
标题: Goizueta (Emory) MBA Class 2011 Taking Questions [打印本页]

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-25 09:48
标题: Goizueta (Emory) MBA Class 2011 Taking Questions


今年GOIZUETA一共招收了171名2-year program的学生,其中43名是国际学生,中国大陆的4名,台湾1名。去年国际学生62个,中国大陆12名,台湾3名。


我们希望对GOIZUETA有兴趣的申请者能够先研究下学校的官方网站,了解基本的信息。这是每个申请者必做的功课,也可以节省我们的时间,毕竟我们不可能像专职的admission officer一样去整理各种数据和资料。

Full Time MBA Program Admission:
About Goizueta Business School:


另外,我们要特别提示大家,在以下的网站中可以查看到最新的MBA Recruiting Travel Schedule。

2009年9月10日在北京,9月12日在上海,Goizueta Admission Office的Kathleen Edwards会参加MBA TOUR。2010年1月还有一次中国行在schedule中。

如果你已经有了一定的准备,可以通过上面的网站链接预约interview。预约时需要提供resume和GT成绩单。请注意,这不是information interview,而是正式的interview,请慎重对待。



BusinessWeek - #23 in fall 2008
The Economist - #21 among US programs, #39 among all programs internationally in fall 2008
The Financial Times - #13 among US programs, #24 among all programs internationally in winter 2009
U.S. News & World Report - #22 in spring 2009


作者: 风吹稻浪    时间: 2009-8-25 10:42


以前在MBA TOUR 还见过 Goizueta的人员,很文静的一个美国MM。

作者: unob    时间: 2009-8-26 11:50

如果你已经有了一定的准备,可以通过上面的网站链接预约interview。预约时需要提供resume和GT成绩单。请注意,这不是information interview,而是正式的interview,请慎重对待。



[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/26 11:50:25编辑过]

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-26 13:17
以下是引用unob在2009/8/26 11:50:00的发言:

如果你已经有了一定的准备,可以通过上面的网站链接预约interview。预约时需要提供resume和GT成绩单。请注意,这不是information interview,而是正式的interview,请慎重对待。



如果你人在国内,现在预约的就是9月MBA TOUR时的面试。

提交材料后,如果你的基本情况在TARGET POOL内,ADCOM会发邮件给你通知时间地点。之所以设置了这样一个筛选过程,是因为ADCOM不希望将申请者将GOIZUETA提供的这种便利当做是INTERVIEW PRACTICE的机会。 

我个人的情况是一周以内获得确认的,但是不排除预约已满的状况,因为MBA TOUR时可供面试的TIME SLOT相当有限。不过,由于9月大多数申请人还没有WELL PREPARED,相信机会比较大。

作者: 天天灿烂    时间: 2009-8-26 13:20

Thanks for the initiative.

Looking forward to meeting you guys in a few days.

作者: unob    时间: 2009-8-26 14:33
以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/8/26 13:17:00的发言:

如果你人在国内,现在预约的就是9月MBA TOUR时的面试。

提交材料后,如果你的基本情况在TARGET POOL内,ADCOM会发邮件给你通知时间地点。之所以设置了这样一个筛选过程,是因为ADCOM不希望将申请者将GOIZUETA提供的这种便利当做是INTERVIEW PRACTICE的机会。 

我个人的情况是一周以内获得确认的,但是不排除预约已满的状况,因为MBA TOUR时可供面试的TIME SLOT相当有限。不过,由于9月大多数申请人还没有WELL PREPARED,相信机会比较大。



作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-27 03:46
以下是引用unob在2009/8/26 14:33:00的发言:




你的第二个问题,我不认为会有官方回答。之前已经解释过,有可能是TIME SLOT不匹配而无法在9月TOUR上面试。另外,之后还是要交完整的package的,包括essay和RL,还要考虑所有中国applicant pool的整体情况。因此什么都有可能发生。

我的建议是,如果你目前还没有well prepared,那么你可以不用急着赶9月这轮面试。但是如果你已经prepared了,那么自然是越早越好。

作者: rainbow79    时间: 2009-8-27 09:22

想问一下interview都需要做什么准备工作呢? 是不是要把学校网站的资料都看一遍?


作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-27 09:55
以下是引用rainbow79在2009/8/27 9:22:00的发言:

想问一下interview都需要做什么准备工作呢? 是不是要把学校网站的资料都看一遍?


学校网站的资料应该是更早阶段就开始做的事情,当然其中有些内容会在interview时用到,譬如说提一些有针对性的问题等等。至于什么是有针对性的问题,I leave the question to you. If you feel Goizueta is the right school, you'll spend time finding it out.

Why MBA/ Why Goizueta/ Why now/ career goal/ examples to show your leadership/ international exposure/ failure之类的typical问题一般都会问到。也可能让你walk through resume。(To be frankly...surprised to learn that you have no idea of this...)

Make sure to prepare for any specific questions relevant to contents you put on your resume or any example you mention. And also prepare for talking a little bit about your leisure life, you won't want adcom feel that you are a boring guy.

Smile, eye contact, proper control on the speed and progress.

Be polite. Be professional.

