49. (27113-!-item-!-188;#058&003110)
The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease four-tenths of one percent, amounting to about $72, as compared with comparably equipped cars and trucks this year.
(A) The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease four-tenths of one percent, amounting to about $72, as compared with comparably equipped cars and trucks this year.
(B) The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's cars and trucks would decrease four-tenths of one percent, or about $72, from that of comparably equipped models this year.
(C) The automobile company announced that there would be a decrease of four-tenths of one percent in next year's models' average price, or about $72, below this year's comparably equipped cars and trucks.
(D) Compared to comparably equipped models this year, the automobile company announced that the average price of next year's cars and trucks would decrease about $72, less by four-tenths of one percent.
(E) Contrasted with comparably equipped cars and trucks of this year, the automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease about $72, or four-tenths of one percent.
今天再看这道题,突然之间对B的the average price of next year's cars and trucks有了疑问,难道这不是双重属格吗? 是不是这样理解: the price of (next year's) cars and trucks,不同于a friend of mine的结构?
昨晚本来以为想明白了,这种不算双重属格,只有cars' and trucks'这种形式的才算.可是看到PREP1-60题时彻底无语了。详解里说答案E中的The rates of Mideast immigrants' enterpreneurship是错误的双重所有格表达形式,应该改为the rates of immigrants 或者immigrants' rates.
60. (27763-!-item-!-188;#058&003346)
Mideast immigrants' rates of entrepreneurship exceed virtually every other immigrant group in the
increasingly diverse United States economy.
(A) Mideast immigrants' rates of entrepreneurship exceed
(B) Mideast immigrants are exhibiting rates of entrepreneurship exceeding
(C) Immigrants from the Mideast exhibit rates of entrepreneurship exceeding those of
(D) The rates of entrepreneurship in immigrants from the Mideast exceed
(E) The rates of Mideast immigrants' entrepreneurship exceeds those of
考点: 比较(Comparison) 主谓一致(Agreement) 有效用词(Diction)
1) 比较双方要对等
2) 在GMAT中,双重所有格,即 the rates of immigrants’ 表达错误, 应该改为the rates of immigrant或
者 immigrants’ rates
3) 对比对象中出现的重复名词用that或those代替,that代替前面出现的单数名词,those代替前面出现
(A) immigrants’ rates不能同other immigrant group相比.
(B) rates of entrepreneurship不能同other immigrant group相比
(C) 正确, 用those代替前面出现过的rates,比较双方对应
(D) the rates of entrepreneurship不能同other immigrant group相比
(E) 使用双重所有格,错误; 主谓不一致:主语是rates,谓语应该用exceed.
句子结构: Immigrants… exhibit rates of entrepreneurship exceeding those of…
A of B's 是罗嗦,因为完全可以写成 B's A, 所以这样的双重所有格不行。
A of B's C 不是罗嗦, 如果改成B's C's A 反而罗嗦。所以A of B's C正确。
A选项 as compared with 这样的用法对不对??
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