1 鸿翥吉马教授是中欧国际工商学院市场营销和创新管理学教授,同时也担任该校市场营销学系主任和市场和创新研究中心主任。鸿翥吉马教授在加纳大学获得荣誉学士学位(工商管理),在新南威尔士大学获得硕士学位(市场营销学),在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学获得博士学位(管理学)。鸿翥吉马教授曾在香港城市大学担任市场营销学和创新管理学教授,1996年-1999年担任管理系主任。而且他还是该校创新管理和组织变革中心的创办人和主任。他还曾是许多大学的访问教授,包括博科尼大学,新南威尔士大学,代尔夫特工业大学,新加坡管理大学。他在Aston商学院市场兼职市场营销学系主任,也在曼汉姆商学院任创新管理学客座教授。他也曾执教于昆士兰科技大学和伍伦贡大学以及担任中国人民大学的荣誉教授。
2 柏唯良教授是中欧拜耳医药保健市场战略教席教授。他为(E)MBA 和短期培训课程讲授市场营销学与战略学课程,同时还在哥伦比亚大学为高层经理讲授工业营销学课程。其研究与著述集中于市场营销、战略与国际商务领域。他最近的成果发表于《战略管理》杂志、《加州管理评论》、《组织行为与人类决策过程》杂志、《中国商业评论》等著名刊物, 并于 2004 年出版新书《细节营销:市场营销中你所不知的一切》(The Marketing You Never Knew),请登陆 www.amsterdampress.com 先 “读” 为快 !
3 陈峻松博士是中欧国际工商学院市场营销学讲师。在加入中欧之前,陈博士在伯明翰大学商学院担任助教,教授统计和市场调研课程,他还在上海财经大学教授消费者行为学。他在中国和英国曾为多家公司和机构提供市场调研咨询。
4 弗沃德博士是中欧国际工商学院市场营销学副教授。此前,他是普福尔茨海姆大学国际商业学教授。此外,他还执教于维林根•施维宁根合作教育大学,担任西北大学凯洛格管理学院访问副教授,以及森林湖工商管理硕士学院战略管理学讲师。他曾为马里兰大学研究生院进行在线授课。目前,他还是芝加哥伊利诺斯大学和柏林斯泰恩拜斯大学EMBA课程的客座讲师。
弗沃德博士的著述颇丰,其中最新的著作是他和Philip Kotler合著的《企业对企业品牌管理》。在互联网营销方面,他已出版了《Living Web》一书,着重介绍商业中的互联网营销和互联网战略。他还就国际战略和客户关系管理问题完成了多篇论文。
5 白诗莉博士是中欧国际工商学院市场营销学教授,副教务长以及MBA学术主任。自1996年起,她就担任中欧的访问教授,并在2003年9月成为中欧的长期教授。加入中欧国际工商学院之前,白博士曾执教于香港科技大学和法国INSEAD大学。她还是纽约大学、北京大学和葡萄牙里斯本天主教大学的访问教授。
白博士与许多公司共同开发培训与研究项目,如苹果公司、新加坡Datacraft公司、通用医疗、惠普、柯达、施耐德电气、香港特别行政区政府和香港太古集团。她曾获得香港科技大学颁发的 “范凯霖杰出教学奖”和“十佳教师奖”,她还多次获得研究资助。2004年白博士开设了一门培训课程,讲授首席执行官和市场经理如何与媒体沟通合作。
6 周东生博士是中欧国际工商学院市场营销学教授。他曾是香港城市大学市场营销学副教授,并曾在上海交通大学和北京大学讲授市场营销学课程。在开始学术生涯之前,他是中国一家大型外贸公司的市场调研总监。周博士的研究侧重于营销战略、营销建模、跨国企业的中国战略、和中国民营企业。周博士是香港和大陆多项研究项目的主要负责人。 |
1 陈 宇新博士 圣路易斯华盛顿大学博士 现任长江商学院市场营销学访问教授,纽约大学市场营销学副教授. 陈宇新博士是国际营销学及管理学顶级刊物《营销科学》(Marketing Science) 的领域编辑 (Area Editor) ,《管理科学》 (Management Science) 和《数量营销和经济学》 (Quantitative Marketing and Economics) 的副编辑 (Associate Editor),《营销学研究期刊》(Journal of Marketing Research) 和《营销学期刊》(Journal of Marketing)的编委会成员。
2 蒋炯文博士现为长江商学院营销学教授、副院长。加盟长江商学院之前曾任教于新加坡国立大学任营销学教授。之前,他曾任职于美国罗彻斯特大学、圣路易斯华盛顿大学和香港科技大学的营销学系。施乐、默克等国际知名公司顾问,中国移动(重庆)公司的营销顾问,经常为中国电信、中国移动等机构做高级主管培训教学。
建议长江的宣传在职业发展方面也多做些工作,只强调教授不一定是个很好的战略,强调太多,就变得像中欧的 FT 11,反而容易引人诟病。
MBA 2007级2008年10月才修完课程,需要2009年3月才能完成论文写作。此外,MBA一般在2009年11月与EMBA一起参加毕业典礼。