Show your passion.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/27 9:57:09编辑过]

作者: unob    时间: 2009-8-28 12:13
以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/8/27 3:46:00的发言:


你的第二个问题,我不认为会有官方回答。之前已经解释过,有可能是TIME SLOT不匹配而无法在9月TOUR上面试。另外,之后还是要交完整的package的,包括essay和RL,还要考虑所有中国applicant pool的整体情况。因此什么都有可能发生。

我的建议是,如果你目前还没有well prepared,那么你可以不用急着赶9月这轮面试。但是如果你已经prepared了,那么自然是越早越好。

Goizueta's Full-Time MBA Interview Request

Please complete this form and a member of our admissions team will contact you to schedule an interview. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

* First Name* Last Name
* Email Address* hone
* Interview City


* rogram Preference:
One-Year Full-Time MBA
Two-Year Full-Time MBA
Both One-Year & Two-Year Full-Time MBA

Please upload a current resume, GMAT score report, and (if required) TOEFL/IELTS score report. If you are unable to do this, please complete information above and fax materials to 1-404-727-4612.


(To upload more than one document create and upload a ZIP file of your documents (a single file that contains multiple files)).

点REQUEST之后,出现上面这样的界面,最后一部分要求上传resume和score report,怎么只有个“浏览”?我看有的学校网站上,除了有“浏览”之外,还有“upload”。是不是点击“浏览”之后,选中文件,直接点submit就可以把资料传过去了?

作者: ckwok    时间: 2009-8-28 22:39



1、有没有上述offer的背景和financial aid情况?

2、若not well prepared, 是否不in比in好?担心影响真实水平。

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-29 02:37
以下是引用unob在2009/8/28 12:13:00的发言:

Yes, that looks weird. You may request online, and then shoot an email to to follow up.

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-29 02:43
以下是引用ckwok在2009/8/28 22:39:00的发言:



1、有没有上述offer的背景和financial aid情况?

2、若not well prepared, 是否不in比in好?担心影响真实水平。

1、大陆学生的背景是:IT consulting / Audit / HR / Sales&Finance, 台湾学生是Finance背景。目前知道2个FULL TUITION WAIVE,其他应该也有数目不少的奖学金,但是钱的问题比较敏感,不太合适交流。LOAN方面的话,GOIZUETA今年仍然是提供NO-COSIGNER的贷款的。

2、Do it when you feel it's the right time. Just generally, better early than late.

     You can see the next face-to-face interview round is highly possible in Jan 2010, and that's the time almost everybody gets well prepared. I know it's a difficult decision, but as an prospective MBA, trade-off should also be part of your life.

作者: bigcoke    时间: 2009-8-29 11:16




[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/29 11:16:58编辑过]

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-29 11:37
以下是引用bigcoke在2009/8/29 11:16:00的发言:




1. Below is the data you need.

    Next time, please check the website for such basic information.    

Application Deadlines

* International applicants are encouraged to apply by December 1, 2009. However, applications received by the final program deadline will still be given complete consideration.

** All One-Year Program applicants and all those who wish to be considered for scholarships must submit the application and all materials  by February 1, 2010 to be given complete consideration.


So, you are encouraged to apply before 1 Dec 2009, and at latest before 1 Feb 2010 if you need scholarship.

2. There is no official data. And even there is, it's for all students. Goizueta is generous to Chinese students. The adcom is also fully aware that you may apply for Goizueta with such a purpose. But they have explicitly told us this year the budget is tight due to the economy. And they do want to see students are coming to Goizueta for some other reasons.

So how about taking the scholarship as a second step after getting admitted? If your package is shiny enough, they will give you money. You will know how much you will get when you receive the admission letter.

作者: 茹公子    时间: 2009-8-31 19:06




作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-8-31 20:39
以下是引用茹公子在2009/8/31 19:06:00的发言:




You can explain that you've only received the online score and you'd like to follow up once the papar transcript arrives at you.

Good Luck!

作者: niulife    时间: 2009-9-1 06:42
请教一下, 以往有没有法律背景,但不是律师的申请人,然后被录取的?谢谢。
作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-1 07:52
以下是引用niulife在2009/9/1 6:42:00的发言:
请教一下, 以往有没有法律背景,但不是律师的申请人,然后被录取的?谢谢。

So you mean your undergraduate is majored in law but you did not practice? I don't know people with the same background. But it should not keep you from applying. 2-year MBA program doesn't require a business academic background or work experience. Just make sure that your story is consistent and persuasive.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/1 7:54:19编辑过]

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-1 08:09

I would like to share with all prospective students some important highlights in Goizueta which you definitely want to mention in your application package or interview.

On Sept 2nd, we will have a Leadership Summit at the school co-sponsored by Goizueta and NYSE Euronext. Duncan Niederauer (CEO of NYSE Euronext), Daniel P. Amos (Chairman & CEO  of AFLAC), Frank Blake (Chairman & CEO of Home Depot) and Dennis Lockhart (President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) will be in the CEOs Panel Discussion: Where Do We Go from Here? CNN Business Correspondant Susan Lisovicz will be the moderator.

On the same day, Goizueta will ring the closing bell for NYSE remotely. Every year, the closing bell is rung remotely for only 10 times or so, and Goizueta is the first business school in history doing that. This will also be the first remote closing bell rung in Georgia. (

CEO Panel Discussion streamed live on:
Closing Bell viewable on national media feeds:, CNBC, Bloomberg and others

This is an exciting event to which we are looking forward!

