现在在美国一家很小的wealth management公司做税务和一些财务,刚工作一年。
工商管理里,比较喜欢stratigic management, general management, operation management, human resource
1. 对国内工作环境一无所知,但心存幻想,毕竟美国不是咱国家,没那感觉,容易觉得孤单,如果就想过个安稳的小日子,在美国也还好,只是自己一直单身,也找不到留下的理由,暂时对绿卡没想法。 回去又不知道能做什么。
2.不管回不回去。 曾经一直有TOP MBA 的梦想, GMAT 还没考(之前用来申请会计的660), 托福不用考。 但是不清楚机会成本会是什么,继续做税务可能可以到预备经理。金钱可能得大部分贷款才行(听说读MBA都是贷款吧?) 除去简单的梦想,如果回国,对于我这种没有国内工作经验, 国外经验不长的人,MBA有多少提升价值。 主要指就业职位,不一定要看年薪。
3.读MBA后是否能为自己进入管理咨询或者公司运作管理容易些。管理类长期职业发展与财务类长期职业发展有什么区别? 比如说,幸苦度,挑战度。
。。。。。自己 顶下吧
general managment is a very broad term
need to find out the consistency in the 4 catagories LZ mentioned
what's the common elements in stratigic management, general management, operation management, and human resource?
are they "strategy," "people," and "efficiency"?
another major question is the timing
LZ jumps in and asks this career question only one year after entering current job
there must be some negative drivers that pulls LZ away from financing and tax
while this is consistent with the undergrad major but contradictory with master major
why did that happen?
the reason should be the big clue for both your future career path and the mba motivation
for top mba
1 yr exp is way too short, both for career ladder and the evidence for leadership pattern
while LZ'll need to find out the underlying drivers
to decide what field to continue and thrive
Thank you so much for replying.
I am always more interested in management which is my undergraduate major than accounting.
The reason I took accounting as graduate major is that I think this major can help me land a job in U.S. quicker and easier. In addition, I believe accounting experience can help me better understand the whole company operation. Of course, also a lot of other factors make me choose this major such as fellowship..
Although it's only been one year in my career, I really want to know more about future development. Because I realize reality can be totally different from imagination after starting working.
I feel lost now. Can I still pursue management or business consulting with accounting background? How can I do that? Or I should keep an attitude of down to the earth that I should look more at accounting or tax development?
One more thing to add is maybe I don't like current job very much. Too much trivial things, more focus on process and procedures. I like analyzing more. And I like more flexible schedule that I can control my time rather than report to different managers every hour about my status.
never pursue an education for an easier job hunt
unless it's your ultimate enthusiasm
or you'll kill your own rest of life
but if you don't like your current job already, GET AWAY FROM IT!
if you don't like details, don't do accounting anymore
you're committing suicide
accounting can be easier to land a job in U.S. few years ago
but not anymore
especially when all openings are frozen under current crisis (should be similar in few years)
you have to go back to home country but the choices are limited by your concentration
accounting won't help you understand better about operation
only help you understand how to manipulate numbers and how to manipulate ethic
and only operation can help you understand operation
if you like to analyze, you can do market research or operation improvement
if you like strategy, go marketing strategy or corporate strategy, but you better have real market experience first, such as a senior sales manager
if you want to pursue general management
you need "something" to manage.
the first priority for a general manager is to earn as much profit as possible for stockholders
so sales and marketing are the most important "things" to manage
you need to develop the corporate strategy to expand the market share
then you'll need to manage "people" to manage operation, supply chain, and also critically, finance
that's why mba exists, for "people" management and leadership
so the key is to find out "what" can you manage
and what make you really happy to manage
a consulting job can be flexibly that no need to report to manager hour by hour
but 16-hour workday can simply crash you, after a top 10 mba
all and all, career is a life-time issue
mba is always about career management
we can talk more to find out what you really want, and what really makes you feel happy in life
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