作者: Snazzy 时间: 2004-2-18 16:13
I WAS in the same situation. basically i could eliminated 3 immeidately. then i chose the wrong one. maybe you would like to analyze all those you have done in every detail as I have been doing作者: donna 时间: 2004-2-18 17:27
多分析和总结,当题目做多了,总结就特别重要!作者: donna 时间: 2004-2-18 17:29
还有要掌握ETS的出题意图,考点是什么,做起来就简单了。作者: 2love2live 时间: 2004-2-18 19:35
当我restrict the choices to 2的时候,我先第一感选一个,然后再mark另外一个,因为:我也是经常在最后两个的关头犯错误!