终于要发这个帖子了,不能免俗也要重申毫无炫耀之意 - 我自己看来今年的申请是比较失败的,申了太多同一档次的学校
背景:Tier2 Business Consulting 4 years, G760T108, 国内Tier2工程类本科和小硕, GPA3.7
1. Tuck, 1/6 scholarship
2. Duke, 1/6 scholarship
3. Ross, no scholarhsip
4. UCLA, no sholarship
1. Tier1 咨询,美国或其他国外地方(新加坡、香港、欧洲),假设经济两年后没有明显恢复,同时假设自己的consulting经验能够有所帮助
2. General Management in industry, 国外,主要是想没有咨询那么累,但忧心薪水
3. Finance,美国、香港或新加坡,自己目前没有任何finance经验,不清楚是不是会在MBA中有所改变,但忧心两年后finance仍然象现在那么糟
4. 回国发展,例如回原来的咨询公司,但这样做的话机会成本显得蛮大的,也忧心薪水
Tuck. Reasons:
1. It's a general management school, which fits with your goal in consulting.
2. The Tuck and Dartmouth brand names are super strong in the US . They will follow you for a lifetime.
3. Tuck alumni are much more willing to help than those of other schools, according to current b-schoolers.
Tuck. Reasons:
1. It's a general management school, which fits with your goal in consulting.
2. The Tuck and Dartmouth brand names are super strong in the US . They will follow you for a lifetime.
3. Tuck alumni are much more willing to help than those of other schools, according to current b-schoolers.
Speaking from someone who grew up in the US, I would definitely take Tuck. Tuck is a great general management school. It is borderline tier 1A in the US in terms of reputation. If you are worried about weather, Ann Arbor is NOT warmer. If you are worried about blending in American culture and dealing with racist Americans, I can tell you New England is a better place to be than the midwest (like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin) and the south. In terms of reputation, UCLA and Duke are clearly inferior to Tuck. You also received scholarship for Tuck. New Hempshire is cheaper than UCLA (great area but very expensive). Durham is a nasty place to live (racist, unsafe, and poor).
你自己去BW上 Tuck R1(Jan)那个去看吧
Speaking from someone who grew up in the US, I would definitely take Tuck. Tuck is a great general management school. It is borderline tier 1A in the US in terms of reputation. If you are worried about weather, Ann Arbor is NOT warmer. If you are worried about blending in American culture and dealing with racist Americans, I can tell you New England is a better place to be than the midwest (like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin) and the south. In terms of reputation, UCLA and Duke are clearly inferior to Tuck. You also received scholarship for Tuck. New Hempshire is cheaper than UCLA (great area but very expensive). Durham is a nasty place to live (racist, unsafe, and poor).
Thanks a lot! Your points are very helpful.
Now I tend to choose Tuck. Unfortunately Tuck seems cannot guarantee a non-consigner loan by now and it is critical to me.
On the other side, do you think that studying in Tuck will have some disadvantages for working outside the US? I have not made up my mind about future location, and surely it will be changed during my study period. I'm think that working in Asia or Euro is another choice. But I heard that Tuck's reputation is mainly within the states. That's another main concern of mine.
当然选tuck啦,我的dream school啊。
ps lz真牛啊
当然选tuck啦,我的dream school啊。
ps lz真牛啊
这正是我的担心之一啊, tuck在非美国本土似乎名气很不够?
这正是我的担心之一啊, tuck在非美国本土似乎名气很不够?
有曾子墨,虽然貌似是达茅本科, 给国内带来些知名度.如果在美国,确实是非常好的,不过我老板前几天确实跟我说过那边白人精英文化未必适合亚洲人. 我的面试官也说校友圈在中国很有限.
Ross的亚洲氛围可能是前十里最好的,校友圈子也是最大的. Duke的长处之一是health care,感觉实力上要比Ross弱,但环境好,听说是绿森林包围的学校?
