
标题: LR0506-3-15 [打印本页]

作者: xiaoxinglu    时间: 2009-3-10 16:29
标题: LR0506-3-15

Works of literature often present protagonists who scorn allegiance to their society and who advocaate detachment rather civic-mindedness. However, modern literature is distinguished from the literature of earlier eras in part because it more frequently treats such protagonists sympathetically. Sympathetic treatment fo such characters suggests to readers that one should be unconerned about contributing to societal good. Thus, modern literature can damage individuals who appropriate this attitude, as well as society at large.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the critic's argument relies?

the correct answer is B: It is to the advantage of some individuals that they be concerned with contributing to societal good.

I know why all the other four choices are wrong but do not understand why B is correct. I think it is not necessary to be "to the advantage".

作者: litigator    时间: 2009-3-10 20:49
premise:  this treatment by mo. lit. cause individuals to be unconcerned

conclusion: if unconcerned, then individuals can be damaged. 

implied conclusion: to prevent being damaged, one needs to be concerned, (in other words, the author is assumping there is a cause between being concerned and being damaged)

hence B

if you still don't see it, let me know.  I can explain further.

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