正在申请以下两所北京Part-time MBA:
- Part-Time 北大国际MBA
- Part-time 长江商学院金融MBA
一个中文一个英文,一个General Management,一个金融方向,差别很大哦。
SAIF和长江有一争,要强过清华, 清华比中欧好.
清华老的有李稻葵, 年轻的有朱英姿,韩喜,王茵田,杨之暑, 何平
中欧有张春可以和李稻葵何平相比,赵新舸不如清华年轻的几位。 清华总体强一些
需要很清楚的指出,北大,清华等体制内学校,可以找到不错的经济学教授,但他们现在的薪酬机制是找不到一流的金融教授的。 美国金融学的菜鸟助理教授加上夏日薪酬和退休金要拿25万美金,教授至少三十万美金,北大清华的最高薪酬一百二十万人民币,相当于十六七万美金,没有任何竞争力。中国有能力和体制招大牌金融教授的只有中欧,长江和上海高级金融研究院。这三个学校是global pay, 薪酬和全球接轨
林毅夫:1986年毕业于芝加哥大学经济系,有两篇AER, 专攻农业经济学。农业经济做得不错,但不懂金融。能坐到WORLD BANK 副行长,更多的是因为中国的经济实力。
周其仁:2000年毕业于UCLA大学东亚系, 专攻经济历史,很好的学者,但没有国际一流杂志的文章
姚洋:毕业于WISCONSIN 农业经济学,专攻发展经济学, 对金融不了解。
易刚:前Indiana 大学Indianapolis副教授。Indiana大学最好的分校是Bloomington, Indianapolis 要差些。他在这些教授里面和金融最近,但要论在金融学术界的影响力,要和长江差很多。有一篇Journal of Econometrics, 但只有一篇。
曹辉宁:YALE/UCLA 双博士,曾任教于UCBerkeley, Carnegie Mellon, UC San Diego,UNC Chapel Hill, Ohio State等学校,在一流杂志Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Business等共发表9篇文章。
1. “Portfolio Performance Measurement: A No Arbitrage Bounds Approach,” with Dong-Hyun Ahn and Stephane Chretien, forthcoming, European Financial Management.
2. “Differences of Opinion of Public Information and Speculative Trading in Stocks and Options,” with Hui Ou-Yang,
2008, Review of Financial Studies.
3. “Inventory Information,” H. H. Cao, Martin Evans and Rich Lyons, Journal of Business, 2006, 79:325-364.
4. “Model Uncertainty, Limited Market Participation and Asset Prices,” H. H. Cao, Tan Wang and Harold H. Zhang, Review of Financial Studies, 2005,1219 - 1251.
5. “The Dynamics of International Equity Market Expectations,” Michael J. Brennan, H. H. Cao, Norman Strong and Xinzhong Xu, Journal of Financial Economics, 2005,257-288
6. “Product Strategy for Innovators in Markets with Network Effects,” Sun, B., Xie, J. and H. H. Cao, Marketing Science, 2004, 243-254.
7. “Sidelined Investors, Trading-Generated News, and Security Returns,” H. H. Cao, J. Coval and D. Hirshleifer, Review of Financial Studies, 2002, 15, 615-648.
8. “Imperfect Competition Among Informed Traders,” K. Back, H. H. Cao and G. Willard, Journal of Finance, 2000, 5, 2117-2155. Nominated for Smith-Breeden Prize.
9. “The Effect of Derivative Assets on Endogenous Information Acquisition and Price Behavior in a Rational Expectations Equilibrium,” H. H. Cao, Review of Financial Studies, 1999, 12, 131-163.
10. “International Portfolio Investment Flows,” Michael J. Brennan and H. H. Cao, Journal of Finance, 1997, 52, 1851-1880, Nominated for Smith-Breeden Prize. Best paper award in emerging market research at NFA. Reprinted in International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics, Edited by Richard Roll.
11. “Information, Trade, and Derivative Securities,” Michael J. Brennan and H. H. Cao, Review of Financial Studies, 1996, 9, 163-208.
黄明:Cornell/Stanford 双博士,曾任教于UChicago, Stanford, Cornell等学校,在一流杂志AER, JPE, QJE, JF, JFE, JET等共发表8篇文章。
"Stocks as Lotteries: The Implications of Probability Weighting for Security Prices," with Nicholas Barberis, American Economic Review, December 2008.
"The Loss Aversion / Narrow Framing Approach to the Equity Premium Puzzle," with Nicholas Barberis, in Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium, edited by Raj Mehra, Elsevier, 2008.
"Individual Preferences, Monetary Gambles, and Stock Market Participation: A Case for Narrow Framing," with Nicholas Barberis and Richard Thaler, American Economic Review 96, pp 1069-90, September 2006.
"Talking up Liquidity: Insider Trading and Investor Relations," with Harrison Hong, Journal of Financial Intermediation 14, pp 1-31, January 2005.
"Does Fund Size Erode Performance? Liquidity, Organizational Diseconomies and ActiveMoney Management," with Joseph Chen, Harrison Hong, and Jeffrey D. Kubik, American Economic Review 94, pp 1276-1302, December 2004.