I am not sure which school you should ultimately choose, but I am CERTAIN that most “facts” listed by previous posts are quite inaccurate and misleading.
If I were you, I would seriously consider between Ross and Tuck. To my knowledge, Anderson and Fuqua have never ever been known as general management schools. You may call them finance schools or whatever, but general management school? They are not even close. The beautiful part of Tuck is its overall reputation, and finance probably. In the good old days, everybody got into the b-school to do with finance, and you cannot really rule out that possibility even the market is as horrible as right now. You may well change in your mind at a later point, and Tuck offers you better chance if you do. I really love Ross’s MBA program and I think the MAP is out of this world. Their general management has been what they are famous for, and the consulting is very decent. However, you should always bear in mind that all these facts are arguably built upon the diminished glory of the
如果从reputation in the US来讲,Tuck无疑是最佳的选择。
如果考虑到就业问题,我建议楼主向学校所要Chinese alumni的job placement report(不是那种简单的统计,而是具体到公司名称和职务)只是不知道学校是否会提供。
通过这些数据,你可以很清楚地有一个big picture of Chinese alumni network,相信可以有效地帮助LZ做出决定。
I am not sure which school you should ultimately choose, but I am CERTAIN that most “facts” listed by previous posts are quite inaccurate and misleading.
If I were you, I would seriously consider between Ross and Tuck. To my knowledge, Anderson and Fuqua have never ever been known as general management schools. You may call them finance schools or whatever, but general management school? They are not even close. The beautiful part of Tuck is its overall reputation, and finance probably. In the good old days, everybody got into the b-school to do with finance, and you cannot really rule out that possibility even the market is as horrible as right now. You may well change in your mind at a later point, and Tuck offers you better chance if you do. I really love Ross’s MBA program and I think the MAP is out of this world. Their general management has been what they are famous for, and the consulting is very decent. However, you should always bear in mind that all these facts are arguably built upon the diminished glory of the
如果我专注于第二目标,即希望能留在国外进入行业做general management,Tuck会不会也是比较合适的选择?
I really don't know about loan situations. But if you could, you should try everything to go to Tuck. Tuck has strong placements in consulting and finance. It is also a reputable Ivy League School (Dartmouth) with a strong and close-knit alumni community. Michigan can have a decent alumni base (and Chinese alumni base) since it also has a large and solid undergraduate program. I would completely cross out Anderson. Duke's location is a huge disadvantage and some have argued that the program has slipped in the last 10 years (this comes from my older colleagues with MBA's). Darden is another program to see its reputation and quality slip in the past 10 years. Duke and UVA accepted over 45% of its applicants around 2006. That is just one piece of data to reflect people's view.
There are 3 ranking services that I respect- USNEWS and Business Week for US rankings and Financial Times for global rankings. The latest Financial Times ranking puts Tuck at #15, Fuqua at 28, Anderson at 25, and Ross at 27. This is just one set of rankings but it should reflect global reputation to some extent.
I think you should not (and won't be effective to) look for employment in Europe if you are attending a US based Business School. I cannot speak for Tuck's reputation in China, I think the other members on this blog can take care of that.感谢你的信息。没错,当初申请Ross时考虑的就是我自己原来的背景,以及将来有可能回到industry的意愿
说真的,在consulting工作的人,我感觉除了一小部分是自始至终希望在consulting做到partner那种之外,大部分人或多或少都有在将来某个时段回到industry的想法~~一方面是consulting太累,加上常年出差无法跟家人一起(这点很重要,别小看了,大家都是人。。。),另一方面的确consulting很多时候无法实现具体的business idea的落实,这点有时候也很折磨人。
作为一个过来人,我建议你确定能promote就promote先,然后要求defer Tuck,明年再同时申请M3,这样你毕业的起点比别人高,直接毕业就做industry director level都有可能。
恭喜了...个人感觉Tuck, UCLA可以优先考虑真的...
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