标题: UT-Austin Mccombs MBA Q&A [打印本页]
作者: ucfish 时间: 2009-9-11 16:11
标题: UT-Austin Mccombs MBA Q&A
Hi everyone:
I am writing as representitive of Chinese students in the UT Austin Mccombs MBA students Class of 2011. This year we got 5 full-time students from mainland China and 2 from Taiwai. Background includes consulting, marketing, project management and engineering. we will try to help you who are interested in our school and please feel free to post any questions here.
According to my experience so far, we have
relatively robust Texas Economy, an unemployment rate of ~8% vs ~9.6% US national wide. Especially for thoses who are interested in Energy or Hi-tech or entreprenuership, this is the perfect place to go. (for Ibanking, texas also holds a unique position for energy financing, for consulting we got great relasionship with Deloitte consulting and Mck, Bain, BCG, Booz also hire several students each year. Though both are extremely competitive for international students).
According to Forbs, the top 5 best big city for jobs are amazingly all in Texas...
The city is amazing. Though as hot as Shanghai in summer(but less humid), winter could be cute. It is not a very big city like my hometown Shanghai, but there are a lot of interesting things here such as
millions of bats go out from the congress bridge at sunset. You could just imagine it... BBQ in Salt Lick, which is famous in US for the wooden houses in the middle of lawn and forest The very romantic and beautiful jetty beside Lake Austin 2 streets named 4th streets and 6th streets, in these two streets you can find nothing but pubs...if you like it...( The Bschool organizes 'THink and Drink' every Thursday night, and my finance professor told us that 'you should be very careful with it' coz it was where he met his wife years ago when he was an MBA here after a little bit alcohol, you know...) people are very nice in Austin. Most of them are very friendly. Once i cannot find a place when I was on the street, and some guy just voluntarily helped me to make a phone call and find the way for me. It made me feel warm, as warm as the summer of texas...
The school is also a great one. It enjoys the highest reputation in Texas. The Engineering, Business and law school are all ranked top20 and well-known through out the country. Besides, what impress me most is:
Sports. UT's football team ranked 2nd among the 120+ college football teams in US. People are crazy about it. We are enjoying the biggest college football stadium in US. The sports facility here is just fantastic. Current and former University of Texas at Austin athletes have won 88 Olympic medals, including 19 in Athens in 2004... School environment. It is not a big campus, but it is a fine one. I could always find those squirrels chasing each other or holding pinecone and eating on the tree. Very cute. And the hispanic architecture style of the whole school is just the one i like most... faculty: I am taking 4 courses for the 1st half of the semester including Finance, Economics, Statistics and Accounting
For Finance, the guy got MBA and JD and played more than 1 billion hedge fund before. He is also directing the 11million MBA investment fund which is being run by 20 selected student fund managers who are interested in it each year.
For Economics, the professor Magee was White House Staff , and Co-Captain of U.S. National Soccer Champions...I guarantee you his class is going to be as funny as you could imagine...
For Statistics we got a math geek who originally taught in Chicago for 20 years. He is more an actor than a teacher which made the class experience more than funny...
For Accounting, we got the dean taught the course in this area and make our accounting ranked No.1 in US for many years in a row... for our 200+ bucks text book, he just made the publisher to waive their copyright for our free copy...very powerful.
Back to the bloody world which is also real, very few is living an easy life. It is a hard time concerning job market for almost every B-School, and especially for international students. Please think twice before you quit your job for an MBA. However, if you would like a two year adventure in another country, to test and push out your edge both physically and mentally, for an extremely exicitng life, booming your future career(potentially), you should come here or any other prestigious top US programs. After all there is always hope for everyone. Just work harder and play even harder! Let's have fun and enjoy. Hope to see you guys next year!
Hook 'em Horn!
Yueyuan Li
PS. link for previous Q&A:
In terms of job placement for the class of 2011, here is some update.The job placement this year looks quite nice here in UT, a large number of students already got a job, so there is constant low volume of application for most of the jobs on job board right now, the school said it is beginning to calculate job rate at an unsual early time of the year. All the 5 2nd year Chinese students already got at least one offer, 4 in US, 1 consulting in China.