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/2 7:55:24编辑过]

作者: wuyc    时间: 2009-9-1 18:15


作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-2 07:59
以下是引用wuyc在2009/9/1 18:15:00的发言:


You may check the above website for details (See Option 2). But to give you some general clue, here is info extracted from there: An applicant must be an international student attending Goizueta and become a member of the Emory Alliance Credit Union to receive funding. You may borrow up to $84,000 for your MBA program with a limit of $50,000 for each academic year (or the cost of attendance less any other aid received).

作者: niulife    时间: 2009-9-2 09:32
以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/1 7:52:00的发言:

So you mean your undergraduate is majored in law but you did not practice? I don't know people with the same background. But it should not keep you from applying. 2-year MBA program doesn't require a business academic background or work experience. Just make sure that your story is consistent and persuasive.

Hi, Thanks for the reply. Let me give you some more details. My undergradute major was computer science. I moved to U.S after getting the degree,. I have been working in a law firm untill now (3 years), which has nothing to do with computer science.. I have been considering going to law school or business school. And I have decided to apply for MBA in Emory for next academic year now. My background is a bit complicated.and non traditional. So my concern is whether it is tough for such a person to secure a job in a new position and industry. I would like to know whether there are some people with the same situation that landed a job after MBA graduation.

Thank you again.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/2 13:47:48编辑过]

作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-2 13:45
以下是引用niulife在2009/9/2 9:32:00的发言:

Hi, Thanks for the reply. Let me give you some more details. My undergradute major was computer science. After I moved to U.S after getting the degree,. I have been working in a law firm untill now (3 years), which has nothing to do with computer science.. I have been considering going to law school or business school. And I have decided to apply for MBA in Emory for next academic year now. My background is a bit complicated.and non traditional. So my concern is whether it is tough for such a person to secure a job in a new position and industry. I would like to know whether there are some people with the same situation that landed a job after MBA graduation.

Thank you again.

To be frankly, it's not easy to find anybody here of similar background. Maybe there is, but I don't know.

Goizueta does have a JD/MBA dual degree. And we do have several students pursuing this dual degree. Typically you will spend 2.5 years in law school and 1.5 years in Goizueta. Here is relevant info on our website if you are interested: 

Besides, this year we have a student from Venezuela whose works for a law firm for his entire career life up to now. And he is not in JD/MBA dual degree program.

Considering current economy, everybody faces challenges to "secure" a job. Maybe you could think this way: You studied computer science and worked for a law firm --- what's in common and what's the difference? How the two industries benefit you from different angles? What's your drive to enter a law firm instead of computer-related industry? What's your drive to apply for b-school now? Try to sort out the gap between now and future, and try to prove that a combination of your past and Goizueta can bridge that gap. Try to rationalize it.

作者: GREVOCA    时间: 2009-9-2 23:10



另外,下面的这两个deadline前提交的package,是不是都是在2月份集中面试? 还是中间会有校友面试?

  • November 1, 2009 - Early Deadline
  • December 1, 2009* - Recommended International Deadline

  • [此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/2 23:14:46编辑过]

    作者: 小眼看天    时间: 2009-9-3 08:58
    请问lz,刚拿到面试通知,信中说要穿professional business attire,请问是不是一定要穿西装上衣呢?



    作者: xx7x80    时间: 2009-9-3 10:08
    以下是引用小眼看天在2009/9/3 8:58:00的发言:
    请问lz,刚拿到面试通知,信中说要穿professional business attire,请问是不是一定要穿西装上衣呢?




    作者: brass20y    时间: 2009-9-3 10:11


    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-3 11:25
    以下是引用GREVOCA在2009/9/2 23:10:00的发言:



    另外,下面的这两个deadline前提交的package,是不是都是在2月份集中面试? 还是中间会有校友面试?

  • November 1, 2009 - Early Deadline
  • December 1, 2009* - Recommended International Deadline

  • Personally I don't think it will shut the door if you did not get interview invitation this time. There is still plenty of time.

    And if you check our world tour website (link shared already), you will find Goizueta will be in China in Jan 2010 to do interviews. I don't think we do any alumni interview.

    I am checking with Admission office for more details, but please be patient as they are traveling currently.

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-3 11:33
    以下是引用小眼看天在2009/9/3 8:58:00的发言:
    请问lz,刚拿到面试通知,信中说要穿professional business attire,请问是不是一定要穿西装上衣呢?




    Here is Goizueta's definitiion of professional business attire, and the standard is universal actually.



    Please follow strictly. Don't give the interviewer any excuse to fail you.

    (BTW, you are interviewed in a hotel...there is air-con! And you can take a cab to the venue, if you are worried about the temperature. Or you can get earlier to get yourself cooler...)

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-3 11:36

    Above link is a video about today's NYSE closing bell.

    Above link is about today's panel discussion in Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-3 20:51
    以下是引用GREVOCA在2009/9/2 23:10:00的发言:



    另外,下面的这两个deadline前提交的package,是不是都是在2月份集中面试? 还是中间会有校友面试?

  • November 1, 2009 - Early Deadline
  • December 1, 2009* - Recommended International Deadline

  • I got the feedback from admission office. See below comments. Let me know if it does not answer your questions.

    Q1: If they requested for interview in Sept MBA tour before submitting package but did not receive the interview invitation, does that mean they are filtered out completely? 

    No! There were a limited number of spaces which filled up quickly. They should still move forward with the application if they are interested!

