Seven countries signed a treaty binding each of them to perform specified actons on a ceratin fixed date, with the actions of each conditional on simultaneous action taken by the other countries. Each country was also to notify the six other countries when it had completed its action.
The simultaneous -action provision of the treaty leaves open the possibility that
(A)the compliance date was subject to postponement ,according to the terms of the treaty.
(B)one of the countries might not be required to make any changes or take any steps in order to comply with the treaty, whereas all the other countries are so required
(C)each country might have a well-founded excuse,based on the provision, for its own lack of compliance.
(D)the treaty specified that the signal for one of the countries to initiate action was notification by the other countries that they had completed action.
(E)there was ambiguity with respect to the date after which all actionscontemplated in the treaty are to be complete.
题目说了一大通,然后问题来了个有什么可能让这个TREATYLEAVE OPEN,就是C这个如果国家有可能说不遵从的理由,那么这个7过的TREATY就无法执行,但是这个理由EXCUSE,是各国来说定的,那么就LEAVE OPEN了。最终的结果就无法达成了。
楼上, leave open 不是 OPEN TREATY 而是 LEAVE OPEN POSSIBILITY , 断句有问题,
C 选项说, 每个国家都找到了不合作的借口, 有这种可能,为什么呢, 因为 每个国家的行动以集体的行动为基础, 而某个国家行动后会通知另外的国家, 那么,谁第一个行动呢? 没有人! 因为他们都会说其他人没有动,
楼上拜托你看清楚,我说的LEAVE OPEN不是你说的那个意思..不知道为何今天都吃火药了..我说的LEAVE OPEN POSSIBILITY,是遗留可以反驳的空间
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