标题: 请教大全964,888 [打印本页] 作者: summerlotus 时间: 2004-2-2 18:56 标题: 请教大全964,888 888. Under the 1986 tax law, interest payments on a refinanced home loan are deductible only if the amount of the loan does not exceed the purchase price of the home, the cost of improvements, and any additional amount borrowed against the home to pay for medical or educational expenses. (A) any additional amount borrowed against the home to pay for medical or educational expenses (B) borrowing any additional amount against the home for payment of medical or educational expenses (C) also borrowing any additional amount against the home to pay for medical or educational expenses (D) any additional payment of medical or educational expenses that were borrowed against the home (E) any additional payment borrowed against the home for medical or educational expenses 选A,D有什么错呢?
964. In a leveraged buyout, investors borrow huge sums of money to buy companies, hoping to pay off the debt by using the company’s earnings and to profit richly by the later resale of the companies or their divisions. (A) by using the company’s earnings and to profit (B) by using the companies’ earnings and by profiting (C) using the companies’ earnings and profiting (D) with the company’s earnings, profiting (E) with the companies’ earnings and to profit 选E,可是明不对称嘛,我选A
作者: 2love2live 时间: 2004-2-3 14:12
994. 我想summerlotus 并不是不理解hoping to pay off 和and to profit平行,只是他觉得应该对称到" to pay off ... by... " 和 " to profit ... by" -
这句错在 “pay off.. by using" is unidiomatic - 不如 with 来的简洁明快, 而 “pay off with" 和“profit by " 平行
888. 进一步说明一下dreadpower 老大说的要理解句子的逻辑意思的含义:
不超过买价,装修费,以及其他用房子按揭所得的医疗和教育抵押贷款, the purchase price of the home, the cost of improvements, and any additional amount borrowed against the home to pay for medical or educational expenses.
D 的意思错了,any additional payment of medical or educational expenses that were borrowed against the home, 按照ETS的变态解释习惯,可以造成歧义:好像原来的payment of medical or educational expenses 不算在内,只有additional 的payment 才算,因为ETS认为这样的句式,“that were borrowed against the home" 一定是修饰expenses, 而不是payment. 仔细体会dreadpower 老大的意思,以及ETS的意思