    Q2: Have all interview invitations of Sept MBA tour in Shanghai & Beijing been sent out? If not, is there a estimated cut-off date?

    The interview slots filled up very quickly but please encourage people to come to The MBA Tour fair. I will be there to meet them and we will have alumni there as well!

    Q3: If candidates are not interviewed in Sept MBA tour, I suppose they may expect for an interview in Jan 2010? Is there any difference for people who submit before 1 Nov 2009 from those submit before 1 Dec 2009? Is it possible to get video interview or phone interview during the process?

    International students should apply by December 2009. If they have not already interviewed when they apply, their applications will be reviewed and possibly recieve an invitation to interview in person or via phone or video.

    作者: GUP    时间: 2009-9-3 21:06
    以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/3 20:51:00的发言:

    I got the feedback from admission office. See below comments. Let me know if it does not answer your questions.

    Q1: If they requested for interview in Sept MBA tour before submitting package but did not receive the interview invitation, does that mean they are filtered out completely? 

    No! There were a limited number of spaces which filled up quickly. They should still move forward with the application if they are interested!

    Q2: Have all interview invitations of Sept MBA tour in Shanghai & Beijing been sent out? If not, is there a estimated cut-off date?

    The interview slots filled up very quickly but please encourage people to come to The MBA Tour fair. I will be there to meet them and we will have alumni there as well!

    Q3: If candidates are not interviewed in Sept MBA tour, I suppose they may expect for an interview in Jan 2010? Is there any difference for people who submit before 1 Nov 2009 from those submit before 1 Dec 2009? Is it possible to get video interview or phone interview during the process?

    International students should apply by December 2009. If they have not already interviewed when they apply, their applications will be reviewed and possibly recieve an invitation to interview in person or via phone or video.



    [此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/3 21:10:45编辑过]

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-3 23:28
    以下是引用GUP在2009/9/3 21:06:00的发言:



    Thank  you for sharing your feeling.

    I would say let's be realistic. Non-official reply is always subjective, varying from person to person. And official reply is of that typical standard. This applies to all business schools, not only Goizueta. "It depends" does work a lot in the real world.

    What I can share with you is that Kathleen may only have time to interview 3-4 candidates (45-min for each or so) in each city as she only stays there for 1 or 2 days. Her schedule is really tight. So the above reply is quite reasonable from my perspective.

    If I were in this specific condition, I would submit my package even without interview invitation. First, if not, the probability for my admission is zero. Second, it's only early September, isn't it?

    But I am not the decision maker here. Whether or when to give up is your personal choice, though I'd love to give you all available reference information here and I hope you won't.

    One more point, making judgments in ambiguity is also a quality that most b-schools are seeking for.

    作者: 茹公子    时间: 2009-9-4 00:19


    作者: 291004    时间: 2009-9-5 08:04

    关于提交材料之后面试的时间,我个人去年的经历是提交了材料,但是没有排进上海的面试,后来1月才video interview的,一周后给了录取决定。

    我印象中其他好些申请人也是如此。其实原因很简单,adcom在上海能呆的时间很短,排不进多少人的,自然会有不少人需要等到以后才面试。所以大家尽早联系尽早提交,如果实在排不进也不是特别严重的事情,实际上我知道的去年和我一起1月video interview的上海发了不少于3个offer.所以adcom的上述回答,实际上是很客观的陈述事实,不是敷衍的套话。

    作者: buenas    时间: 2009-9-6 11:02


    我有幸拿到了北京的面试。可是通知里说要我带photo id。我只有身份证和工作证上是有照片的~~~kathleen不会把我的身份证留下吧??

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-6 13:56
    以下是引用buenas在2009/9/6 11:02:00的发言:


    我有幸拿到了北京的面试。可是通知里说要我带photo id。我只有身份证和工作证上是有照片的~~~kathleen不会把我的身份证留下吧??

    I think it's just for confirming your identity...she will not return to Goizueta with your ID card... :-)

    Good luck!

    作者: lecherous    时间: 2009-9-6 19:44
    作者: brass20y    时间: 2009-9-8 21:08



    作者: well4eva    时间: 2009-9-9 00:03
    作者: brass20y    时间: 2009-9-9 00:04


    作者: well4eva    时间: 2009-9-9 00:07

    请问lz, 我看到08就业报告上面有不少同学land a job in consulting的。请问中国同学有这种机会吗?特别是那些入学前背景不是咨询业的。另外,在07-08 top recruiting firm里面有不少consulting firm,不知道他们是否都有招人?还有如果可能的话,能否简单透露一下前几届中国学生毕业后的职业/职位都是些什么?

    [此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/9 10:00:29编辑过]

    作者: crispypeach    时间: 2009-9-11 20:18

    I like Emory for its small size and one-on-one coaching method. And now I've got several questions that hope you could give some advice:

    - I learned that we will have concentrations with flexibility. how many concentrations can one take?

    - Actually I will head for 2 kinds of jobs after MBA. One is strategic marketing positions in corporate and the other is consulting. And my long term is to go back to China to open my own marketing consulting firm. For the option of marketing in corporate, I can see that Goizueta's location does help. But what exactly job content one can have after graduation?

    - I'm bit confused about the mid-semester module. What is it like?

    Thanks a lot!