作者: hang13 时间: 2009-9-11 22:35
谢谢 支持一下
作者: andrewhu 时间: 2009-9-12 01:48
作者: sophiamm 时间: 2009-9-12 05:48
我不是 Energy or Hi-tech 行业,是不是意味着录取机会比较小呢?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2009-9-12 06:44
以下是引用sophiamm在2009/9/12 5:48:00的发言:
我不是 Energy or Hi-tech 行业,是不是意味着录取机会比较小呢?
只是说如果你想做high-tech 或energy的话在选择 offer 的时候可能来我们这里会更好![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
作者: ezailshi 时间: 2009-9-12 10:25
作者: highdior 时间: 2009-9-13 13:23
1)从我们这一届开始学校商学院MBA实行Quarterly式教学,就是说一个academic year有4个quarter, 每个semester有2个quarter,这样一来MBA头一年的学习从头到尾都会保持着相当的压力,想偷懒是不太可能的了,呵呵。结果是,一方面,花了这么多学费来读书那是相当值了;) 另一方面,这是UT Austin商学院一直在进行变革中的一个变化。另外,学校的经费在全美公立大学中据说现在是排前三,全美经济不景气的情况下,学校这阵子还到处在搞建设。
小结:这些日子里,一直都感受到学校和商学院一股积极向上的活力。就像学校的football team, 很强大!
2)上一届的中国师姐师兄们非常帮助我们这一届的新生,比如:不到两个月的时间,我们已经搞了三次大的聚会,上一次还把学校重量级的John Doggett教授及太太请过来作客,寓教于乐啦。当然我们也一定会把这个传统沿续下去。
3)这里一大发现就是学校的美女实在太多。来之前就听说UT Austin的女生在美国大学里是被评为A+级的,果然不假。光是商学院,每天进进出出的就有不少亚洲美女。我们这一届MBA大陆不知为什么没有女生,只有两个台湾美眉,但像BBA,MPA似乎大陆来了不少美眉。
4)UT Austin的气候非常好,不湿也不干,非常怡人,很适合户外运动。这里几乎天天阳光明媚,偶尔一阵太阳雨,或者骤雨。来学校就今天下雨比较长一些,第一次用umbrella.
作者: ucfish 时间: 2009-9-17 13:06
作者: terryzhang 时间: 2009-9-17 13:09
作者: echo_me 时间: 2009-9-17 15:53
作者: dlmmdajgal 时间: 2009-9-21 11:33
Planning a campus visit in Nov. 我也很喜欢austin,不过就是有点太热了。你们去过oasis吗?那里风景很好的!
作者: dlmmdajgal 时间: 2009-9-21 11:33
作者: Cortega 时间: 2009-9-21 11:46
作者: ucfish 时间: 2009-9-21 15:52
以下是引用dlmmdajgal在2009/9/21 11:33:00的发言:Planning a campus visit in Nov. 我也很喜欢austin,不过就是有点太热了。你们去过oasis吗?那里风景很好的!
Have sent you my phone number. you can call me to show you around if you want. anything other help needed, just let me know.
作者: formylove 时间: 2009-9-24 21:41
感谢楼主和楼上的MM们啊。 我今年5月去过austin, 很喜欢这个城市。所以UT也是我的首选。还是希望楼上的多提供些申请经验。比如第几轮申请的, GT成绩,interview 时间+经验和录取时间。essay 中说去过这个城市,也喜欢学校的感觉是否有帮助? 还有一个问题也比较关心, UT好像奖学金很少。如果贷款方便么?谢谢拉!
作者: dlmmdajgal 时间: 2009-9-26 05:00
thanks!! I went to a forte event in chicago and chatted with Vicki Duran for a while, I asked her for application fee waiver, but didn't get it ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
I'm looking at airfare now, it's in the 350-400 range, since flying to dallas is only 200, I'd give it sometime. I'll let u know when I'm all booked.
作者: 小胡子乖乖 时间: 2009-10-8 21:27
作者: formylove 时间: 2009-11-7 11:20
顶一下。楼主,UT 有没有什么偏好的学生类型啊?在essay 或者interview里面表露自己去过Austin和UT(不是school tour)会给整个package加分么?
