标题: 逻辑题中的难句 [打印本页] 作者: 5332649 时间: 2004-2-10 15:47 标题: 逻辑题中的难句 Technological improvements and reduced equipment costs have made converting solar energy directly into electricity far more cost-efficient in the last decade. However, the threshold of economic viability for solar power (that is, the price per barrel to which oil would have to rise in order for new solar power plants to be more economical than new oil-fired power plants) is unchanged at thirty-five dollars.
作者: bon 时间: 2004-2-11 10:39
that is, the price per barrel to which oil would have to rise in order for new solar power plants to be more economical than new oil-fired power plants 为了使新的太阳能工厂比新的以油为能源的工厂更经济,每桶油的价格要上升