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-12 04:41
    以下是引用well4eva在2009/9/9 0:07:00的发言:

    请问lz, 我看到08就业报告上面有不少同学land a job in consulting的。请问中国同学有这种机会吗?特别是那些入学前背景不是咨询业的。另外,在07-08 top recruiting firm里面有不少consulting firm,不知道他们是否都有招人?还有如果可能的话,能否简单透露一下前几届中国学生毕业后的职业/职位都是些什么?

    Thank you for posting your question here as advised.

    Everyone will have a chance, but please also be prepared for the fierce competition. Actually, whether you can land a job in consulting depends on your own fitness, not home country.

    We had Deloitte consulting presentation just yesterday. BCG & Bain will come next week. Accenture is also coming. Some other consulting firms are coming but not open to international students. And some are not coming but they will post positions to our career center later.

    Most of the Chinese students are in finance, operation and marketing track. To be frankly speaking, if your intention is to land a job in big strategic or management consulting firm, you may need to consider whether Goizueta is the "right" school for you. I am not saying that you cannot make it in Goizueta, but just that it's not easy, esp for people with no consulting background.

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-12 05:02
    以下是引用crispypeach在2009/9/11 20:18:00的发言:

    I like Emory for its small size and one-on-one coaching method. And now I've got several questions that hope you could give some advice:

    - I learned that we will have concentrations with flexibility. how many concentrations can one take?

    - Actually I will head for 2 kinds of jobs after MBA. One is strategic marketing positions in corporate and the other is consulting. And my long term is to go back to China to open my own marketing consulting firm. For the option of marketing in corporate, I can see that Goizueta's location does help. But what exactly job content one can have after graduation?

    - I'm bit confused about the mid-semester module. What is it like?

    Thanks a lot!

    Thank you for posting the question here as advised. I am glad that you are interested in Goizueta.

    - Currently we have concentrations in finance, marketing, organization&management, accounting, global management and decision & info analysis. But in Goizueta, concentration is not required or limited. So you can customize it based on your own needs. And you will have core course in the first semester, after which all electives.

    - We've met some Chinese alumni recently and some of them are in marketing track. But most of them are in the quantitative side. I'll say if you plan to stay in US for a couple of years after graduation, you may face a lot of competition from native students, as they are more familiar with local market and local customers. Marketing sometimes is really culture related. But if you don't mind to start from market analysis, I think it's not unattainable.

    - Mid-semester module is a 1.5 week project in Spring semster. You can either stay in Atlanta to take some mini-courses or travel to other countries. It's kind of project based. In Spring 2009, Atlanta-based projects include healthcare, finance/valuation, syndicated data analysis for brand managers, communicating with your boss and economics & finance of sports. Global travel includes China, brazil and Dubai/Cairo.

    作者: 小胡子乖乖    时间: 2009-9-12 13:18
    你好,请问能共享一部分emory2010年的internship和2009年的job placement数据吗?

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-14 07:59
    以下是引用crispypeach在2009/9/11 20:18:00的发言:

    I like Emory for its small size and one-on-one coaching method. And now I've got several questions that hope you could give some advice:

    - I learned that we will have concentrations with flexibility. how many concentrations can one take?

    - Actually I will head for 2 kinds of jobs after MBA. One is strategic marketing positions in corporate and the other is consulting. And my long term is to go back to China to open my own marketing consulting firm. For the option of marketing in corporate, I can see that Goizueta's location does help. But what exactly job content one can have after graduation?

    - I'm bit confused about the mid-semester module. What is it like?

    Thanks a lot!


    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-15 04:51
    以下是引用小胡子乖乖在2009/9/12 13:18:00的发言:
    你好,请问能共享一部分emory2010年的internship和2009年的job placement数据吗?

    The official data will be released in early Oct. We will update once it's available.

    作者: yangliu0401    时间: 2009-9-16 04:38

    I formerly worked in a whorld leading accounting firm in China as an auditor for 4 years, and now work as a project manager in a NGO organization founded in the US by Chinese people. I know that Goizueta provides a good opportunity for concentration on finance, consulting and marketing, etc. While my long-term goal is going back to China and establishing my own NGO. So here I want to get some information about the non-profit concentration in Goizueta. Thanks for sharing!

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-16 10:24
    以下是引用yangliu0401在2009/9/16 4:38:00的发言:

    I formerly worked in a whorld leading accounting firm in China as an auditor for 4 years, and now work as a project manager in a NGO organization founded in the US by Chinese people. I know that Goizueta provides a good opportunity for concentration on finance, consulting and marketing, etc. While my long-term goal is going back to China and establishing my own NGO. So here I want to get some information about the non-profit concentration in Goizueta. Thanks for sharing!

    NGO is not one of our regular concentrations. But you could customize your own concentration per your needs.

    作者: banbby    时间: 2009-9-16 14:26


  • Completed coursework (prior to program start date) which includes: Statistics, Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance and Microeconomics
  • 是说在本科学习的时候就要读过这些课程么?没读过是不是不符合要求?


    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-16 20:48
    以下是引用banbby在2009/9/16 14:26:00的发言:


  • Completed coursework (prior to program start date) which includes: Statistics, Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance and Microeconomics
  • 是说在本科学习的时候就要读过这些课程么?没读过是不是不符合要求?


    Yes, that's a MUST requirement for 1-year MBA program. Also, you will need have work experience in business already.

    Actually the above is one of the major differences in selection criteria of the two programs.

