标题: GWD28-Q9 [打印本页]
作者: anzhiying 时间: 2009-9-4 12:04
标题: GWD28-Q9
9. GWD28-Q9:
Early in the twentieth century, Lake
Konfa became very polluted. Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake’s waters have become cleaner. Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again. However, a technology for preventing leaks is being installed. Therefore, provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless.
The argument depends on assuming which of the following?
A. Apart from development related to the pipeline, there will be no new industrial development around the lake that will create renewed pollution in its waters.
B. Other than the possibility of a leak, there is no realistic pollution threat posed to the lake by the pipeline’s construction.
C. There is no reason to believe that the leak-preventing technology would be ineffective when installed in the pipeline in Lake
D. Damage to the lake’s fish populations would be the only harm that a leak of oil from the pipeline would cause.
E. The species of fish that are present in Lake
Konfa now are the same as those that were in the lake before it was affected by pollution.
作者: wuyan830308 时间: 2009-9-4 15:26
作者: kingwhl0943 时间: 2009-9-4 15:27
作者: anzhiying 时间: 2009-9-4 17:34
作者: anzhiying 时间: 2009-9-6 11:59
作者: yinan 时间: 2009-9-14 15:40
题中关注的是这个pipeline,逻辑是technology可以阻止pipeline形成的污染,与其他new industrial development around the lake,无关
作者: wlcheer 时间: 2009-12-29 16:54
作者: wlcheer 时间: 2009-12-29 16:54
作者: lmf0801 时间: 2010-8-17 08:02
把老题顶出来 想问一下C为什么不对 GWD给的答案是B 但是我觉的C更贴近 C说没有其他原因会导致这个technology失效么
?????? 求大侠解释一下
作者: goldenrice 时间: 2010-8-27 09:04
把老题顶出来 想问一下C为什么不对 GWD给的答案是B 但是我觉的C更贴近 C说没有其他原因会导致这个technology失效么
?????? 求大侠解释一下
-- by 会员 lmf0801 (2010/8/17 8:02:32)
作者: gaor 时间: 2010-8-27 17:13
文章是说:只要防漏技术没问题 就没问题。'provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless.'
C是在强调技术不会有问题,但可能会有其他因素让人fear,所以并不能支持 ‘只要防漏技术没问题,就保证不会出现其他问题‘
作者: tracyzhuxiao 时间: 2011-10-20 17:50
fears 的核心是pollution, 而非只有leak一种, 故B把其他可能性也排除了, 而C就算这技术木问题, 还有other pollution 的可能性
作者: yarmy 时间: 2011-10-29 14:44
Therefore, provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless. 题目都说了。只要是有效的。C说没有理由相信是无效的,不是就是原文结论的前提条件的重写么。所以不对。
作者: 逆水潜龙 时间: 2012-5-16 11:56
9. GWD28-Q9:
Early in the twentieth century, Lake Konfa became very polluted. Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake’s waters have become cleaner. Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again. However, a technology for preventing leaks is being installed. Therefore, provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless. 结论:只要技术是有效的,(建油管污染环境)的那些忧虑就是无理由的。
The argument depends on assuming which of the following?
A. Apart from development related to the pipeline, there will be no new industrial development around the lake that will create renewed pollution in its waters. 取非,会导致湖水继续受污染,但与结论技术无关,只讲明油管是唯一污染源。
B. !Other than the possibility of a leak, there is no realistic pollution threat posed to the lake by the pipeline’s construction. 排除他因,defense。排除有其他物质影响油管结构。
C. There is no reason to believe that the leak渗漏-preventing technology would be ineffective when installed in the pipeline in Lake Konfa. 技术有效,重复原文条件,原文已经讲有效。
D. Damage to the lake’s fish populations would be the only harm that a leak of oil from the pipeline would cause.
E. The species of fish that are present in Lake Konfa now are the same as those that were in the lake before it was affected by pollution.
作者: zhaixuting 时间: 2013-5-8 20:52
背景:∵Pollution↓ ∴fish↑
∵P1: oil pp× (负面)
P2:Tech prevent oil pp× (正面,反P1)
∴C:oil pp 不会造成pollution↑
要说明结论oil pp不会造成pollution的hidden premise必须涉及结论中的两个东西,即oil pp 和pollution
A项~其实本身有一定道理啦~但是明确conclusion再一看,跟oil pp有毛关系啊,根本不算hidden premise;
B项~hidden的支持了oil pp不会造成pollution,绝对hidden premise;
D项~这项我理解的意思是pollution的来源只有oil pp。我原本感觉这一项挺像,既有pollution又有oil pp。所以就取反来看(我英语不好,思维也慢总是觉得取反了不易理解。。。),取反后就说pollution的来源不光有oil pp,引申一下,还可能有industrial create renewed pollution。这不就是A错的原因么。。。另外D项可能不该这么解释,忘nn指出!
E项压根和oil pp没关系了。。。太无关了
作者: 小满枝77 时间: 2013-11-5 14:18
文章的最后一句就说Therefore, provided this technology is effective,C就是在反过来了啊。并不是假设啊。以前prep有一道题的一个正确选项是说,管子本身不会因为搅动让湖底沉淀的污染物再次污染湖。换过来是一个意思,就是没有其他方式污染湖。
作者: zzloveyibo 时间: 2014-5-17 16:29
fears 的核心是pollution, 而非只有leak一种, 故B把其他可能性也排除了, 而C就算这技术木问题, 还有other pollution 的可能性
作者: jinlin8823 时间: 2014-7-13 09:53
这种推论 判定 要考虑 问的是什么 如果问的是 结论的话 要直接攻击结论 不能找它的条件 这里面就是管道技术可以支持 不用害怕管道泄漏 那么直接攻击的就是 管道泄漏
作者: alexdesire 时间: 2014-9-18 16:48
goldenrice 发表于 2010-8-27 09:04
把老题顶出来 想问一下C为什么不对 GWD给的答案是B 但是我觉的C更贴近 C说没有其他原因会导致这个techno ...
assumption应该是unstated is not
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