是不是被要求面试说明被录取的可能有一定程度上大了一些?thanks a lot!!
dingrhan mm,
是把interview 的结果汇总到整个package后, 综合的看. interview的作用, 往往是,做的再好, 也不能够拯救一个平庸的申请. 但是, 一个很烂的interview却可以毁掉一个本来很有希望的package.
我有一个很要好的Kellogg校友告诉我, 他们面试的时候, 一般会最后把申请人在面试中的表现分成
一般只要面试结果落到前3档就可以. 最终还是看package整体质量. 因为据我的朋友称, 很少有申请人是被"强烈推荐", 除非真的非常出类拔萃.
所以, 可以简单总结一下面试的要点:"不求有功;但求无过"吧.
我的看法是引用Chioma Isiadinso, A Former HBS Admion Board Member在她北美2008年出版的新书"The Best Business Schools' Admission Secrets"中的话. 原文入下:
"An Interview allows the MBA Board to verify the authenticity of your "story". It's also a way for the MBA Board to learn anything about you (Positive or negative) that didn't come through in your application. The main value of the interview is that it can actually sway an admission decidion when the MBA Board is on the fence about a candidate...."
面试在adcom对你的取舍犹豫不决的时候, 面试是决定性因素. 但是当你的材料本身不够强的时候, 面试没办法回天. 有时候, 面试是"压死骆驼的最后一根稻草" - 但我们都知道,并不是那根稻草最终压死了骆驼.
我的意思, 并非忽略面试,而是希望不要把宝都压在这上面. 能做更好当然要更好. 但是其他因素都是重要的. 况且, 面试并不是申请者完全的个人控制. 有面试官的主观喜好和一定偶然性. 相比而言, 论文等其他因素更可控一些. 尽量做到最好,会有更大帮助.
Application process varies school from school
some schools like Kellogg and USC proceed blind interviews
and evaluate essay packages by separate teams
then cross examine the applicants' candidacy
The interview percentage can be accurate but unpredictable year by year since the application pool can shoot through the roof this particular year, due to the current financial hardship worldwide
it's not about essay packaging vs. interview performance
it's about YOU as an authentic leader
every clue in your essay package, as well as during the interview, reflect part of your leadership style and personality
applicants should make sure every "touch point" between you and the committee be as consistent as possible
and can genuinely reflect who you are
for adcoms, the most direct communication should be face-to-face interview
to understand you and explore your aspiration as deep as possible
but due to the limited time and access,
application process leverage essay format to screen the applicants in first hand
then see if interview process is necessary
some outstanding applicants may be far above the bar
and adcom may find no need for interview process
that's why there're always a very small portion of applicants get admitted by top schools without interview process
but most of applicants need to go through the interview process so that adcoms can evaluate more completely
in the general situation
essay package is evaluated before the interview
so the interview invitation is a positive sign
while the applicants should manage to perform beyond what adcoms had expected about you from your essays
interview can save an underrated essay package
and of course it can also ruin a brilliant written faIry tale
but either one is not the common case
more commonly, applicants mess up both of them
either don't know how to present yourself strategically in business-education setting
or not fully prepared on self-awareness under the theoretical management framework
under the fierce competition every year (not only this year)
only when both presentation formats are outstandingly executed
will the admission be granted
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