    作者: sunny_book    时间: 2009-9-16 21:40
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-17 07:49
    以下是引用sunny_book在2009/9/16 21:40:00的发言:

    Living expense varies from person to person, but basically Atlanta's living cost is not high in US.

    No on-campus housing is available, and most off-campus houses are unfurnished. Emory has several shuttle bus lines, so you may consider apartmens or houses along the routes. Once you got admitted, you will receive information from adcom and I'd love to share more details with you then.

    Public transportation is awful, compared with Shanghai, and I guess it's the same situation in US everywhere except for NY. Plan for learning to drive and car purchasing, or you will be constrained around the campus, which is fine for the 1st semester though.

    You have plenty of choices for eating on campus. But most Chinese students saves money as well as your stomach. We have Asian supermarkets in Atlanta, but you do need a car to reach there.

    作者: sunny_book    时间: 2009-9-17 09:34
    以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/17 7:49:00的发言:

    Living expense varies from person to person, but basically Atlanta's living cost is not high in US.

    No on-campus housing is available, and most off-campus houses are unfurnished. Emory has several shuttle bus lines, so you may consider apartmens or houses along the routes. Once you got admitted, you will receive information from adcom and I'd love to share more details with you then.

    Public transportation is awful, compared with Shanghai, and I guess it's the same situation in US everywhere except for NY. Plan for learning to drive and car purchasing, or you will be constrained around the campus, which is fine for the 1st semester though.

    You have plenty of choices for eating on campus. But most Chinese students saves money as well as your stomach. We have Asian supermarkets in Atlanta, but you do need a car to reach there.

    作者: banbby    时间: 2009-9-17 11:26
    以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/16 20:48:00的发言:

    Yes, that's a MUST requirement for 1-year MBA program. Also, you will need have work experience in business already.

    Actually the above is one of the major differences in selection criteria of the two programs.

    Thanks for your reply!

    作者: yangliu0401    时间: 2009-9-19 01:15
    以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/16 10:24:00的发言:

    NGO is not one of our regular concentrations. But you could customize your own concentration per your needs.

    Thanks for your suggestion! I just got an interview opportunity in Detroit next month. I've noticed that such interview before application is also very formal. So could you please inform me some key considerations during the interview? Thx a lot!

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-19 02:18
    以下是引用yangliu0401在2009/9/19 1:15:00的发言:

    Thanks for your suggestion! I just got an interview opportunity in Detroit next month. I've noticed that such interview before application is also very formal. So could you please inform me some key considerations during the interview? Thx a lot!

    Since you are physically in US, I will advise you to visit our campus in a Super Saturday Event. the first event is coming next Sat. Many prospective students come, and if you don't make the trip without a strong reason...then you may have a problem.

    Yes, the interview is formal. You may need to wrap up your stories consistent and prepare for detailed questions to follow. Tie your experience with our core value...the school really takes it seriously. Also pay attention to your future career plan, as we are in such an economy.

    作者: 忘记眼泪    时间: 2009-9-21 19:13



    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-21 19:57
    以下是引用忘记眼泪在2009/9/21 19:13:00的发言:



    Have you submitted your package? Interview is part of your application, I don't think you will receive any separated feedback before your package being submitted.

    作者: aliciazu    时间: 2009-9-22 13:50


    1.GMAT 740,IELTS 8 (ibt过期了,还没再考)

    2.Big 4,2 years

    3.GPA 3.96,Top Univ



    另外,从insider的角度,lz觉得我如何explain 只有两年就申请学校会觉得比较合理。真实的原因是,女孩子想趁年轻出去感受一下,四大到后面只是在财务报表的细节上扣,觉得收获边际效应递减。


    作者: brass20y    时间: 2009-9-22 13:57



    作者: 291004    时间: 2009-9-23 10:18

    To aliciazu, 你这个背景应该申请任何学校都可以的,当然每个学校都是看各人综合的情况来决定。2年工作经验比平均值是短一些,但是基本没有关系的。Emory这里有不少同学的工作经验短于3年。



    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-9-23 14:07
    以下是引用aliciazu在2009/9/22 13:50:00的发言:


    1.GMAT 740,IELTS 8 (ibt过期了,还没再考)

    2.Big 4,2 years

    3.GPA 3.96,Top Univ



    另外,从insider的角度,lz觉得我如何explain 只有两年就申请学校会觉得比较合理。真实的原因是,女孩子想趁年轻出去感受一下,四大到后面只是在财务报表的细节上扣,觉得收获边际效应递减。


    Definitely you are very competitive. Just as somebody mentioned already, you are strong enough for any b-school based on these numbers. And when you are enrolled next year, you will have 3-year work experience, that's not a "fatal" issue.

    However, you need to dig out "why now". What brought you to the application? What's your future career plan? What's the gap between your current condition and your plan? And how the b-school (Goizueta, or anyone else) will help you to bridge that gap? Ask yourself and listen to your heart. Yes, you may have some other "true" reasons, but that's not what you can speak to the adcom. If you cannot answer these questions, then you are not well prepared. You should be passionate about your own decision first.

    And you are from a typical candidate pool, so you will need to prove that you have more potential than those who are more experienced do. How about your promotion progress in your company compared with your peers? Or is there any other personal achievement? Try to think from different angles, find your own shiny points and build up your story in a holistic way.

    You may also check on the website or with the adcom to see whether IELTS score works. Good Luck.

