标题: [讨论]PREP2-84 请高人指点一二 [打印本页]
作者: grape262001 时间: 2009-3-24 14:46
标题: [讨论]PREP2-84 请高人指点一二
84. (26216-!-item-!-188;#058&001794)
The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier. In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available; when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blend together in such a way that the word “VOID” appears on the check.
A questionable assumption of the plan is that
A. in the territory served by the banks the proportion of counterfeit checks that are made using electronic scanners has remained approximately constant over the past few years
B. most counterfeiters who use electronic scanners counterfeit checks only for relatively large amounts of money
C. the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visually except under strong magnification
D. most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the new checks than for traditional checks
E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future

作者: alohabrian 时间: 2009-3-24 15:43
这个题 怪怪的,属于有点想不到的答案。
原文逻辑--- 银行通过electronic scanner检查checks,
而Checks可以 用 High-tech Printer仿造,骗过scanner,以假乱真,所以银行设计了防伪术--- 这种防伪术,建立在 计算机能够 准确的读出 dot的基础上的(premsie)。
那么 这个Premise是不是会有问题呢。
这个Premise的前提是 保证 Scanner能够读出dot, 那么 如果 Scanner本身有问题,或者 dot不能读出,这套 system就有问题了。---问题是把真钱的当假的。
E就是说,以后checks的制作工艺下降,里面的 dot cannot be reproduce accurately, 所以dot读不出了。scanner也就是识别不了了。 把真钱的当假的了。
首先,visually 看得出,还是看不出和能不能伪造没有关系。你的意思是 看不出的话,犯罪者 就不知道里面有dot了,所以就不伪造了?
事实上,看得出会伪造,看不出也会伪造。(你当犯罪者是小白啊,肉眼 看不出 防伪标记 就不知防伪标记啦????)
再次,重点不在于 能不能 伪造 checks, 因为就算能伪造 check,只要 制作工艺达不到要求,还是会被 scanner检出出来的。(C取非也无法原文。比如伪造了,但查出来了、)
原文的重点是 强调 对伪造后的识别,要指出的是 识别系统的问题。 能不能伪造,不影响识别 系统 是不是合理。
也就是说 C不管成不成立,都不影响 这套 System的识别真伪的工作。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-24 16:00:51编辑过]
作者: grape262001 时间: 2009-3-24 19:13
以下是引用alohabrian在2009-3-24 15:43:00的发言:
这个题 怪怪的,属于有点想不到的答案。
原文逻辑--- 银行通过electronic scanner检查checks,
而Checks可以 用 High-tech Printer仿造,骗过scanner,以假乱真,所以银行设计了防伪术--- 这种防伪术,建立在 计算机能够 准确的读出 dot的基础上的(premsie)。
那么 这个Premise是不是会有问题呢。
这个Premise的前提是 保证 Scanner能够读出dot, 那么 如果 Scanner本身有问题,或者 dot不能读出,这套 system就有问题了。---问题是把真钱的当假的。
E就是说,以后checks的制作工艺下降,里面的 dot cannot be reproduce accurately, 所以dot读不出了。scanner也就是识别不了了。 把真钱的当假的了。
再次,重点不在于 能不能 伪造 checks, 因为就算能伪造 check,只要 制作工艺达不到要求,还是会被 scanner检出出来的。(C取非也无法原文。比如伪造了,但查出来了、)
作者: alohabrian 时间: 2009-3-24 19:28
不太 理解这句话,请解释。
作者: grape262001 时间: 2009-3-24 20:47
以下是引用alohabrian在2009-3-24 19:28:00的发言:
不太 理解这句话,请解释。
In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available(意思是说为了避免赝品,银行计划contain dots很小以至于不能够被现在可用的scanner复制)
E the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future(未来scanner有能力去复制的dots的大小在未来不会减小)
作者: basking 时间: 2009-3-24 20:49
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-24 21:24:09编辑过]
作者: alohabrian 时间: 2009-3-24 21:40
就是说 造假技术 会提高?恩,好像这样说更加合理。
作者: fighting127 时间: 2009-3-26 13:01
刚做这道题目 一起说一说
The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.-----------scanner的作用在这里 是用来造假的
然后题目又说所以发明dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available----很小的dots让scanner不能复制
E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 13:01:18编辑过]
作者: wy88sunny 时间: 2009-7-19 22:51
作者: sophiacoming 时间: 2009-8-23 23:00
我可以理解E,但我选了D,most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the new checks than for traditional checks
我当时的考虑是,不管你新支票效果有多好, 别人得用才行啊!如果变贵了客户很可能不选择使用高级的支票……那就算它更能防伪也没机会啊......
作者: lzj1209 时间: 2010-4-9 15:17
刚做这道题目 一起说一说The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.-----------scanner的作用在这里 是用来造假的 然后题目又说所以发明dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available----很小的dots让scanner不能复制E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 13:01:18编辑过]
-- by 会员 fighting127 (2009/3/26 13:01:00)
作者: rainbowmanutd 时间: 2011-10-9 04:23
刚做这道题目 一起说一说The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.-----------scanner的作用在这里 是用来造假的 然后题目又说所以发明dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available----很小的dots让scanner不能复制E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 13:01:18编辑过]
-- by 会员 fighting127 (2009/3/26 13:01:00)
-- by 会员 lzj1209 (2010/4/9 15:17:58)
作者: zclovezy 时间: 2011-11-27 16:18
我的问题很白痴,但是还是弱弱的问,这道题的类型是什么啊?A questionable assumption of the plan is that..不是说questionable么,怎么又变成depend了?