感觉长江的教授diversity方面是一个软肋,一水的中国人,外语,思维和经验总是有一些局限的。中欧的多样化好很多,但是教授的背景差一些,(也有可能和中国人比较擅长写paper有点关系)。 其实对于市场营销这样非常实战的课程,论文发表再多也赶不上做出一个好项目,或者好案例来的有实际价值。
请史玉柱 来 讲座, 是很放不下面子的事吗。
感觉长江的教授diversity方面是一个软肋,一水的中国人,外语,思维和经验总是有一些局限的。中欧的多样化好很多,但是教授的背景差一些,(也有可能和中国人比较擅长写paper有点关系)。 其实对于市场营销这样非常实战的课程,论文发表再多也赶不上做出一个好项目,或者好案例来的有实际价值。
AT CKGSB, Brian Viard 和 Elliabeth Welton 是美国的. 赵东成是韩国的.ISAO ENDO 是日本的
但长江的教授不仅研究好, 教学也是很出色的.黄明,李伟,孙宝红,郑渝生等都在美国名校CHICAGO, WHARTONG,UC BERKELEY, STANFORD, CARNEGIE MELLON, DARDEN, UNC 拿到过教学最佳奖.
AT CKGSB, Brian Viard 和 Elliabeth Welton 是美国的. 赵东成是韩国的.ISAO ENDO 是日本的
但长江的教授不仅研究好, 教学也是很出色的.黄明,李伟,孙宝红,郑渝生等都在美国名校CHICAGO, WHARTONG,UC BERKELEY, STANFORD, CARNEGIE MELLON, DARDEN, UNC 拿到过教学最佳奖.
说一句,长江至今这么厉害的金融教授,营销教授,也没教出一个能去Goldman, Morgan,做IBD,M&A,或者去MCKINSEY,P&G做真正的市场营销,咨询。说明什么?
今年世道不好,投行难进是肯定的。可笑的是,当市场在06,07年的高点时,长江MBA也没有一个能成功进入投行IBD,不禁要问一声,那些所谓的金融教授是教什么的,对学生有什么VALUE ADDED。惭愧!
今年世道不好,投行难进是肯定的。可笑的是,当市场在06,07年的高点时,长江MBA也没有一个能成功进入投行IBD,不禁要问一声,那些所谓的金融教授是教什么的,对学生有什么VALUE ADDED。惭愧!
大家多多参加长江和中欧的Info Session,用心去选择自己合适的学校才是呀!当然还要注意一点,你在选择学校,学校也在选择你
Teaching is different from tenure track. None of the CEIBS professors had tenure track positions from top Western business schools with the only exception of Chang Chun who was a chaired professor in U of Minnesota and Steve White who was on tenure track at Insead but did not get tenure.
At CKGSB, the following people left CKGSB and went to a top US/Canadian business school. Chen Hong, Huang Ming, lIu Jin were hired away by UBC, Cornell, and UCLA respectively in 2005.
However, both Liu Jin and Huang Ming came back in 2008 as regular Full Professors. Chen Hong will come back as a regular Full Professor next year.
The difference between a visiting Professor and a regular Full Professor is that a visting Professor cannot vote.
Currently, CKGSB has the following visiting professors:
Chen Yuxin, marketing, visting from NYU
Xie Jialin, OB, visting from U of Toronto
Chen Yaru, OB, visiting from Cornell
Wang Jiang, Finance, visiting from MIT
Chen Zhiwu, Finance, visiting from Yale
Zhu Xiaoguo, OM, visiting from UCSD.