    作者: yangliu0401    时间: 2009-9-28 08:17
    Thx for the tips. They're really useful! Keep posted!
    以下是引用Goizueta2011在2009/9/19 2:18:00的发言:

    Since you are physically in US, I will advise you to visit our campus in a Super Saturday Event. the first event is coming next Sat. Many prospective students come, and if you don't make the trip without a strong reason...then you may have a problem.

    Yes, the interview is formal. You may need to wrap up your stories consistent and prepare for detailed questions to follow. Tie your experience with our core value...the school really takes it seriously. Also pay attention to your future career plan, as we are in such an economy.

    作者: wflyfly    时间: 2009-10-26 09:51

    请教一个问题:Emory的成绩单要求:Official transcripts should be sent directly from ALL undergraduate and graduate schools attended,就是要从学校直接寄出来是吗? 可是我现在人已经在北美,很不方便让国内学校寄,已经带了成绩单密封件出来,那么,如果我自己寄的,学校能否接受呢?

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-10-27 10:17
    以下是引用wflyfly在2009/10/26 9:51:00的发言:

    请教一个问题:Emory的成绩单要求:Official transcripts should be sent directly from ALL undergraduate and graduate schools attended,就是要从学校直接寄出来是吗? 可是我现在人已经在北美,很不方便让国内学校寄,已经带了成绩单密封件出来,那么,如果我自己寄的,学校能否接受呢?

    It should be OK if your transcript has a sealed chop from the school.

    作者: arthur05    时间: 2009-10-27 10:29





    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-10-27 19:56
    以下是引用arthur05在2009/10/27 10:29:00的发言:





    Would you please check Goizueta's website or refer to the content posted on 15F first? Goizueta's admission is on rolling basis, the deadline is for reference only.

    The application package review process should be of no major difference from other schools'. If you have got the on-line TOEFL score, I will advise you to check with the admission office directly. But they will not make any decision until your official TOEFL transcript arrives. 

    作者: tintinsun    时间: 2009-11-3 16:16
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-4 06:15
    -- by 会员 tintinsun (2009/11/3 16:16:41)

    Make sure that all official scores and transcripts arrive before the admission.

    But, do check the website first when you have such questions next time...
    作者: frankwyf    时间: 2009-11-10 10:58
    请问楼主,我要赶12月1日的deadline, 还未提交整个package, 并且想参加2010.1.20在上海的interview,我是不是要主动去联系学校去schedule the interview asap? 谢谢!
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-10 13:54
    请问楼主,我要赶12月1日的deadline, 还未提交整个package, 并且想参加2010.1.20在上海的interview,我是不是要主动去联系学校去schedule the interview asap? 谢谢!
    -- by 会员 frankwyf (2009/11/10 10:58:51)

    If you've checked Goizueta's website, you will find the interview on 20 Jan 2010 is by invitation only.
    作者: pipi_wj    时间: 2009-11-17 21:40
    我想问下我已经交了EMORY的第一轮,一直都没有收到学校的EMAIL,所以我就到status里去查,有个TO DO LIST有INTERVIEW,是不是就是有INTERVIEW 啦
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-17 22:24
    我想问下我已经交了EMORY的第一轮,一直都没有收到学校的EMAIL,所以我就到status里去查,有个TO DO LIST有INTERVIEW,是不是就是有INTERVIEW 啦
    -- by 会员 pipi_wj (2009/11/17 21:40:26)

    If you are sitting in mainland China, I think the interview is by invitation only. In this case I am afraid the interview will not be offered to every applicant. Since adcom will visit China in Jan, I think it may take a while for them to choose interviewees. Be patient, and Good Luck!
    作者: GREVOCA    时间: 2009-11-18 01:00
    1. 如果在12/1号G/T official 成绩到不了学校的话,写邮件给adcom说明并提供非official成绩是否可以认为申请此轮了?错过此轮对international applicants是不是录取基本不可能了?
    2. 一般12/1号这轮何时能够有结果?拿到offer决定去不去的日期为多久?找了website很多遍没发现答案。
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-18 11:15
    1. 如果在12/1号G/T official 成绩到不了学校的话,写邮件给adcom说明并提供非official成绩是否可以认为申请此轮了?错过此轮对international applicants是不是录取基本不可能了?
    2. 一般12/1号这轮何时能够有结果?拿到offer决定去不去的日期为多久?找了website很多遍没发现答案。
    -- by 会员 GREVOCA (2009/11/18 1:00:04)

    1. Your official score should arrive first. But if you can provide unofficial score, you can always send emails to negotiate with them. But anyway they will not make decision before your official score arrived. As mentioned previously, Goizueta's admission is on rolling base, so deadline date is for reference only.

    2. Please see below contents on Goizueta's website which I've pasted before:

    Application Deadlines

    * International applicants are encouraged to apply by December 1, 2009. However, applications received by the final program deadline will still be given complete consideration.

