谢谢大家! 欢迎大家随便说上两句! 谢谢!
Except for Deloitte, other Big 4 firms do Not have a consulting line. Instead, they provide business advisory service, esp financial advisory, such as transaction service(M&A),financial due diligence,corporate finance and so on. I don't think mathematics will be your barrier, for it is not a must. In reality, we seldom deal with mathematical problem.
An MBA degree is a big plus when u apply for a position in the advisory line,but I suggest you the sub-line covering management advisory, like PI(Performance improvement) at the advisory line in PwC, which may be more consistent with your education background and work experience.
With respect to auditing, I hv to tell u Big 4 firms in China rarely target MBAs as potential employees, and vice versa.
Finally, why not learn more about the Nielsen company and have a shot? I guess it suits you a lot more.
首先非常谢谢前辈的指导~ 看来是业内人士了, 所以可不可以请你谈谈,
- 如果能拿到港大的MBA(这是我将尽全力争取的), 是否适合申请香港四大的Advisory呢?
- 四大的Advisory除了财务方面的咨询, (又或者如Accenture好象做IBM的竞争对手做IT方面的咨询), 有没有什么准入门槛不太高的咨询相关部门呢?
另外继续介绍自己的情况, 相信很多文科的同学也会有共鸣...
大学快毕业那会才发现学语言真的是... 有专业背景又有高GRE的牛人太多了. 因为学校非名校G点也不高, 几乎找不到很好的实习工作,
于是陷入一个怪圈: 高考入普通学校-无心学习-无好实习公司-无法出国/无好工作
我也曾深深的迷茫过很久, 以为自己一辈子就要平平淡淡的渡过了, 甚至有些悔恨读了文科专业
在这里我丝毫没有想诋毁学语言的意思, 好象Morgan Stanley的头就是北外学英语的; 可是现在似乎除非实力很强做翻译,就只能找行政一类的supporting部门的工作了
这里有学文科尤其是学语言的同学吗? 也欢迎大家来谈谈你当初的职业选择
谢谢Adagio分享的几个例子, 这会让即将面临毕业的学弟学妹更有信心!
我自己在大学里属于混日子型到大四, 快毕业才开始了解Big 4, Consulting, 投行, 500强等 (刚进大学的时候听说师哥师姐的都去广东做外贸了以为自己也会走这条路), 当然已经晚了 (当年的招聘已经结束, 就算不结束以我的背景是哪家也进不去的). 于是老老实实的先找了份工, 积累了一些经验, 在毕业后不久阴差阳错的进入了现在的公司.
However, 我自己看到的成功转型的例子还有Adagio提到的情况应该都属于毕业后就成功进入行业(如Big 4到财务, 奥美+Marketing);
刚看见这个贴子<学英语专业的都是从事什么工作?>, 感觉大家还是在强调这个概念: 英语+技能, 而这个技能大体分三种:行政, HR和贸易
似乎大部份是适合女生干的职业? 国贸可能一半一半, 如果是学阿语的男生听说是很吃香的呵呵
首先非常谢谢前辈的指导~ 看来是业内人士了, 所以可不可以请你谈谈,
另外继续介绍自己的情况, 相信很多文科的同学也会有共鸣...
前辈?Lol, I am still young, even younger than you.
Yep, I know every service line at Big 4 Chinese firms fairly well. And 'cos I hv a friend in AC Nielsen covering *** industry, you'd best take my suggestions seriously. Incidentally, like you, he majored in history, but he performed amazingly well in Nielsen
Forget your education totally, which means nothing. Take myself for instance, I graduate from a polytechnic univ. with a B.S degree, but I am closing in on my CICPA qualification sheer by self-learning. And now I hv been preparing for CFA level 2 exams. I strongly suggest you obtain whether CPA or ACA (not ACCA) qualification, why can help you a lot. Also, you can accumulate enough financial knowledge necessary in the financial area.
In Nielsen, you are supposed to deal with a wealth of market data, draw useful information and make conclusions, based on which you make suggetions to your clients, thus an analyst or executive positon in Nielsen may suit you more.
U can text me, should I be free, I will reply u as soon as can be. Don't hesitate to question me if u need my advice.
