find out what really drives you behind the sense of achievement in sales or consulting type of job
and what really drives you out of HR, or e-learning? or the slow company progress?
there can be multiple drivers
sort them out one by one
find out which one make you really enjoyable
since it can be the slow progress that drives you crazy, instead of the job function
while don't choose career due to so-called "trend"
since it can be volatile and unpredictable
and learn to distinguish "job" from "career"
if you don't enjoy the job
you're simply killing yourself with mediocre performance
wasting your life and finally get kicked out of the field
focus only on what you really enjoy and feel fulfilled
then you can thrive higher and higher because you'll simply feel more and more happy
until the money start chasing you
that's the ultimate success career
not a fancy job or how others impress about you
you'll hit the absolute emptiness when you're trapped in an unenjoyable "fancy" job
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