作者: dlmmdajgal 时间: 2009-11-10 00:44
作者: michaeljiao 时间: 2009-11-10 10:13
另: AUSTIN的申请系统真的好垃圾。。。由于不小心点击了ESSAY SUBMIT,居然ESSAY不能修改了。一般申请系统都是最后SUBMIT后才不能修改的, AUSTIN这么做有点有悖于习惯做法。
作者: 凌空抽射 时间: 2009-12-10 02:39
你好,看见这个帖子非常兴奋,因为我已经关注Mccombs很久了。 我是国内一家天然气调峰电厂的技术人员,由于国际天然气价格的波动,导致供应我厂的燃料价格波动,因此我萌生了到mccombs读energy finance的想法,不知道mccombs对于背景为电力公司的技术人员是否有兴趣?
作者: freer 时间: 2010-1-10 08:51
我对risk management感兴趣,可否介绍一下IROM中的risk management方向?师资怎样?就业如何?有中国同学学这个方向吗?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-1-31 12:42
Sorry I have not been here for a while...Feeling a little bit guity...
To freer: please refer to I think the IROM in UT is quite good, there are a lot of real-world projects the professors are involved in Texas. Those are pretty big companies like Exxon or Cheveron. For those oil & gas companies, risk management is extremely important coz each project is very huge and costs a lot of money to invest. I am having a class called business analytics and decision modeling to touch this risk mangement area, kind of heavy on math and statistics though I like it... However, few Chinese students are interested in this area...
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-1-31 12:46
to 凌空抽射:
UT's energy finance program is good. We are pround of that. And a lot of opportunities in this area for job though these days to be frank it is a little bit tough for international students(same situation for the whole country). I think UT could be very much interested in your background, do not worry about it. Just make sure you want an MBA and then go ahead to prepare for your TOFEL, GMAT and essay...
作者: freer 时间: 2010-1-31 13:25
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-1-31 13:34
no problem. contact me if any help needed... or 512-850-3849
作者: withmoon 时间: 2010-1-31 13:48
作者: pinojane 时间: 2010-2-2 15:22
标题: corporate finance & IB
Hi ucfish,
can you please share some of your experience about UT corporate finance and IB besides in energy field?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-2-3 12:32
Academic: We got very good professor: Sandy leeds, Greg Hallman for 1st semester classes. They will tell you a lot of insights that you can directly used in the interview. And you will get really well prepared if you understand everything of the class. Leeds even prepared the tape and the material for you the prepare the technical finance interview. I firmly believe if you prepared everything on Leeds' list, you are going to conquer 90% technical finance interview if not all... U will feel really confident about finance questions then.
For IB:
most of the big firms have office in houston and a few in dallas. Their office in Texas are mostly to deal with the oil & gas commodity trading or M&A in this area. They hire most people from UT because of our location advantage alumni network and reputation.
For NY offices or international offices, they also hire several students each year. we got fair amount of alumni in every firm.
For those who want to do IB, my suggestion is going to be:networking, networking, networking... Life is tough these days, apprently Ibanks are not having a good time... Try to do a lot of networking and be connected with the ibankers (which most Chinese students including me is not an expert compared with US students), take part in every event they hold, follow up them with phone call, email, coffee chat or whatever... and you have to be very smart, very good at both technical finance and communication, work damn hard (100 hrs per week just for internship...) better you have finance or accounting or consulting background. without it, it is still possible but maybe you need double networking...
For corporate finance:
not much to say. networking + finance/accounting background. It is challenging for international students coz few companies other than IB/consulting hire internaiontal students these days, even more challenging for career switcher... this is currently the situation crossing US, hopefully it will get better soon...
作者: pinojane 时间: 2010-2-3 15:04
标题: thank you
appreciate your detail answers ucfish~!!!
one more question, when you say chinese students? are you referring international chinese students or including all other chinese students from the US?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-2-4 01:48
as long as you are perminent resident or US citizen, you are not considered as international...
