’s start-ups。。。可是感觉还是应该补出动词啊。。。


作者: JayNicholas    时间: 2010-3-5 22:58
这个其实就是比较句的省略现象  比较的是今年和去年的油价  补出来就是  OIL PRICE IN LAST YEAR
作者: rx_11    时间: 2010-4-7 10:03
Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than the price of last year 也不对··因为this year 是个副词,造成了只能像原句那样改才可以·····我的猜测正确么?高人求证··
作者: rx_11    时间: 2010-4-7 10:08
另外问一下··B选项ETS的解释更奇怪:说more than must immediately follow barrel~~~这又是为何呢??求高人解答···

还有一个问题,B选项ETS这么解释了,但是CE选项ETS并没有这么说,这是因为CE 的more than并没有像B的这种错误呢,还是ETS因为说了B就不在CE中这么写了。。省点墨水?求解·~~~
作者: micro418    时间: 2010-4-13 03:08
1.状语比较 都要省略前面的主谓结构,状语比较没有歧义,所以主谓没必要重复。即:如果遇到状语比较,直接比较状语部分就可以,添加主谓就是画蛇添足。
Halley's comet cause such a worldwide sensation In no other historical sighting as (it did) in its return of 1910-1911。

In no other election did Obama cause such a sensation as (he did) in his presidential race of 2008.

Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion (in this election) than (the proportion) in any previous election.(新PREP2-197 )

Although Napoleon's army entered Russia with far more supplies
(for this campaign)than (the supplies) for any previous campaign, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.(OG10-198)

这个题就是状语比较 this year 比 last year。

2. 介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)
Rice has protein of higher quality than of lower quality(介宾比较,of higher 与 of lower比)

3. 主谓比较 这个非常常见,如果前后谓语一样,直接可以省略谓语动词甚至助动词。

if you have a parallel construction involving tensed verbs, and the tensed verb is EXACTLY THE SAME in both (or all, if there are more than 2) parts of the construction, then you may omit the verb in all but the first part.

for instance:
the rain was torrential and the wind fierce.
in this case, we're allowed to omit the second 'was', because it's identical to the 'was' in the first part.

推荐牛贴 比较之庖丁解牛
作者: micro418    时间: 2010-4-13 03:09
states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups.

是典型的主谓比较,去年的公司创造的就业机会与今年的公司创造的就业机会比较,直接把create也就是do省掉就行了。当然写成states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups do. 也可以
作者: abjure    时间: 2010-5-19 15:48

good sharing micro418
作者: maweijiamwj    时间: 2010-8-17 00:45

这个题想表达的意思是:人们预期 Heating-oil 的价格会上涨因为精炼一桶油的花费今年比上年要多5刀

 B:over 应该用 than(或者over就算对,higher也与more than重复)
 C: 根据 parallel 把 C ( they did 与 are paying ... for 平行应该用were)排除
 D:it is the expectation  that  … 不简洁 (E 里用动词都不简洁何况名词呢!)
 E:it is expected that … 不简洁 而且 year's 也不对,因为XDF老师说在GMAT里没有生命的是不能用所有格的

这里的完整句子应该是:Hearting-oils prices are expected to be higher this year than last(year省略) because refiners are paying … more for crude oil than they were (paying for)…

请CDer们 指正
作者: xiaoxiao4499    时间: 2010-9-8 21:24
1.状语比较 都要省略前面的主谓结构,状语比较没有歧义,所以主谓没必要重复。即:如果遇到状语比较,直接比较状语部分就可以,添加主谓就是画蛇添足。
Halley's comet cause such a worldwide sensation In no other historical sighting as (it did) in its return of 1910-1911。

In no other election did Obama cause such a sensation as (he did) in his presidential race of 2008.

Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion (in this election) than (the proportion) in any previous election.(新PREP2-197 )

Although Napoleon's army entered Russia with far more supplies
(for this campaign)than (the supplies) for any previous campaign, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.(OG10-198)

这个题就是状语比较 this year 比 last year。

2. 介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)
Rice has protein of higher quality than of lower quality(介宾比较,of higher 与 of lower比)

3. 主谓比较 这个非常常见,如果前后谓语一样,直接可以省略谓语动词甚至助动词。

if you have a parallel construction involving tensed verbs, and the tensed verb is EXACTLY THE SAME in both (or all, if there are more than 2) parts of the construction, then you may omit the verb in all but the first part.

for instance:
the rain was torrential and the wind fierce.
in this case, we're allowed to omit the second 'was', because it's identical to the 'was' in the first part.

推荐牛贴 比较之庖丁解牛
-- by 会员 micro418 (2010/4/13 3:08:04)

作者: 逆水潜龙    时间: 2011-11-25 21:57
states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups.

是典型的主谓比较,去年的公司创造的就业机会与今年的公司创造的就业机会比较,直接把create也就是do省掉就行了。当然写成states that companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups do. 也可以
-- by 会员 micro418 (2010/4/13 3:09:54)

companies starting up this year will create jobs 是个主谓宾完整句子。this year是修饰主语的,如果 companies starting up this year will create no more jobs than last
year’s start-ups 有可能理解成今年成立的公司creat 《jobs比creat去年成立的多。》
可转化为简单句。I eat apple faster than you eat. 如果省略eat,就变成《吃苹果快过吃你》了。
作者: yayachen    时间: 2011-11-28 03:53

1、选项解析没写但BE的“rise higher”是不是有wordy的问题呢?

2、BC选项应该都存在“more than should immediately follow $5 a barrel”这个问题吧,我的理解是句意应该是“每桶比去年多付$5”,而BC可以理解成“每桶付了$5,比去年多”。不知道这么理解B选项的OG解析对不对。

3、在做的过程中纠结了一下“they were"和“they did”这个问题,解析中并没有提到,如果parallel的话应该选和are paying平行的“were”吧?但是解析中没有提到BCE选项的did错了的问题。。。。

作者: wildmantomba    时间: 2011-11-30 07:49

1、选项解析没写但BE的“rise higher”是不是有wordy的问题呢?

2、BC选项应该都存在“more than should immediately follow $5 a barrel”这个问题吧,我的理解是句意应该是“每桶比去年多付$5”,而BC可以理解成“每桶付了$5,比去年多”。不知道这么理解B选项的OG解析对不对。

3、在做的过程中纠结了一下“they were"和“they did”这个问题,解析中并没有提到,如果parallel的话应该选和are paying平行的“were”吧?但是解析中没有提到BCE选项的did错了的问题。。。。

-- by 会员 yayachen (2011/11/28 3:53:26)

1、rise higher是redundant
3、C动词不平衡(are paying 配对上 did)

但 还有一个问题想跟大家求教的是

作者: zhongshanlh    时间: 2012-3-27 19:23

1、选项解析没写但BE的“rise higher”是不是有wordy的问题呢?

2、BC选项应该都存在“more than should immediately follow $5 a barrel”这个问题吧,我的理解是句意应该是“每桶比去年多付$5”,而BC可以理解成“每桶付了$5,比去年多”。不知道这么理解B选项的OG解析对不对。

3、在做的过程中纠结了一下“they were"和“they did”这个问题,解析中并没有提到,如果parallel的话应该选和are paying平行的“were”吧?但是解析中没有提到BCE选项的did错了的问题。。。。

-- by 会员 yayachen (2011/11/28 3:53:26)

1、rise higher是redundant
3、C动词不平衡(are paying 配对上 did)

但 还有一个问题想跟大家求教的是

-- by 会员 wildmantomba (2011/11/30 7:49:26)

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