Q49, V35 上海 6.12 am
说说这次考试吧,其实整个过程下来自己感觉并不好,尤其是verbal部分,做完前20道题的时候只剩下30分钟了(绝对是真的),以致于到最后一道阅读直接放弃了。考完之后自己有点傻,想着这次又完了。呆坐了一分钟监考MM过来催我赶快结束走人,连问卷也不让我看,甚至帮我点了next . 然后分数出来了,很意外。当时高兴得就像抱一下MM。这里给大家一点经验就是前20道题真得很重要!
issue : The physical activity and sports are as important as the acdemics in students'education .
Argument: Olympic Foods 那个。
1. A and B are two points in a line , and point C is between AB in the line . Point D is not in the line with DA=DB , which of the following is true :
1) DA>DC 2) DA>AC 3)DB>CB 4).... 不记得选项顺序,画个图一看就知道了,很简单。
2. A interrior decorator will paint the apartment , there are six colors of the painting the decorator can use:red, blue , green , yellow,white,and pink. how many choices the decorator can make with the white color included ever chice. 我选32.
3.DS: What is the handreds digit of the three-digit number K ?
1) K is the sum of two-digit numbers
2) K is the product of two-digit numbers
4. What is the reminder of 7^584 divided by 10 ?
答案有: 1, 7 ,5 。。。
5. A sequence a1, a2,…an , an+2=an+an+1, a10=12, a13=55, a14=?
6. |x |+|y|=6 在坐标轴上的点围成图形的面积。
verbal 记得都不全,这里就不给大家提供了,免得信息错误误导大家。数学我要是记得起来回头再补。最后讲一句大道理: 付出总有回报。呵呵。
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