The objection to due to as a preposition is only a continuation of disagreements that began in the 18th century over the proper uses of owing and due. Due to is as grammatically sound as owing to, which is frequently recommended in its place. It has been and is used by reputable writers and has been recognized as standard for decades. There is no solid reason to avoid due to. (Merriam Webster’s collegiate dictionary)
fficeffice" />
Unlike auto insurance, the frequency of claims does not affect the premiums for personal property coverage, but if the insurance company is able to prove excessive loss due to owner negligence, it may decline to renew the policy.
(A) Unlike auto insurance, the frequency of claims does not affect the premiums for personal property coverage
(B) Unlike with auto insurance, the frequency of claims do not affect the premiums for personal property coverage
(C) Unlike the frequency of claims for auto insurance, the premiums for personal property coverage are not affected by the frequency of claims
(D) Unlike the premiums for auto insurance, the premiums for personal property coverage are not affected by the frequency of claims(D)
(E) Unlike with the premiums for auto insurance, the premiums for personal property coverage is not affected by the frequency of claims
直接链接简单名词due to owner negligence
6. Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating.
(A) due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating
(B) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much og上说这样用不合适
(C) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters
(D) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much(D)
(E) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much
22. Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.
(A) Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.
(B) Because the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by increasing car-road friction, car owners can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency by properly inflating the tires.
(C) Their vehicles’ fuel efficiency is substantially boosted by car owners through the proper inflation of tires that, when underinflated, can waste up to five percent of car fuel by an increase in car-road friction.
(D) The proper inflation of tires by car owners, due to the fact that underinflation can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by the increase of car-road friction, can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.(B)
(E) Because up to five percent of a car’s fuel are wasted through the increases in car-road friction when the tires are underinflated, car owners properly inflating tires can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.
选项b用的是because +句子 作为原因
due to the fact that好像不灵
1. Although Ms. Bakara had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other Black people, she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree with her.
(A) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree
(B) speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would have agreed
(C) so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority people, even most, would likely agree
(D) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, if not most, would agree(D)
(E) do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people, and even most, would likely agree
due to +动名词好像也不好 原句a里头就是用的because + 句子表示原因
2. Chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral salts present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil drilling.
(A) Chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral salts present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil drilling.
(B) The reason offshore oil drilling presents a considerably environmental risk is because of chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral salts.
(C) A considerable risk to the environment is presented during offshore oil drilling, where low-level leaks are chronic and the routine discharge of mud and mineral salts.
(D) Offshore oil drilling presents a considerable risk to the environment due to the fact of chronic low-level leaks, and mud and mineral salts are routinely discharged.(A)
(E) Chronic low-level leaking, along with the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral salts, are what make offshore oil drilling environmentally risky.
A用leaking and discharge present risk 来表示原因,比从句简洁明确
3. During the first nine months of 1979, textbook publishers incurred substantial costs for creating products that, due to a decline in public funding for instructional material, never were sold.
(A) funding for instructional material, never were
(B) funding for instructional material, never was
(C) funding, the instructional material, was never
(D) funding for instructional material, the products were never(A)
(E) funding, they were never
due to a decline 接的是简单直接的名词,和due to owner negligence 类似
4. Marketing researchers have found that, because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as Northeasterners, the two varieties of commercially prepared coleslaw most popular in New York City and Boston are virtually ignored by consumers in Richmond and Raleigh.
(A) because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as
(B) because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage with
(C) because many residents of the Southeast do not have the same ethnic heritage as
(D) due to many residents of the Southeast not sharing the same ethnic heritage with(C)
(E) whereas many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as
because sb do not have the same as …是个完整句子, d是个due to + 动名词,不好,改变了句子重心,而且似乎due to + 简单名词比较对, 因为是介词作用,不是连词作用
5. More than ever, paper is expected to be recycled this year, due to new mandatory recycling laws in municipalities across the nation.
(A) More than ever, paper is expected to be recycled this year
(B) It is expected that more paper than ever will be recycled this year than previously and that is
(C) The paper expected to be recycled this year is more than ever
(D) The amount of paper that will be recycled this year is expected to be greater than ever(D)
(E) A great increase in the amount of paper that will be recycled this year is
due to laws
6. The Quechuans believed that all things participated in both the material level and the mystical level of reality, and many individual Quechuans claimed to have contact with it directly with an ichana (dream) experience.
(A) contact with it directly with
(B) direct contact with it by way of
(C) contact with the latter directly through
(D) direct contact with the latter by means of(D)
(E) contact directly with the mystical level due to
这个意思不对,due to = because of
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