
标题: IE b-school如何? [打印本页]

作者: hero05    时间: 2009-2-2 09:40
标题: IE b-school如何?




作者: oasising    时间: 2009-2-2 10:21

作者: hero05    时间: 2009-2-2 13:51



作者: Luzern09    时间: 2009-2-4 17:37
Very good at marketing, itself. You even don't need an AT score to apply for (It has its own test). 4 friends of mine, who didn't get any offer from US top 50, all got offers from IE in these 2 years, their AT scores range from 510 to 640. I'm also confused that why a world top 10 MBA has a distance learning MBA program... 
作者: felix_zheng    时间: 2009-2-4 20:00

I strongly doubt about the quality of IE MBA based on what ls commented above.

Anyway, IESE's preferred player in EU!

作者: hero05    时间: 2009-2-6 08:53

Although marketing is good, Chinese students cann't find job in this industry.

This school has its own test. one of my frined who did not take the GMAT got the offer from this school.

作者: daydream8    时间: 2009-2-7 15:32




作者: mlchina    时间: 2009-2-7 20:30
作者: WillyYang    时间: 2009-4-13 18:56




中国人太重视GMAT 分数了!这也导致了中国学生需要比别国更高的GMAT成绩,才能被录取。我看我同学GMAT从五百到七百多都有,你要怎么比。



欧洲和美国是很不一样的选择,重点还是回到Career PathSchool Fit


欧洲和美国是很不一样的选择,重点还是回到Career PathSchool Fit




作者: joannahy    时间: 2009-4-13 23:05

首先,所有这些ranking不过是一些带有较好国际声望的媒体从第三方的角度根据鸽子拟定的标准评选出来的。比如,IE之所以近两年在FT,BW的ranking这么高,是因为其在这些ranking中´post-MBA career development opportunities¨这一项标准中得分颇高,最后的综合得分也就水涨船高。(其他标准还包括“post-MBA salary increase” ¨alumni satisfaction for the program¨, “publications of research”,etc.大概是这些,要研究的更为彻底,各位不妨去FT,BW网站直接看不同标准之下各商学院的得分。)

至于之前看到一些说ranking高是因为marketing做得好,或者是买来的,实在不敢苟同。首先,ranking这一块,是FT,BW等评选媒体机构not-for-profit的行为,所以各B-School的marketing 部门即使有budget想花钱买,估计人家FT, BW也是不受理的,最多也只能属于PR的范畴。其次,买来一说有贿赂嫌疑,如果有学校真的因为贿赂FT,BW而得到这样的TOP ranking,那么FT,BW的ranking也没什么好信的,大家还看什么ranking,或者说那些老牌的top-ranked的b-school就一直是最大的贿赂者,居然排名一直那么前!!哈哈,这里说笑了。

就我个人而言,这些排名本来只能做相对参考,不过是这些媒体的another business line,就跟国内某知名媒体联合某些行业搞一个什么评选一样,商业行为而以,只能做参考。

还有国内根据进B-School的学生的GMAT分数来衡量学校质量的,这个镇的是中国学生(包括印度学生)自己给自己设的门槛.GMAT考试只是用来测试申请者Intelligence水平的一个占小比例的指标,其他的working experiences,essays,personal/profession visions/projections...甚至是一些special life experiences that demonstrate your potentials of leadership, competetent communications skills, etc.这些才是大头.(相信诸位该开始申请时面对essay的题目都有点傻眼吧,感觉把自己的一辈子故事都要说出来一样---但这些才是商学院要寻求的potential prospects的素质,他们要的是具备business/management leadership potential的人.因为MBA就是一个business/management traing/education项目.


作者: sophierong    时间: 2009-4-14 11:37

I agree GMAT is not the only 评估标准,你的academic background, professional experience, potential of leadership,etc 尤其是professional expericene 更重要吧。 

至于IE 为什么有Distance learning, 难道各位没看到未来的世界是一个on-line 的世界,其实现在已经是, IE 的on-line programs全球数一数二,这个就叫innovation, 不是吹出来的,也是各大媒体通过各种调查评出来的ba.

