
标题: In @ ASU [打印本页]

作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 10:39
标题: In @ ASU

GA + 8000/year scholoarship.


W. P. Carey Graduate Assistantships

Once admitted, students are automatically considered for a W. P. Carey graduate assistantship. An assistantship provides a stipend, waives non-resident tuition,

其中, waives non-resident tuition我不太理解,是指免学费, 相当于full-tuituon waiver,还是免州外学费,自己还要付in-state tuition??

作者: jack00000    时间: 2008-12-13 10:52
作者: jack00000    时间: 2008-12-13 10:53
作者: csch    时间: 2008-12-13 11:10
pay instate
作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 11:14
以下是引用csch在2008-12-13 11:10:00的发言:
pay instate


作者: 天使也爱美女    时间: 2008-12-13 12:36
作者: rose2mary    时间: 2008-12-13 13:49
Winston, 你都R1投的啊?ASU,PSU都supply chain 强校啊,恭喜!

作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 15:49
以下是引用rose2mary在2008-12-13 13:49:00的发言:
Winston, 你都R1投的啊?ASU,PSU都supply chain 强校啊,恭喜!

谢谢, Rose2Mary! 我只是尽我所能. You know, 我不是什么大牛, 投晚了就没我份了. 呵呵, 加油啊!

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-12-13 16:13
作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 16:16
以下是引用dxj在2008-12-13 16:13:00的发言:


作者: rose2mary    时间: 2008-12-13 16:55
作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 17:38
作者: rose2mary    时间: 2008-12-13 17:53
作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-13 18:19
I hope MSU can speed up her decision making.
作者: goodspeed    时间: 2008-12-13 21:48
so strong, already two offer. pick one, and leave the rest for others.


作者: jielimi    时间: 2008-12-14 01:33
真羡慕楼主呀?ASU 在你的领域可是极强呀,还有奖学金。准备去了吗?

作者: jielimi    时间: 2008-12-14 01:43
by the way, GA means you will be paied as a graduate assistant. At the same time, your tuition will be paid at In-state rate (usually half as that of non-state residents or international students), and there will be about at least 9 or 10 credits tution waiver each semester. That means if you take 15 credits each semester, you will need to pay for 5 credits yourself as in-state rates. Plus your 8000 scolarship and the salary from GA, you almost do not need to pay anything for your tuituion and living cost. Maybe you can even have a little bit left. hoho.


作者: luckyokxiao    时间: 2008-12-14 06:13
恭喜楼主啦。 MSU面试是不是那些常规问题呀? 感觉如何, 能分享下么?

作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-14 10:53
以下是引用jielimi在2008-12-14 1:43:00的发言:
by the way, GA means you will be paied as a graduate assistant. At the same time, your tuition will be paid at In-state rate (usually half as that of non-state residents or international students), and there will be about at least 9 or 10 credits tution waiver each semester. That means if you take 15 credits each semester, you will need to pay for 5 credits yourself as in-state rates. Plus your 8000 scolarship and the salary from GA, you almost do not need to pay anything for your tuituion and living cost. Maybe you can even have a little bit left. hoho.


谢谢Jielimi啊! You're really an expert! 这些信息在学校的网站都没有体现啊.真的是这样就太好了, 因为GA每周要做10个小时,我还担心学习呢! 另外, 我一直以为in-state tuition是10000多刀/年, 照你这么说,由于免修部分学分,实际不用付那么多了? 这样8000的奖学金完全可以cover掉in-state tuition的部分了? (我原来设想自己还要贴5000多刀/年) 请再赐教下. 谢谢!

作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-14 10:54
以下是引用luckyokxiao在2008-12-14 6:13:00的发言:
恭喜楼主啦。 MSU面试是不是那些常规问题呀? 感觉如何, 能分享下么?

我是Paul North面试的,人很好,问题都很常规. Just be yourself.

作者: jielimi    时间: 2008-12-14 22:12
基本上就是这样的,因为你的GA会pay你钱,每月800-1600刀,所以你拥这些钱交剩下的学费,还能cover绝大部分的生活费。 基本情况就是这样,虽然可能有点小出入,但基本上差不多。

作者: jielimi    时间: 2008-12-16 00:10
WinstonLTyy, can I have your email address. I have not finished the short message for you. It didn't work very well. I will send it to your email.

作者: luckyokxiao    时间: 2008-12-16 01:38
^_^  不错 不错 楼主成功率很高, 实力很强!

作者: 我是业余游侠    时间: 2008-12-16 02:07
恭喜楼主!我刚提交了ASU 的申请,能否分享下面经啊?
作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-16 13:39
以下是引用我是业余游侠在2008-12-16 2:07:00的发言:
恭喜楼主!我刚提交了ASU 的申请,能否分享下面经啊
Thank you. Like I said, only normal questions. But maybe there will be a case study near the end of the interview. I think it is very tough. However, still, be positive and relax is the key.
作者: 我是业余游侠    时间: 2008-12-17 07:19
以下是引用WinstonLTyy在2008-12-16 13:39:00的发言:
Thank you. Like I said, only normal questions. But maybe there will be a case study near the end of the interview. I think it is very tough. However, still, be positive and relax is the key.


A case study?面试还搞这么复杂?不过等我收到面试通知再想吧。希望不要直接据我。


作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-17 08:04
以下是引用我是业余游侠在2008-12-17 7:19:00的发言:


A case study?面试还搞这么复杂?不过等我收到面试通知再想吧。希望不要直接据我。


我还在权衡, 各有利弊. 不知道你们谁认识了解ASU的人,可以进一步为我提供些建议. 先谢谢了.

作者: 我是业余游侠    时间: 2008-12-20 07:38
我现在就住在ASU附近,可是没有办法给你提供选校的建议。生活方面的信息倒是可以提供,呵呵!  这里的冬天好舒服啊!!
作者: rose2mary    时间: 2008-12-20 09:21
LS, 可我听说夏天很不舒服唉,干,热。也就是这个原因我没报ASU,本来我知道她SC很强的,而且还给奖大方。说说夏天吧?

作者: boston1983    时间: 2008-12-20 09:26
作者: 我是业余游侠    时间: 2008-12-20 12:17
以下是引用rose2mary在2008-12-20 9:21:00的发言:
LS, 可我听说夏天很不舒服唉,干,热。也就是这个原因我没报ASU,本来我知道她SC很强的,而且还给奖大方。说说夏天吧?

夏天确实很恐怖,白天尽量不要出门,但是只要呆在家里或学校,都是有空调的。女生一定要涂保湿霜、body lotion,其实习惯了就还好啦。在学校周围租房子,两个人可以share一个2b2b的apartment,平摊下来一个人每月大概三、四百块吧。

作者: WinstonLTyy    时间: 2008-12-25 22:12


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