
标题: 急。。小弟实在是看不懂 GWD-q2, q3-40 [打印本页]

作者: tqfriend    时间: 2008-12-31 01:21
标题: 急。。小弟实在是看不懂 GWD-q2, q3-40

Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants.  If the tariff were lifted and unprocessed cashews were sold at world market prices, more farmers could profit by growing cashews.  However, since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing the tariff would seriously hamper the government’s effort to reduce urban unemployment over the next five years.



Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

  1. Some of the by-products of processing cashews are used for manufacturing paints and plastics.
  2. Other countries in which cashews are processed subsidize their processing plants.
  3. More people in Kernland are engaged in farming cashews than in processing them.
  4. Buying unprocessed cashews at lower than world market prices enables cashew processors in Kernland to sell processed nuts at competitive prices.
  5. A lack of profitable crops is driving an increasing number of small farmers in Kernland off their land and into the cities.

实在是不明白为什么E是答案。我觉得E support the arugment.


For most people, the left half of the brain controls linguistic capabilities, but some people have their language centers in the right half.  When a language center of the brain is damaged, for example by a stroke, linguistic capabilities are impaired in some way.  Therefore, people who have suffered a serious stroke on the left side of the brain without suffering any such impairment must have their language centers in the right half.


Which of the following is an assumption on which the reasoning in the argument above depends?


  1. No part of a person’s brain that is damaged by a stroke ever recovers.
  2. Impairment of linguistic capabilities does not occur in people who have not suffered any damage to any language center of the brain.
  3. Strokes tend to impair linguistic capabilities more severely than does any other cause of damage to language centers in the brain.
  4. If there are language centers on the left side of the brain, any serious stroke affecting that side of the brain damages at least one of them.
  5. It is impossible to determine which side of the brain contains a person’s language centers if the person has not suffered damage to either side of the brain.

   Answer: D

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-31 6:33:59编辑过]

作者: GMATNL    时间: 2008-12-31 16:07

第一题:removing the tariff ->more farmers could profit by growing cashews->decreasing number of small farmers in Kernland off their land and into the cities -> 减少城市失业人口压力。所以免除关税是有利于降低城市失业率的,政府最后结论不对


作者: cocoamocha    时间: 2009-1-1 19:05

22题说的是一个方法(撞击左脑,若语言功能正常,language centers在右脑

方法建立在什么样的假设基础上会成立呢?---撞击是否dmange language centers..D正好说的就是这个

a无关讨论,没讨论 recover的问题。



d正确,撞击会dmange language centers

e无关讨论,没关心是否有其他方法确定dmange language所在的位置

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