In 1981 children in the
of slightly less than two and a half hours a week doing
household chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours a week.
A. chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours
a week
B. chores; by 1997 that figure had grown to nearly
six hours a week
C. chores, whereas nearly six hours a week were
spent in 1997
D. chores, compared with a figure of nearly six hours a week in 1997
E. chores, that figure growing to nearly six hours a week in 1997
8. (24773-!-item-!-188;#058&001691)
Ozone, a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful ultraviolet rays, reaches high concentrations twelve miles above Earth, where it has long appeared that it was immune from human influence; we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrial chlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer.
(A) has long appeared that it was immune from
(B) has long appeared to have been immune from
(C) has long appeared as being immune to
(D) had long appeared immune to
(E) had long appeared that it was immune to
we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrial chlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer. 是对前面意思的一个转折,讲我们现在发现了那个emission of industrial chlorofluorocarbons 还是对ozon layer 有损耗。
再看前面,明显就是跟后面意思是相反的,而这个是以前的理解。 现在的看法用的是 we have前面用had 就是对的。
再说where后面的 it: D 选项的it 指代的是ozone layer 而E中指代的是后面的从句 ,所以综上应该选D。
第一个句子我的理解是由于有by 1997, 而1997 已经过了,这是个很明显的过去完成时标志,再加上本身比较的是figure, 所以就选B了。
个人意见仅供参考, 我也是正在挣扎着的。。。
by 1997 that figure had grown to nearly
six hours a week,是可以这样用过去完成时的,因为前面有by 1997,也就是强调对1997年过去时点的一个影响
1.前半句是IN 1981孩子花了多少时间(特殊时间点,过去时)
分号后是By 1997数字增长了多少(过去完成时)
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