As for job, it is depends on how do you position yourslef and where you wanna to work. i saw the placement report of IE graduates, all students got job within three months after their graduation. 而且我看今年FT 排名上, IE 的毕业生年薪上升幅度是最高之一吧。

作者: Luzern09    时间: 2009-4-15 16:56

To Willy,

They all appllied for MBA, not MS program. I know AT is only a factor of an applicant's package. However, the truth is they can't even get an offer from other US top 30 program and Europe top 5 program with their below average AT, normal working experience (0-3 years), and domestic 2nd tier university degree, sorry I might be too critical. 

I do believe IE is a top 10 Europe school but can only be the no.2 in Spain and no.5-6 in Europe.

To Sophierong,

Yes, it will be and even already an "on-line" world. But I haven't seen any world top 10 MBA offer an online MBA... MBA is not only a degree but a kind of experience that you have to discover IN person, I believe.

For successful placement within 3 months, I think students in IE are lucky enough to have a very long "3 months" after your program, right? Correct me if I were wrong. What I know is you have a more than 3 months break to look for job after your class and before your offical graduation ceremony.

In terms of after MBA salary, so far, from what I heard and what I experienced at your school, I can only say that there is still some rooms for IE to improve. However, I think you can persuade us easily with your Chinese alumni's post-mba career placement data though.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-21 16:19:59编辑过]

作者: sophierong    时间: 2009-4-16 11:57

To Luzrn09,

Seems you didn't completely understand what's on-line prgorams, actually I am applying  on-line program.  As I know,they still meet at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the program,they meet for sure in person for some periods, other top schools don't have on-line programs doesn't prove anything, but prove IE's innovation in education model.

As for the placement within 3 months, it doesn't mean all got job after 3 months. I am sure some got job offer even before graduation.

From what you said (What I experience at your school) seems you are studying there? Of coures IE has improved and will keep improving. We will see.

作者: NSR    时间: 2009-4-18 17:46
We look for different things from a business school experience. For many Chinese students, ranking is the most important factor. For some, mutual fit is more important than ranking. For others, location matters. All schools have their unique characteristics and rankings cannot measure these things. For example, how would you compare living in Singapore vs the US? The answer depends on YOU

I wrote this after seeing many comments made about different business schools as if there's a ranking that fits everybody. Before applying to any school, we should think about what WE need from it. It's a substantial time investment after all. My 2 cents

作者: ddwantsmba    时间: 2009-4-21 10:16


作者: NSR    时间: 2009-4-21 16:20
I'd be interested to know the employment stats too Anyone willing to share?

作者: WillyYang    时间: 2009-4-25 06:20

(1)   首先大家提到的 AT问题,我认为已经有结论,所以就不再多做讨论。一个学校的好坏,绝对不是GMAT可以决定的。只能说进来之后就发现很多同学真的很聪明,没有JJ就可以拿到700+的大有人在。


同学在聊天的时候,根本不会有人管你AT 考几分,大家只会问你之前做甚么,backgroundfocus,以后career path and planning




(2)   大家有兴趣的中国学生毕业后工作和薪水部分,我也不清楚,主要原因在于IE中国学生很少,一年只有一个或两个,有时候甚至一个没有,因此我不认为告诉大家欧美各国学长姐的起薪具有参考价值。工作牵涉到的不只是skills的问题,还包括工作证这些复杂的问题。


如果真的很有兴趣的话,可以去information sessionrep.,看看他们有没有相关的统计。


(3)   我建议大家多比较,多考虑,多看看,不一定非得念哪一间学校不可。每个学校都有自己的风格,我认为IE 学生比较偏向risk taking,比较勇于尝试,而所谓的创业精神,除了字面上的解释,也就是开创自己的事业以外,另一部分则来自于自己是否勇于提出新的看法、计划、并执行。谁说一个企业内,不需要创业家?

作者: NSR    时间: 2009-4-28 16:28
I'm curious - How's Spanish being taught at school? Talked to an alumnus and was surprised to know that he didn't speak any Spanish upon graduation

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