    Since we are on rolling base, we don't have a typical result release cut-off date. But normally Goizueta's adcom is much more effcient than other b-schools. In my case, I got the email in within 1 month. You will have instructions regarding deposit and confirmation deadline. Depending on when you are admitted, there are 3 different deposit deadlines. The earliest date last time is 1 Feb 2009, which applies for all applicants admitted before Jan 2009. Hopefullly this helps you a little bit.
    作者: GREVOCA    时间: 2009-11-18 11:21
    Thank you for your detailed answer!
    作者: 妞妞的牛牛    时间: 2009-11-21 00:52
    请问一个online application的技术性问题。我在提交推荐人信息时,无论如何SAVE都没办法保存,return to the home page后完全看不到任何推荐人信息,发了adcom信还没回应,急死了,打算交12/1 deadline啊。
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-21 10:39
    请问一个online application的技术性问题。我在提交推荐人信息时,无论如何SAVE都没办法保存,return to the home page后完全看不到任何推荐人信息,发了adcom信还没回应,急死了,打算交12/1 deadline啊。
    -- by 会员 妞妞的牛牛 (2009/11/21 0:52:42)

    Have you tried with other computers?
    作者: cosmopolite    时间: 2009-11-21 13:39
    标题: Emory MBA Info Session in Shanghai
    A couple of current MBA students from Goizueta Business School (including 2010 and 2011) will be hosting an Info Session in Shanghai sometime between Dec 13 and Dec 15. Time and venue TBD.

    Please take a minute to fill in the following survey before Dec 1 if you plan to attend --
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-11-21 14:19
    Two current students will also be able to meet with prospective students in Chengdu in late December. Please fill in the survey for Chengdu if interested.
    作者: octory    时间: 2009-12-2 11:20
    Could you please introduce the Evening MBA program in Emory?  I am currently living in Atlanta and willing to enroll in this prorgam.  I am more concerned about whether I can apply for the scholarship....... Do they have strict requirements for applicants who apply for the schalorship of the evening MBA program?
    作者: octory    时间: 2009-12-2 11:21
    I appreciate your response!!!!  
    作者: popsticle    时间: 2009-12-2 11:33
    是不是现在再申请Emory就来不及了?看到它的网站上说12/1是international recommended deadline...

    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-2 12:32
    是不是现在再申请Emory就来不及了?看到它的网站上说12/1是international recommended deadline...

    -- by 会员 popsticle (2009/12/2 11:33:33)

    * International applicants are encouraged to apply by December 1, 2009. However, applications received by the final program deadline will still be given complete consideration.
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-2 12:51
    In case you missed the survey for the info session --
    It's on December 13 (Sunday) 7:30pm at 中山北路2911号中关村大厦裙房二层 (交通:轨道交通3号线 4号线曹杨路站)
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-2 12:57
    I've rarely heard of any scholarship for evening MBAs. You can check out more by requesting the contacts of some Asian evening MBA studetns from the admission office.
    作者: frankwyf    时间: 2009-12-2 22:24
    请问各位校友,因为我在essay中写是Corporata finance方向的,能否提供2个这个方向有名的教full time program的教授名字?谢谢!
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-3 03:03
    请问各位校友,因为我在essay中写是Corporata finance方向的,能否提供2个这个方向有名的教full time program的教授名字?谢谢!
    -- by 会员 frankwyf (2009/12/2 22:24:53)

    The core course will be taught by Prof. Jay Shanken. You can learn more details here:

    Prof. James Rosenfeld teaches Adv. Corporate Finance.

    You can also learn more professors here:
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-3 04:08
    MBA跟master申请不太一样, 在essay里提某个知名教授,不一定能最好地表现你对这个program的了解,而且review你essay的人对每个教授或许有他个人的看法,所以写的时候注意diplomatic一点。

    请问各位校友,因为我在essay中写是Corporata finance方向的,能否提供2个这个方向有名的教full time program的教授名字?谢谢!
    -- by 会员 frankwyf (2009/12/2 22:24:53)

    The core course will be taught by Prof. Jay Shanken. You can learn more details here:

    Prof. James Rosenfeld teaches Adv. Corporate Finance.

    You can also learn more professors here:
    -- by 会员 Goizueta2011 (2009/12/3 3:03:22)
    作者: octory    时间: 2009-12-4 09:49
    I've rarely heard of any scholarship for evening MBAs. You can check out more by requesting the contacts of some Asian evening MBA studetns from the admission office.
    -- by 会员 Goizueta2011 (2009/12/2 12:57:27)

    Thanks for your response!  I guess that most of the applicants for Evening MBA program may have tuition reimbursement from their companies, so they may not even ask about scholarship..... but mine does not support Graduate program, only for Undergraduate.....  SIGN.......

    I am just thinking that if I contact some Asian evening MBA students, they may feel that I disturb them...... that's just my assumption..... well, I will have a try!  Thanks for you kind suggestion!  
    作者: Goizueta2011    时间: 2009-12-7 06:28
    Good Luck!
    作者: likelike    时间: 2009-12-14 12:34
    作者: azh826    时间: 2009-12-16 19:51
    有没有Asian或者Chinese Business直接相关的?
    作者: wenwliu    时间: 2009-12-18 04:48
    We have CSUE...for Grad school Chinese students, but I'm not sure B-sch have their own Chinese association.

    I have on-campus interview tomorrow with Kathleen...does anyone know what she's like?
    作者: buenas    时间: 2009-12-18 22:05
    she is very very nice! good luck!
    作者: frankwyf    时间: 2009-12-19 08:53
    请问Emory前辈,录取之后会做背景调查吗?是否需要提供公司reference check人的联系方式呢?
    是给HR还是给我的project manager比较好呢?
    作者: eggegg    时间: 2009-12-30 15:40

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