有一起要申请Chicago的同学,我们可以一起努力申请!如有兴趣可以加我MSN:newone942(A) hotmail.com
I am in.
大家有没有开始写chicago essay, 关于这篇文章,我很纠结,想听听看大家的想法。
Describe a time when you wish you could have retracted something you said or did. When did you realize your mistake and how did you handle the situation?
我自己的感觉是一篇mistake的题目,但我比较纠结的是最后“how did you handle the situation",似乎是要求你发现错误之后,就错误本身提出解决或者改进方案,还是只要说明在以后遇到同样事情的时候避免错误再次发生。
我觉得这是非常典型的mistake的题目,但我却觉得不太像典型Chicago风格的题目,我觉得GSB侧重的是看人分析、解决问题的能力,所以类似于 How you solve a complicated question 之类的问题更像GSB风格
所以处理这种mistake的问题,我更强调我的解决方法,而不是像以前突出自己坚韧不拔的毅力,和能够到处忽悠的leadership,所以我浅浅地认为,应该选一个complicated 的问题,一开始解决错了,后来通过更缜密的分析论证又解决了。当然你可以描写一下你的Leadership,带领同学、或同事解决一个复杂问题
Booth is one of my targets! MSN: yuxinmm(A) hotmail.com is welcome.
同意楼上的,一定是complex problem,这样比较符合Booth的风格。
我现在的问题是题目里how to handle the situation?我不知道选材是不是一定要一开始解决错了一个问题,后来经过思考改正这个问题。因为有些时候一旦决策做错了,是没有可能再去重新解决的,只能以后遇到相关问题的时候再解决。所以这个how to handle 是否可以只是说接受了教训,然后以后遇到同样情况改变做法:)
maybe your guys can have some learning
同意ivanmck的观点,选择一个complicated 的问题,customerize自己的strong points.所以问题在于我们选择问题的标准,怎么有利于展现自己独特的strong points,不要纠结问题本身,一点浅见
meanwhile admiss event for Chicago Booth. The associate dean will make the speech, and it is a good opportunity for your guys to know the school
Take an in‐depth look at Chicago Booth
at an Admissions Reception for the Full‐Time MBA Program.
Join Chicago Booth Admissions staff and alumni
to learn more about our program and gain insight into the admissions process
August 24, 2009
7:00 pm ‐ 9:00 pm
Yacht Club on the Bund
No. 3510 Riverside Avenue
Pudong, Shanghai
Learn more and register
by visiting: http://www.chicagobooth.edu/fulltime/admissions/events
Questions? Contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@ChicagoBooth.edu or 773.702.7369
T-shirt and pants would be fine, not need to wear suit.
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