"Liquidity Shocks and Equilibrium Liquidity Premia," Journal of Economic Theory 109, pp 104-129, March 2003.
"Mental Accounting, Loss Aversion, and Individual Stock Returns," with Nicholas Barberis, Journal of Finance 56, pp 1247-1292, August 2001.
"Prospect Theory and Asset Prices," with Nicholas Barberis and Tano Santos, Quarterly Journal of Economics 116, pp 1-53, February 2001. (Lead article of the issue; Awarded the 2000 FAME Research Prize; Collected into Advances in Behavioral Finance, Vol. 2, edited by Richard Thaler.)
"Toeholds and Takeovers," with Jeremy Bulow and Paul Klemperer, Journal of Political Economy 107, pp 427-454, June 1999.
"Swap Rates and Credit Quality," with Darrell Duffie, Journal of Finance 51, pp 921-949, July 1996.
刘俊:UTexasAustin/ Stanford, 双博士,曾任教于UCLA, UCSanDiego 等学校,在一流杂志JFE, RFS, JF, JET, JFQA, JB, AR, RAS 等共发表16篇文章。
1. “Floating-Fixed Spreads” (with Darrell Duffie), Financial Analyst Journal, May/June, 2001.
2. “A Generalized Earning Model of Stock Valuation” (with Andrew Ang), Review of Accounting
Studies , V6, n4, December, 2001.
3. “Dynamic Asset Allocation with Event Risk” (with Francis Longstaff and Jun Pan), Journal of
Finance, v58, n1, 231-259, February, 2003.
4. “Paper Millionaires: How Valuable is Stock to a Stockholder Who is Restricted from Selling it?”
(with Matthias Kahl and Francis Longstaff), Journal of Financial Economics, v67, n3, 385-410,
March 2003.
5. “Dynamic Derivative Strategies” (with Jun Pan), Journal of Financial Economics, v69, n3, 401-
430, September, 2003.
6. “Conditional Information and Variance Bounds on Pricing Kernels” (with Geert Bekaert), Review
of Financial Studies, v17, n2, 339-378.
7. “Losing Money on Arbitrages: Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Choice in Markets with Arbitrage
Opportunities” (with Francis Longstaff), Review of Financial Studies, v17, n3, 611-641.
8. “How to Discount Cashflows with Time-Varying Expected Returns” (with Andrew Ang), Journal
of Finance, v59, n6, 2745-2783.
9. “An Equilibrium Model of Rare Event Premia” (with Jun Pan and TanWang), Review of Financial
Studies, v18, n1, 131-164.
10. “Why Stocks May Disappoint” (with Andrew Ang and Geert Bekaert), Journal of Financial Economics,
v76, n3, 471-508.
11. “The Market Price of Credit Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Interest Rate Swap Spreads” (with
Francis Longstaff and Ravit E. Mandell), forthcoming, Journal of Business.
12. “Portfolio Selection in Stochastic Environments”, forthcoming, Review of Financial Studies.
13. “Risk, Return and Dividends” (with Andrew Ang), forthcoming, Journal of Financial Economics.
14. “Information, Diversification, and Asset Pricing” (with Jing Liu and Jack Hughes), forthcoming,
Accounting Review.
刘劲:Columbia博士, UCLA终身教授,在一流杂志JAR, AR, RAS 等共发表8篇文章。
梅建平:Princeton博士, 曾任教于NYU,在一流杂志JF, JFE, RFS, AER, RE Statistics 等共发表8篇文章。
周春生:Princeton博士, 曾任教于UCRiverside,在一流杂志 JFE, RFS, JFQA, RE Statistics , J Monetary Economics等共发表5篇文章
. “The Illusionary Nature of Momentum Profits”
(with Lesmond and Schill)
Journal of Financial Economics, Volume: 71,Issue: 2 ,February, 2004.
2. “Credit Rating and Corporate Defaults”
Journal of Fixed Income, December 2001, pp 30-40.
3. “The Term Structure of Credit Spreads with Jump Risk”
Journal of Banking and Finance, Nov 2001.
4. “Credit Derivatives in Banking: Useful Tools for Managing Risk?” (with Gregory Duffee, University of California at Berkeley)
Journal of Monetary Economics, August 2001.
5. “Pricing an Emerging Industry: Evidence from Internet Subsidiary Carveouts” (With Schill), Leading article, Financial Management, 2001. (This article inspired a large number of researchers to do similar studies.)
6. “An Analysis of Default Correlation and Multiple Defaults”
Review of Financial Studies, May 2001.
7. “Time to Build and Investment”
Review of Economics and Statistics, 82 (2000), 273-282.
8. “A State-Space Model of Short and Long Horizon Stock Returns”
Journal of Financial Research, Winter 2000.
9. “Informational Asymmetry and Market Imperfections: Another Solution to the Equity Premium Puzzle”
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 34 (1999), pp 445-464.
