
标题: 求助:CPA哪些洲是不需要工作经验的? [打印本页]

作者: duoduo21    时间: 2009-6-22 04:06
标题: 求助:CPA哪些洲是不需要工作经验的?
请问各位大侠, 想考CPA美国的考试, 但是刚大学毕业,没有工作经验, 想问一下, 哪些洲是不需要工作经验就马上可以考的?


作者: splendentsky    时间: 2009-7-9 00:09

First of all, you don't need working experience to take the exam. I think every state requires working experience for undergraduate students. If you have a master degree, some states don't require it. However, working experience for each state is different, some require one to two years of experience in public accounting, auditing, and/or taxation.

作者: yyaanngg    时间: 2010-1-14 17:25

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