
标题: 新东方逻辑题 [打印本页]

作者: dx888    时间: 2009-7-13 15:10
标题: 新东方逻辑题


when amphibians first appeared on Earth millions of years ago,the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating Earth's atmosphere was much greater than it is today.Therefore,current dramatic increases in amphibian populations cannot be the result of recent increases in ultraviolet radiation penetrating Earth's atmosphere.

which is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A the eggs of modern amphibians are not significantly more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation than the eggs of the first amphibians were.

B Modern amphibians are not as likely as the first amphibians were to live in habitats that shield them from ultraviolet radiation.

C Populations of modern amphibians are not able to adapt to changing levels of radiation as readily as populations of early amphibians were.

D The skin of amphibians is greatly more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation than the skin of other animals is .

E the skin of amphibians is less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation than to other types of radiation.


作者: mingming8152    时间: 2009-7-13 22:18






my answer: C

作者: jodiewang    时间: 2009-7-14 03:13
是不是这么想:给c取非--现代两栖能够迅速适应紫外光的变化 则能得出current dramatic increases in amphibian populations can be the
result of recent increases in ultraviolet radiation penetrating Earth's
atmosphere的结论 所以选C? 

作者: loxxx    时间: 2009-7-14 17:37
Why not A?

Reason: Since the eggs today are not more vulnerable than that of the first before, provided that the eggs before can live under much greater radiation, so attributing the increase of numbers of amphibians today to increase of ultraviolet radiation is false.

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