关注CD已经有两年了; 两年时间, 从即将大学毕业时的迷茫, 到如今些许找到些前进的方向, 感谢CD陪我一路走过: GMAT, MBA, career Path.
这篇贴子主要是想讨论一下我文科生学习MBA从事商业的困境, 也许我的情况也代表了大多数文科生的心声 - 我们在考大学前没想过自己居然对商业是如此感兴趣的...
北京某重点本科(非名校)对外汉语专业, 英语专八; G点很低, 没学过高数
工作时间一年半, 某500强美国医药公司的Data Project Leader, 主要负责新药的临床实验数据管理, 有一点项目管理的经验
因为读文科也因为只学了一点语言, 造成在找工作的时候感到困境重重, 所以一直想去读一个专业; 又因为高数不会, MBA就成为一个比较好的选择... 尤其个人也对此感兴趣...
- 关于申请: 对于我等非科班非IT等的背景, 除了争取考出GMAT高分外还有没有其他弥补短板的可能?
- 关于申请: 已经打定主意冲击港大或加拿大TOP 10的学校, 希望大吗?
- 关于职业: 毕业后想进四大的Auditing 或 Consulting, 或者从事自己很感兴趣的Marketing方面的工作, 但不确定自己现在的工作经验是否相关...
PS: 我知道读MBA进四大在很多人看来是挺奇怪的... 呵呵... 可是,
谢谢大家! 欢迎大家随便说上两句! 谢谢!
The question behind questions (QBQ) here is not about entering which job can get a better chance to enter MBA
but why MBA and why now
since whether study MBA or not
it's only a part of career
while MBA application process is all about career management and personal branding
first LZ needs to put the mba discussion aside, since you'll need to find out what's the real ultimate career you'll enjoy and why
and then see whether through MBA or not, and the whys later
as LZ mentioned about strong interests in business
this is the biggest independent positive driver to your career
but business field is extremely large
LZ needs to break down to which part of business in the Value Chain model are you interested in?
from the horizontal axis, which job function interests you most?
finance? marketing? accounting? management? strategy? human resources? operation? or else
then from the vertical axis
do you have any specific industry preference?
also why?
these positionings can be projected by your "behavior pattern" from early career
accounting, consulting, and marketing are in 3 different planets
accounting needs not only your passion about numbers, but also about business model and cash flow
consulting takes extreme enthusiasm on helping clients, as well as superior competency on analytical thinking and problem solving
marketing takes personality the most that how skillful and how enthusiastic will you sell the product or service through marketing communications
how well do you know and access the market, how deep do you understand the psychological perception of the customers
and how emotional do you believe in the specific product
so it still depends on what specific field in the business are you interested in
while there must be some key personality feature to be promoted as project leader
and should not be excluded from your dream career only due to insufficiency of advanced math
keep it optimistic, no body knows when will you explode your sleeping talent
For MBA application, it’s all about career management and personal branding
since it’s a management training
adcoms are for track records for leadership potential
It’s not about a business major or a popular background like IT
It’s about how profound and sophisticated do you organize your career
for real long-term objective, not just for entering a dream school
Big 4 is common career path for mba applicants
but not specifically preferred
more often than not, people enter big 4 before mba instead of afterward
but it depends on what LZ really enjoys the most about the job content
while the similar question is always repeated
why not get another master? It seems like a plus
actually, it’s not
for opportunity cost, only when people really understand the urgency about specific advanced education
or you’ll lose not only 2 years of life and tuition
but 2 years work experience you can obtain from the work
while the most deadly trap is to be locked into the profession in your advanced major
recruiters will be harder to believe a career switching after you pursued another advanced degree
and hire someone else with wider flexibility
this can be an interesting issue
since not only adcom will ask "why did you stick with this job if you don't like it? Don't you do anything about your career?"
but the ultimate voice is from your inner peace:"Why do I need to do this anymore? If I don't like it anyway?"
only the inner peace can bring the true fulfillment for life
any precious advice for what kinda SPECIFIC job i can take if i graduate from the business school?
why guys upstairs don't read 卢伯卿 & davidlee0222 first then post your comments (which was exactly same with LZ)?
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