作者: ptlove4ever 时间: 2011-12-17 11:07
原文:计算机的 high-quality electronic scanners 以及 color printers 技术,使得假钞更加容易辨识。(没用的句子)为阻止假钞,银行向自己的公司客户发放可用于识别假钞的dots,这些dots都太小了以至于不用电脑查不出来,一旦假钞中含有这写dots,检查结果就会显示“VOID”字样。
本题有点plan-goal的意思,plan:发送dots goal:检验假钞
作者: ptlove4ever 时间: 2011-12-17 11:10
刚做这道题目 一起说一说The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.-----------scanner的作用在这里 是用来造假的 然后题目又说所以发明dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available----很小的dots让scanner不能复制E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 13:01:18编辑过]
-- by 会员 fighting127 (2009/3/26 13:01:00)
作者: ptlove4ever 时间: 2011-12-17 11:13
我的问题很白痴,但是还是弱弱的问,这道题的类型是什么啊?A questionable assumption of the plan is that..不是说questionable么,怎么又变成depend了?
-- by 会员 zclovezy (2011/11/27 16:18:28)
作者: powerlgx 时间: 2011-12-23 01:42
作者: xpyin 时间: 2012-2-4 05:48
The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier. (高质量的电子扫描仪和计算机彩色打印机使得伪造假钞越来越容易了)
In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available; (为了防止假钞,几家银行向他们的客户发行的支票上有很小的点,这些点是目前各种扫描仪都无法复制的)
when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blend together in such a way that the word “VOID” appears on the check.(进一步解释这个支票点点怎样发挥作用。)
E)the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future.(可用的电子扫描仪能准确复制的点点的尺寸不会在最近大大缩小)
作者: shirryzhan 时间: 2012-6-2 21:42
作者: lovecq77 时间: 2012-7-30 16:19
原文:计算机的 high-quality electronic scanners 以及 color printers 技术,使得假钞更加容易辨识。(没用的句子)为阻止假钞,银行向自己的公司客户发放可用于识别假钞的dots,这些dots都太小了以至于不用电脑查不出来,一旦假钞中含有这写dots,检查结果就会显示“VOID”字样。
本题有点plan-goal的意思,plan:发送dots goal:检验假钞
-- by 会员 ptlove4ever (2011/12/17 11:07:56)
作者: lovecq77 时间: 2012-7-30 16:21
A. in the territory served by the banks the proportion of counterfeit checks that are made using electronic scanners has remained approximately constant over the past few years
B. most counterfeiters who use electronic scanners counterfeit checks only for relatively large amounts of money –>无关
C. the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visually except under strong magnification -->distinguished是误导,scanner 和printer是用来counterfeiting,不是用来distinguished 所以irrelevant.
D. most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the new checks than for traditional checks -->无关
E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future -->correct. 直译:scanners 所能reproduce的最小dots的size在未来不会再缩小。和bank的plan就吻合了。
逻辑链:background : high-quality electronic scanners and color printers easily made the counterfeiting of checks.
Checks contain dots too small to be duplicated by any electronic scanner. -> deter such counterfeiting
作者: fantasy198 时间: 2012-7-30 19:00
B是无关选项吗? 我觉得是,有人研究没?
作者: 牛掰 时间: 2013-5-27 10:30
fantasy198 发表于 2012-7-30 19:00 
B是无关选项吗? 我觉得是,有人研究没?
作者: stevenlong 时间: 2013-7-23 11:11
"E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易"
大家有没有看到问题问的是“A questionable assumption of the plan is that”,并非这个plan depends on which assumption,题目更多的是问以下哪个assumption会削弱plan的目的性。
E的说法是将来最小的点的size不会下降,换句话说,随着这些printers和scanners的发展,短时间内肯定会能够识别现在这些点,如果这些点的size不下降,不久的将来还是会可以复制假支票的。因此这个假设就是那个questionable assumption。
所以上面这个大牛对E的解释 “如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易" 改成 如果下降了造假变得更难就更合理,但不下降就变得更容易。这样更符合questionable这个削弱的标志。
作者: zzloveyibo 时间: 2014-3-3 13:56
The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.-----------scanner的作用在这里 是用来造假的
然后题目又说所以发明dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available----很小的dots让scanner不能复制
E. the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future----E是说the size of the smallest dots (that generally available ) (electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately )will not decrease significantly in the near future 意思就是说 scanner能复制的dots的大小不会下降 如果下降了 这样造假会变的容易
作者: Satanilles 时间: 2014-11-24 16:37
ptlove4ever 发表于 2011-12-17 11:07 
原文:计算机的 high-quality electronic scanners 以及 color printers 技术,使得假钞更加容易辨识。(没 ...
The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier.哪个是让假钞更加容易辨识啊,请NN解答
作者: 雪奈Yukina 时间: 2015-2-2 10:47
grape262001 发表于 2009-3-24 19:13 
以下是引用alohabrian在2009-3-24 15:43:00的发言:这个题 怪怪的,属于有点想不到的答案。原文逻辑--- 银 ...
作者: stephanie-xx 时间: 2020-1-8 18:06
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