Professor Sun Baohong and Professor Yan Aimin are listed as visiting Professors but will be converted to Full Professors by 2009. The reason that there is a delay is that CKGSB usually have the 2+8 contract. That means a faculty comes in as a visiting Professor and then will be converted to a regular professor after 2years. During the 2 years, they can mingle with the resident faculties and be familiar with the CKGSB culture and decide whether they want to stay at CKGSB or not. After that, the regular faculties will have a contract with CKGSB for 8 years which can be renewed when the contract expires. CKGSB has converted the following people from visiting to regular positions:
Liu Jin, Accounting
Wang Yijiang, HR
Li Wei, Economics
Henry Cao, Finance
Mei Jianping, Finance
Huang Ming, Finance
Liu Jun Finance
Teng Bingsheng, Strategy
Li Lode, Operations Management
Zheng Yusheng Operations Management
Sun Baohong, Marketing
Yan Aimin, OB
Chiang Jeongwen, Marketing
Consider the 6 year history of CKGSB, the conversion rate is quite high.
The problem with CEIBS is that they list people who are actually visiting professors as Professors. For example the following people should be listed as visiting professors and come to CEIBS only to teach but somehow they are called regular professors on the CEIBS web page although they do not get salaries from CEIBS and are only paid by the hours they teach at CEIBS:
Fang Yue, is a professor of Oregon
Jaume Ribera, is a Professor at IESE
Linda Sprague, is now retired
Kalun Tse, is a Professor of Nyenrode of Netherland
Keith Goodall, Senior Associate at University of Cambridge
Pedro Nueno, Professor at IESE
Sam Park, has long left CEIGS for Samsung Institute but is still listed on the CEIBS web site.
Guys like these would not be listed or be listed as visiting Professors at CKGSB. Now you should understand the difference.
As a CKGSB staff, I think your "due diligence" research is too narrow.
Some ceibs professor names for your further research:
besides, compared with a "professor", the only differnce is "a visiting professor" can not vote? I have some doubts. As can see, some CEIBS professor is also "visiting professor" of some other schools. So is it true that the difference is so slight?
Teaching is different from tenure track. None of the CEIBS professors had tenure track positions from top Western business schools with the only exception of Chang Chun who was a chaired professor in U of Minnesota and Steve White who was on tenure track at Insead but did not get tenure.
At CKGSB, the following people left CKGSB and went to a top US/Canadian business school. Chen Hong, Huang Ming, lIu Jin were hired away by UBC, Cornell, and UCLA respectively in 2005.
However, both Liu Jin and Huang Ming came back in 2008 as regular Full Professors. Chen Hong will come back as a regular Full Professor next year.
The difference between a visiting Professor and a regular Full Professor is that a visting Professor cannot vote.
Currently, CKGSB has the following visiting professors:
Chen Yuxin, marketing, visting from NYU
Xie Jialin, OB, visting from U of Toronto
Chen Yaru, OB, visiting from Cornell
Wang Jiang, Finance, visiting from MIT
Chen Zhiwu, Finance, visiting from Yale
Zhu Xiaoguo, OM, visiting from UCSD.
Professor Sun Baohong and Professor Yan Aimin are listed as visiting Professors but will be converted to Full Professors by 2009. The reason that there is a delay is that CKGSB usually have the 2+8 contract. That means a faculty comes in as a visiting Professor and then will be converted to a regular professor after 2years. During the 2 years, they can mingle with the resident faculties and be familiar with the CKGSB culture and decide whether they want to stay at CKGSB or not. After that, the regular faculties will have a contract with CKGSB for 8 years which can be renewed when the contract expires. CKGSB has converted the following people from visiting to regular positions:
Liu Jin, Accounting
Wang Yijiang, HR
Li Wei, Economics
Henry Cao, Finance
Mei Jianping, Finance
Huang Ming, Finance
Liu Jun Finance
Teng Bingsheng, Strategy
Li Lode, Operations Management
Zheng Yusheng Operations Management
Sun Baohong, Marketing
Yan Aimin, OB
Chiang Jeongwen, Marketing
Consider the 6 year history of CKGSB, the conversion rate is quite high.
