GWD-8-Q19: GWD-2-12
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Concerned about financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension paid to all Runagians over 65. Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians. Nevertheless, many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large part because ________.
A. They rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B. Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a pension check
C. They buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation
D. The pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the poverty level reached an all-time high
E. In Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
GWD-8-Q14: GWD-2-11 Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives. However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A. These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine. B. Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions. C. Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added. D. Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction. E. Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines. 不明白答案为什么要是E. 我选的是D. 题目不是说了已经把sulfites弄走了么,没有了sulfites.怎么还说那个东东的量会造成allergic GWD-8-Q31: GWD-2 Which of the following most logically completes the argument? Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____. A. Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages B. the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does C. the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech D. overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech E. the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech 答案是D.我选的是C 这一题就更不明白了.D中说的什么什么RATE在Y和Z中都一样了...还选它... 今天做GWD超级郁闷.阅读差不多全军覆没,被打击得找不到北了,这逻辑做得还不知道错在哪.... 各位大哥帮帮忙吧....
GWD-8-Q31: GWD-2
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____.
A. Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages
B. the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does
C. the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech
D. overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech
E. the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech
GWD-8-Q14: GWD-2-11
Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives. However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.
B. Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
C. Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.
D. Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.
E. Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.
GWD-8-Q31: GWD-2 Which of the following most logically completes the argument? Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____. A. Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages B. the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does C. the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech D. overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech E. the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech 答案是D.我选的是C 这一题就更不明白了.D中说的什么什么RATE在Y和Z中都一样了...还选它... 今天做GWD超级郁闷.阅读差不多全军覆没,被打击得找不到北了,这逻辑做得还不知道错在哪.... 各位大哥帮帮忙吧....
GWD-8-Q31: GWD-2
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____.
A. Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages
B. the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does
C. the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech
D. overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech
E. the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech
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