
标题: [求助]希望得到您的指点! [打印本页]

作者: DoriaVann    时间: 2009-2-11 15:42
标题: [求助]希望得到您的指点!
本人2008毕业,现在IT领头公司 HRlearning做Virtual Learning&Elearning的工作。但是发现这个领域在中国和公司里面发展的很缓慢,但的确是存在很新的知识技术。凭借快2年(实习+工作)的工作经验,最近感觉不像SALES,CONSULTANT那样很有成就感也感觉前途比较渺茫。。。由于在公司的锻炼,英文口头笔头交流不成问题也有IT背景和很强的学习工作能力,不知道我应该坚持这个行业并且深造还是早点改行跳槽?

作者: DoriaVann    时间: 2009-2-11 15:44
标题: [求助]补充
作者: dhdlorent    时间: 2009-2-11 22:11
千万别改行。好好干, Elearning 大有前景. 虽然现在还是个新概念, 但潜力很大.
作者: davidlee0222    时间: 2009-2-14 06:06

find out what really drives you behind the sense of achievement in sales or consulting type of job

and what really drives you out of HR, or e-learning? or the slow company progress?

there can be multiple drivers

sort them out one by one

find out which one make you really enjoyable

since it can be the slow progress that drives you crazy, instead of the job function

while don't choose career due to so-called "trend"

since it can be volatile and unpredictable

and learn to distinguish "job" from "career"

if you don't enjoy the job

you're simply killing yourself with mediocre performance

wasting your life and finally get kicked out of the field

focus only on what you really enjoy and feel fulfilled

then you can thrive higher and higher because you'll simply feel more and more happy

until the money start chasing you

that's the ultimate success career

not a fancy job or how others impress about you

you'll hit the absolute emptiness when you're trapped in an unenjoyable "fancy" job

作者: DoriaVann    时间: 2009-2-16 13:08

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