大家好,我是瑞士圣加仑大学一年制MBA项目的在读学生。圣加仑大学,University of St Gallen, 是瑞士和整个德语地区最具有影响力的商业学校,她从建校之初,就定位为商业和经济的研究,经过100多年,成为德语区最重要的经济与商业的思想库。该校的校友遍布德语区最著名的企业,瑞银,瑞信,德意志银行等的总裁们很多出自该校。
关于HSG Alumni, refer to following link:
但St Gallen的MBA项目,MBA-HSG,却很年轻,从2005年开始迄今只有5届。人数最开始是30多人,到我们2009班是43人。本届同学人数最多的是美国人,11个(!其中一个哥们先在
首先,MBA-HSG的第一轮申请deadline是12月1日,且免application fee。我去年这个时候就是因为这个原因,交了申请,尔后被录取,录取之后和其他学校一比较,发现真是“无心插柳”,这个学校不比美国的Top 10差。实际上,University of St Gallen被誉为德语区的哈佛商学院,这个不是我发明的,这个说法在businessweek.com的MBA forum上,经历了来自美国,欧洲各地申请者和在校生的挑战。注意,德语区的哈佛商学院指的是HSG,而非她的MBA program,但是学校的影响力带来了大量的著名企业和雄厚的师资!
MBA HSG-2007毕业生的平均年薪超过120 K 瑞郎。2008届现在还没有统计出炉。2007届全部留在欧洲,绝大部分在瑞士和德语区。
根据我的了解,关于中国同学,特别是直接从大陆来的,自2005年以来,一共不到10个。其中有好像只有1位目前在国内,其他的都在德语区。这些同学在ABB,Swiss Re,Novartis,和Metro(麦德龙)等。据我了解,中国同学的薪酬和学校网站上的数据相符。
我们这届2008年9月1日开学,目前已经有Novartis, Lhoist来招聘。下月Adidas的CEO将在MBA class上作presentation,Adidas对本班非常感兴趣。Adidas希望借力中国市场赢得挑战Nike的机会,中国同学应该大有作为。
另外,MBA-HSG的学费和贷款非常有吸引力。性价比很高。学制一年,学费48000瑞郎(仅针对第一轮申请者),对于中国同学来说,可以获得87.5%的贷款。贷款来自学校,我们不用自己去找,只要签字即可。相对于美国TOP B SCHOOL的学费便宜多了,而且只要录取,不用担心什么co-signer。
欢迎大家申请MBA-HSG! 申请过程全部可以全部在网上完成:
也可以给我发邮件: mbahsg2009[在] live.com
2005年有个老贴,贴主“阿隆”,to my knowledge,他毕业之后去了Swiss-Re。我可以向MBA office查证。
Swiss girls are hot...but they speak German...
NO.The program is taught in English. Of cause, to have knowledge in German will be very helpful in searching for a job. But,
据我所知,来St Gallen MBA的中国同学开始都不会德语,可是大部分都留在瑞士和德国了,当然是苏黎世和杜塞尔多夫这些大城市。在这些地方英语很通用。当然,德语好工作更好找,但以往中国同学并没有因为德语就没找到工作或者没有留在德语区。今年我们两个中国同学都不会德语。MBA program有提供德语课程,我们都在上。
HSG最强的是金融,瑞银,瑞信,德意志银行有大量本校校友,MBA的alumni也有很多在瑞银和瑞信的。我的感觉,HSG的金融不是那种偏重投行的,而是那种瑞士式的,比较保守的。Marketing和International Management也超强。
MBA-HSG 2009 average age: 30, from 24 to 41.
Chinese students who attended and who are attending are from 27-36.
St Gallen的MBA项目太年轻,从2005年开始才有,到2010年才能参加FT排名。但我至少可以说,St Gallen的marketing在德语区绝对第一。
We had Marketing and Business Communication last block. Leave me your email address, let's talk more!
St Gallen的MBA项目跟IMD比起来如何
两个都在瑞士,st gallen应该竞争不过imd吧,那工作机会会不会少
St Gallen的MBA项目跟IMD比起来如何
两个都在瑞士,st gallen应该竞争不过imd吧,那工作机会会不会少
这个问题,我们班美国同学在BW MBA FORUM上有讨论,我直接转过来。第十九Page
As for IMD there are a few reasons, 1.) It's much more expensive, 2.) It's a larger program and you don't get as much individual attention (100 students vs 40), 3.) It is in the french speaking part of
I applied to LBS, Insead, IESE, Esade, Instituto De Impressa, INSEAD, IMD and SDA Bocconi. In the end I chose St. Gallen because of the price, the individual attention you get in such a small program (there at least 8 staff members specifically just to support the 43 in addition to the regular faculty and campus wide career services, this does not include our professors) and the fact that you can complete the program in 12 months as compared to 15 - 24 months for many of the other programs.