The problem with CEIBS is that they list people who are actually visiting professors as Professors. For example the following people should be listed as visiting professors and come to CEIBS only to teach but somehow they are called regular professors on the CEIBS web page although they do not get salaries from CEIBS and are only paid by the hours they teach at CEIBS:
Fang Yue, is a professor of Oregon
Jaume Ribera, is a Professor at IESE
Linda Sprague, is now retired
Kalun Tse, is a Professor of Nyenrode of Netherland
Keith Goodall, Senior Associate at University of Cambridge
Sam Park, has long left CEIGS for Samsung Institute but is still listed on the CEIBS web site.
Guys like these would not be listed or be listed as visiting Professors at CKGSB. Now you should understand the difference.
Very good!
This infomation is very important!
As a CKGSB staff, I think your "due diligence" research is too narrow.
Some ceibs professor names for your further research:
besides, compared with a "professor", the only differnce is "a visiting professor" can not vote? I have some doubts. As can see, some CEIBS professor is also "visiting professor" of some other schools. So is it true that the difference is so slight?
Personal Information
Higher Education
• Technical Architect, Escuela Técnica de Aparejadores. Barcelona, 1966. • Industrial Engineer, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales. • Doctor of Business Administration. Graduate
Teaching and Research Experience
· 1994 – present Professor
· Guest Professor at IPADE, · Guest Professor at · Guest Professor at IAE, · Guest Professor at · Guest Professor at · Guest Professor at · Guest Professor at · Guest Professor at IEDC (Slovenia), 1998, 2004, 2006 · Guest Professor at AESE, Lisbon (Portugal), 2004, 2006 · Guest Professor at
Linda Sprague taught at
Keith Goodall is a senior associate at
Sam Park taught at
Dingyuan taught at HEC
Alfred Pastor taught at IESE
Pedro Nueno is a Professor at IESE was a guest professor (visiting) at Harvard, not a tenure track professor, see the following web page and the related information http://web.iese.edu/curriculums/nueno_eng.html. Professor Nueno has no top journal publications and is very unlikely to make tenure in any top 100 US/Canadian business schools. Europe, like China has no tenure system with the exception of LBS and Insead.
Moreover, Linda Sprague has retired and Sam Park has left CEIBS and
The key difference between Visiting and regular professors is that visiting professors are usually on short term contracts with a school while regular professors are permanent or on the way to permanent professors in a school. At both CEIBS and CKGSB, the longest contracts for faculties are 10 years and these faculties can be viewed as permanent professors. Visiting Professor have only 2 year contracts and cannot vote.
Visiting Professors at CKGSB are very hard to get. They are all from top business schools, have strong research records and are excellent teachers. However, in some other schools, it is very easy to get visiting positions. It varies from school to school.
Another key difference between CKGSB and CEIBS is that CKGSB's faculty are mainly from top US business schools while CEIBS's faculty are mainly from local European (mostly Spain), Asian (Hong Kong and South East Asia), and Australian business schools
All your poiny:
CKGSB: Good professor
CEIBS: Not so good professor
But turnout in market: CEIBS has placement of MBA way far better than CKGSB.
Conclusion: MBA student profile(background,potential, etc) in CEIBS Far far far BETTER than CKGSB MBA.
There are exceptions. Chang Chun of CEIBS is excellent. Katherine Xin and Sam Park are very good but they have left CEIBS. Steve White is good too. These guys received offers from CKGSB.
