Quantitative 51 98
Verbal 30 55
Total 680 86
7月13日-8月11日 29天历程,至少我的数学终于对得起中国人了,没丢脸,好歹到均分了。可惜语法终究败在SC上,我确定以及肯定我SC做到了低分题库,因为我做到了 as far as这样的问题,泪流满面。虽然我的逻辑最后做到了bold face,但是终究无力回天。。。讽刺的是,我做到了bold face逻辑题,但是分数没上700。。。
各位GAer,fight for the last blood!
对了,题库没有变,不过我数学遇到的机经不多,逻辑也是。逻辑的bold face题是这样的:某当地城市的治安不好,犯罪率很高,于是有人提出对罪犯量刑要高,随便什么罪名都要做很久的牢。作者认为让一个本意并没有犯罪的人做2辈子的牢,这不是我们建立法律和设立监狱的本意,所以这样的建议是不对的。
阅读我至少觉得碰到3个机经,一个是美国第一个黑人女富翁,第二个是农业的来源,第三个是shrub对沙漠地区的荒漠化的作用。第四个阅读我感觉不是机经里的,题目说的第一段:Edelman这个科学家一本书提出一个生化科学方面的一个理论,就是说动物和植物各有各的特点是有其内在基因控制的,这个理论把基因分为3种,依次顺序产生影响下一个。第二段:具体说第二个基因的影响细胞的过程 第三个讲第三个基因的受印象过程和结果
Criminologist: Some legislators advocate mandating a sentence of life in prison for anyone who, having twice served sentences for serious crimes, is subsequently convicted of a third serious crime. These legislators argue that such a policy would reduce crime dramatically, since it would take people with a proven tendency to commit crimes off the streets permanently. What this reasoning overlooks, however, is that people old enough to have served two prison sentences for serious crimes rarely commit more than one subsequent crime. Filling our prisons with such individuals would have exactly the opposite of the desired effect, since it would limit our ability to incarcerate younger criminals, who commit a far greater proportion of serious crimes.
In the argument as a whole, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?
A. The first is a conclusion that the argument as a whole seeks to refute; the second is a claim that has been advanced in support of that conclusion.
B. The first is a conclusion that the argument as a whole seeks to refute; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
C. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is an objection that has been raised against that conclusion.
D. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a prediction made on the basis of that conclusion.
E. The first is a generalization about the likely effect of a policy under consideration in the argument; the second points out a group of exceptional cases to which that generalization does not apply.
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