Basically MBA-HSG want students to be able to communicate here in fluent English. I didn't take Toefl or anything else when I applied last year, I asked for a waiver because I earned my Master degree in the States. So, if you have evidence showing that you have no problem with Englsih, that would be OK.
Don't worry, buddy!
Basically MBA-HSG want students to be able to communicate here in fluent English. I didn't take Toefl or anything else when I applied last year, I asked for a waiver because I earned my Master degree in the States. So, if you have evidence showing that you have no problem with Englsih, that would be OK.
Don't worry, buddy!
对这个学校很感兴趣, 一直关注, 但IBT要求110实在是太高了.....
"Applicants from mainland China are required by the Swiss Consulate to submit an IELTS score at least of 7.0 with their visa application. At present, no exceptions are permitted."
这样看来, 是否大陆学生除了要考TOEFL, 还必须要考IELTS?
楼主, 圣加仑要求相当的彪悍啊
我的理解是,你有IELTS 7分以上就OK了,但是如果你只有TOEFL,申请学校可以接受,但是你申请签证时候领馆只接受IELTS
谢谢momo_yu, IELTS 7.0的话,看来还有戏的....
给楼上各位发站内短信了, 大家可以加我下, msn联络~~
多谢大家对MBA-HSG的支持。这两天BLOCK 2 结束,忙得昏天黑地写PAPERS, 昨晚一夜没睡,今早8点终于点击鼠标交上去了。一年制MBA是在紧张。这里给大家一个建议,如果到这里,或者上了其他一年制的PROGRAM,千万不要以为你能同时HANDLE学习和CFA考试。除了无休止的
祝大家好运,希望MBA-HSG 2010 CLASS有6个中国同学….
紧随HSGMBA来到这个贴... 呵呵
我11月1号提交了申请,已经接到通知后天电话面试... 很开心看到HSG在中国学生圈的影响力越来越大!报考09年MBA课程的朋友可以加我msn: sj_0528(A) hotmail.com 乐意分享经验。
Hi,shijing0528,can you share some your background? just like G / T,w/e? after compare with you,then i will decide will apply it. tks
紧随HSGMBA来到这个贴... 呵呵
我11月1号提交了申请,已经接到通知后天电话面试... 很开心看到HSG在中国学生圈的影响力越来越大!报考09年MBA课程的朋友可以加我msn: sj_0528(A) hotmail.com 乐意分享经验。
bachelor degree in JiaoTong university, with computer science background
5 years experience prospectively : 3.5 years in global leading consulting firm (consultant in financial industry) +1.5 years in big 4 accouting firm (advisory team)
G: took once, with 670.
T: not took yet. Apply to waive it with the half a year's work experience in Australia.
With my contact with HSG, G/T score really does not so matter, they care more about the whole package. Btw, I have 0 German skill...
Blessing u,although I don't vote for the underknown program for u upon ur decent w/e. Should u pay more efforts on G/T,it's totally decisive of stepping into better ones in Eur or U.S top-tier programs, which makes great differences probably u can't perceive now but after graduation coz MBA's kinda of unrepeatable stuff,"One Life,One Time".
Good Luck!
Blessing u,although I don't vote for the underknown program for u upon ur decent w/e. Should u pay more efforts on G/T,it's totally decisive of stepping into better ones in Eur or U.S top-tier programs, which makes great differences probably u can't perceive now but after graduation coz MBA's kinda of unrepeatable stuff,"One Life,One Time".
Good Luck!
Thank you for your kind suggestion, felix. It's a mature decision for me to select HSG out of complicated factors: career development, country to live, family... Just because I know what I want so I wouldn't put US top-tier programs as my first choice. But I don't agree with you that HSG is "undeknown program", since I have contacted with them for more than two years, stepped into the campus in person and collected opinions of its influence in Europe. The main reason that most of Chinese take under-value of HSG is because it's not exposed to ranking list yet.. Let's see what would happen in two years.. At least something is really changing now: more and more chinese begin to advert to HSG!
Anyway, still thank you for letting me know your idea. Would like to keep the exchange with you.. :-)
紧随HSGMBA来到这个贴... 呵呵
我11月1号提交了申请,已经接到通知后天电话面试... 很开心看到HSG在中国学生圈的影响力越来越大!报考09年MBA课程的朋友可以加我msn: sj_0528(A) hotmail.com 乐意分享经验。
Just a quick greeting: good luck with your interview! Take it easy, you will make it!
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