CEIBS has a longer history but that advantage will diminish over time
CEIBS has a longer history but that advantage will diminish over time
----------刚学完经济学,套用凯恩斯的一句话说,in the long run,we are all dead.CEIBS has a longer history but that advantage will diminish over time
----------刚学完经济学,套用凯恩斯的一句话说,in the long run,we are all dead过去不代表现在,现在不代表将来;
Top Worldwide Business Schools
Based on Research Contributions
University | Faculty (From Business Week) | Country | ||||||
full-time | Average Articles | Average Score | Adjunct or Visiting | full-time & Adjunct or Visiting | Average Articles | Average Score | ||
Duke University (The Fuqua School of Business) | 118 | 1.69 | 0.890678 | 30 | 148 | 1.34 | 0.710135 | USA |
University of California at Los Angeles (Anderson School of Management) | 94 | 1.37 | 0.771915 | 10 | 104 | 1.24 | 0.697692 | USA |
Stanford University (Graduate School of Business) | 125 | 1.26 | 0.68024 | 6 | 131 | 1.21 | 0.649084 | USA |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management) | 130 | 1.22 | 0.678462 | 11 | 141 | 1.13 | 0.625532 | USA |
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities (Carlson School of Management) | 105 | 1.27 | 0.693524 | 12 | 117 | 1.14 | 0.622393 | USA |
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business | 19 | 1.37 | 0.587895 | 16 | 35 | 1.37 | 0.62 | CHINA |
Pennsylvania State University at University Park (Smeal College of Business) | 89 | 1.52 | 0.816629 | 33 | 122 | 1.11 | 0.595738 | USA |
University of Chicago (Graduate School of Business) | 123 | 1.29 | 0.804065 | 49 | 172 | 0.92 | 0.575 | USA |
University of Maryland at College Park (Robert H. Smith School of Business) | 138 | 1.22 | 0.682609 | 36 | 174 | 0.97 | 0.541379 | USA |
Emory University (Goizueta Business School) | 79 | 1.25 | 0.667468 | 19 | 98 | 1.01 | 0.538061 | USA |
University of Washington at Seattle (Business School) | 56 | 1.75 | 0.897857 | 40 | 96 | 1.02 | 0.52375 | USA |
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (Ross School of Business) | 141 | 1.21 | 0.658227 | 42 | 183 | 0.93 | 0.507158 | USA |
Harvard University (Harvard Business School) | 197 | 0.84 | 0.517005 | 10 | 207 | 0.80 | 0.492029 | USA |
Michigan State University (The Eli Broad College of Business) | 108 | 0.96 | 0.535 | 12 | 120 | 0.87 | 0.4815 | USA |
London Business School | 88 | 1.13 | 0.598636 | 31 | 119 | 0.83 | 0.442689 | UK |
University of Pennsylvania (The Wharton School) | 240 | 1.26 | 0.705167 | 143 | 383 | 0.79 | 0.44188 | USA |
Columbia University (Graduate School of Business) | 116 | 1.54 | 0.853621 | 116 | 232 | 0.77 | 0.42681 | USA |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (College of Business) | 108 | 0.96 | 0.531852 | 33 | 141 | 0.74 | 0.407376 | USA |
University of Texas at Austin (McCombs School of Business) | 150 | 1.09 | 0.589867 | 73 | 223 | 0.74 | 0.396771 | USA |
Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper School of Business) | 95 | 1.08 | 0.543684 | 37 | 132 | 0.78 | 0.391288 | USA |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler Business School) | 104 | 1.14 | 0.565192 | 52 | 156 | 0.76 | 0.376795 | USA |
University of Texas at Dallas (School of Management) | 125 | 0.76 | 0.442 | 27 | 152 | 0.63 | 0.363487 | USA |
University of Florida (Warrington College of Business) | 135 | 0.70 | 0.397037 | 18 | 153 | 0.62 | 0.350327 | USA |
Indiana University at Bloomington (Kelley School of Business) | 139 | 0.72 | 0.380791 | 16 | 155 | 0.65 | 0.341484 | USA |
INSEAD | 143 | 0.99 | 0.549161 | 90 | 233 | 0.61 | 0.337039 | FRANCE |
New York University (Leonard N. Stern School of Business) | 218 | 1.03 | 0.534495 | 138 | 356 | 0.63 | 0.327303 | USA |
Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business) | 108 | 0.94 | 0.46963 | 55 | 163 | 0.62 | 0.311166 | USA |
USC (Marshall School of Business) | 219 | 0.63 | 0.372192 | 48 | 267 | 0.52 | 0.305281 | USA |
Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management) | 178 | 0.76 | 0.432753 | 81 | 259 | 0.53 | 0.297413 | USA |
University of California at Berkeley (Walter A. Haas School of Business) | 80 | 1.24 | 0.643375 | 108 | 188 | 0.53 | 0.273777 | USA |
University of Toronto (Joseph L. Rotman School of Management) | 169 | 0.49 | 0.288521 | 15 | 184 | 0.45 | 0.265 | CANADA |
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