作者: pinojane 时间: 2010-2-4 03:44
sorry to bug you again, i am thinking should i go texas or stay at LA
" (which most Chinese students including me is not an expert compared with US students)"
does this above chinese students including all chinese (international and perminent resident)? I know in some cases and some industry, people other than white is hard to get in. Just want to know if IB at TX is the one.
once again, thanks a lot
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-2-4 08:01
I think generally Chinese, even asian are not good at social with others. I do not think it is about whether you are white or not. I think IB are quite open to all as long as you have the right backgroudn/knowledge/social skills sets...
作者: bright_brad 时间: 2010-2-4 14:19
标题: 飘过
作者: pinojane 时间: 2010-2-8 09:54
its me again -o-
did ut austin do background check last year? can you share some of your experience? thanks
i have decided im going to Austin!!
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-2-8 13:50
Hi pinojane:
I did not hear about that...I don't know whether they checked me or not coz they did not inform me anything about that...
作者: Farrell314 时间: 2010-4-26 15:14
austin is my dream place...
one of my classmate has been there already, but I am now staying in China....
when would it be the day I went there?
作者: pierrot 时间: 2010-4-28 11:45
Anyone talked about 'bias' in Texas or UTA?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-5-2 05:25
what kind of bias do you mean? ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/0.gif)
作者: wuduoduo 时间: 2010-7-28 11:46
请问class 2011 一共多少人,多少大陆学生?
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-10-6 21:37
265 for the whole class, 5 from mainland China
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-10-6 21:45
In terms of job placement this year, here is some update.The job placement this year looks quite nice here in UT, a large number of students already got a job, so there is constant low volume of application for most of the jobs on job board right now, the school said it is beginning to calculate job rate at an unsual early time of the year. All the 5 2nd year Chinese students already got at least one offer, 4 in US, 1 consulting in China.
作者: pazzini10 时间: 2010-10-11 00:05
8月份在dallas,开车去austin玩了两次,真是和谐美丽的城市,怀念那里的Irish酒吧,long horn体育场,UT的钟楼,大桥下的蝙蝠,怀念那里的一切,正在考虑申请下一届AUSTIN MBA
作者: ucfish 时间: 2010-10-11 12:01
let me know if you need any help.
8月份在dallas,开车去austin玩了两次,真是和谐美丽的城市,怀念那里的Irish酒吧,long horn体育场,UT的钟楼,大桥下的蝙蝠,怀念那里的一切,正在考虑申请下一届AUSTIN MBA
-- by 会员 pazzini10 (2010/10/11 0:05:28)
作者: pierrot 时间: 2010-12-17 11:04
作者: idle_lie 时间: 2010-12-17 11:40
Hi, can you share information about UTA's real estate Finance and Investment Center? Is there any international students from a real estate development background? Thx.
作者: rainyrainy 时间: 2011-2-12 17:52
不知道class 2012的中国同学实习找的怎么样了?
以及,前面说的二年级找工作的4 in US,全都是留在德州州内吗
作者: ucfish 时间: 2011-2-16 08:02
Hi, can you share information about UTA's real estate Finance and Investment Center? Is there any international students from a real estate development background? Thx.
-- by 会员 idle_lie (2010/12/17 11:40:22)
作者: ucfish 时间: 2011-2-16 08:04
不知道class 2012的中国同学实习找的怎么样了?
以及,前面说的二年级找工作的4 in US,全都是留在德州州内吗
-- by 会员 rainyrainy (2011/2/12 17:52:45)
作者: onlyloss 时间: 2011-2-16 10:50
我1月14号交的申请。 可最后一封推荐信和成绩单两个星期前才送到。 现在已经2月16号了。 我还没收到面试。 请问我还有希望吗。。?
作者: rockmeifyoucan 时间: 2011-2-26 01:14
be very patient. 我christmas前alum interview结束.搞到昨天才拿到admission,本来以为没戏了,呵呵
作者: jacktong 时间: 2011-2-27 13:08
请问楼主,UT Austin Program中concentration on marketing怎么样呢?我曾经看到贵校MBA中Marketing方向排在全美前十..哪请问这个项目相对于其他学校的特点与强项亮点是什么呢?有没有中国申请人就读于这个项目呢?
作者: kazemi 时间: 2011-4-3 11:28
原来是你啊,LZ~~我们年底在上海见过次,上星期面了UT,希望早点收到UT ad啊~~
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