10. “Path-Dependent Option Valuation When the Underlying Path Is Discontinuous”
Journal of Financial Engineering, 8 (1999), pp 73-98
11. “Dynamic Portfolio Choice and Asset Pricing with Differential Information”
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22 (1998),
pp 1027-1051
正在申请以下两所北京Part-time MBA:
- Part-Time 北大国际MBA
- Part-time 长江商学院金融MBA
中国大陆在国际学术界有两把刷子的经济学家分布,不包括短期兼职的, 大体是:
中国大陆在国际学术界有两把刷子的金融学家分布,不包括短期兼职的, 大体是:
长江: 黄明,刘俊,曹辉宁,梅建平,周春生
北大:蔡洪滨,徐信忠, 顾明(北大汇丰)
正在申请以下两所北京Part-time MBA:
- Part-Time 北大国际MBA
- Part-time 长江商学院金融MBA
长江,中欧和上海高级金融研究院是全球薪酬(global pay), 也就是说这三所学校的金融教授应当至少三十多万美金。额外教课另算钱,一天课酬三到五万人民币。
长江,中欧和上海高级金融研究院是全球薪酬(global pay), 也就是说这三所学校的金融教授应当至少三十多万美金。额外教课另算钱,一天课酬三到五万人民币。
不知道就不要胡说,请看以下链接,2002年建院以来,经过一段积累,现在以长江署名的一流杂志的文章很多, 远远超过北大,清华和中欧的总和。北大清华中欧也偶尔有一些在一流杂志出文章的教授,但他们回国以后就出的少了.所以以北大清华中欧署名的就少了.三个学校加起来还不如长江.
Brian Viard 是助理教授,已出了下列长江署名文章
Do Frequency Reward Programs Create Switching Costs? A Dynamic Structural Analysis of Demand in a Reward Program, with Wesley R. Hartmann. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2008, 109 - 137 (lead article).
Quantifying the Benefits of Entry into Local Phone Service, with Nicholas Economides and Katja Seim, The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 39, No. 3, Autumn 2008, 699 - 730.
Lode Li
"Optimal Operating Policies for Multi-Plant Stochastic Manufacturing Systems in a Changing Environment" (with E. L. Porteus and H. Zhang), Management Science, 2008
Qi Daqing
“Earnings Management of Listed Firms in Response to Security Regulations in China’s Emerging Capital Market.” 2005. Contemporary Accounting Research 22. With In-Mu Haw and Woody Wu.
Chiang Jeongwen,
Sun Baohong
"An Empirical Investigation of the Dynamic Effect of Marlboro's Permanent Pricing Shift" (TSB working paper 2006-E65). Tao Chen, Baohong Sun, and Vishal Singh,Marketing Science, forthcoming.
Mei Jianping
Turning Over Turnover, (with M. Cremers), Review of Financial Studies, 2008
Ou-Yang Hui
"Differences of Opinion of Public Information and Speculative Trading in Stocks and Options", with Hui Ou-Yang, Review of Financial Studies, 2009.
Huang Ming
"Does Fund Size Erode Performance? Liquidity, Organizational Diseconomies and ActiveMoney Management," with Joseph Chen, Harrison Hong, and Jeffrey D. Kubik, American Economic Review 94, pp 1276-1302, December 2004.
Huining Henry Cao
1. “Portfolio Performance Measurement: A No Arbitrage Bounds Approach,” with Dong-Hyun Ahn and Stephane Chretien, forthcoming, European Financial Management.
2. “Differences of Opinion of Public Information and Speculative Trading in Stocks and Options,” with Hui Ou-Yang,
2009, Review of Financial Studies.
3. “Inventory Information,” H. H. Cao, Martin Evans and Rich Lyons, Journal of Business, 2006, 79:325-364.
4. “Model Uncertainty, Limited Market Participation and Asset Prices,” H. H. Cao, Tan Wang and Harold H. Zhang, Review of Financial Studies, 2005,1219 - 1251.
5. “The Dynamics of International Equity Market Expectations,” Michael J. Brennan, H. H. Cao, Norman Strong and Xinzhong Xu, Journal of Financial Economics, 2005,257-288
Wei Li
“Liberalization and Performance in the Telecommunications Sector Around the World,” with Lixin Colin Xu, Journal of Law & Economics, October 2004.
“The Great Leap Forward: Anatomy of a Central Planning Disaster,” with Dennis Tao Yang, Journal of Political Economy. 2006
Jun Liu
Hughes, John S., Jing Liu, and Jun Liu. “On the Relation between Expected Returns and Implied Cost of Capital”, Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
3.“Debt Policy, Corporate Taxes, and Discount Rates” (with Mark Grinblatt), 2009. Journal of Economic Theory.
5. “The Value of Private Information” (with Ehud Peleg and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam), 2009. , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Jin Liu
"On the relation between predictable market returns and predictable analysts' forecast errors," with John Hughes and Wei Su, conditional acceptance at the Review of Accounting Studies
Hughes, John S., Jing Liu, and Jun Liu. “On the Relation between Expected Returns and Implied Cost of Capital”, Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.
本人30多岁,公司中层经理级别,犹豫是读emba还是part time mba, 另外听说读mba的都是“小萝卜”(对不起,就是30岁以下的年轻人),本人就快35岁了,有点不合适读mba似的
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