
标题: 请大家帮忙准确翻译这个话(重要考点) [打印本页]

作者: 寂寞的自由    时间: 2004-2-9 05:31
标题: 请大家帮忙准确翻译这个话(重要考点)
Describing the conditions prevailing before a given event in such a way that the contrast with those prevailing after the event appear more striking than it actually is:
作者: bon    时间: 2004-2-9 11:27
Describing the conditions prevailing before a given event in such a way that the contrast with those prevailing after the event appear more striking than it actually is:

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-9 11:31:50编辑过]

作者: 寂寞的自由    时间: 2004-2-9 11:58

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