
标题: 求救GWD-29:9 17/GWD-27:22 9 2/GWD-23:40 [打印本页]

作者: leowz    时间: 2008-10-16 04:41
标题: 求救GWD-29:9 17/GWD-27:22 9 2/GWD-23:40

2. GWD-27-Q2:

Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions of electronic switches.  Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation.  Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage.  The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.

For there to be a market for Micro-Mechanics’ chip as a result of the apparent advantage described above, each of the following would have to be true EXCEPT:

A.      There will be applications in which the speed attainable by an electronic switch is not essential.

B.      Switches used on electronic chips that contain only 12,000 switches are more vulnerable to radiation damage than the switches on Micro-Mechanics’ chip will be.

C.      There will be applications for computer chips in environments where the chips may have to survive intense radiation.

D.      Some devices in which computer chips will be used will have other components that will be able to function during or after exposure to radiation.

E.       Manufacturers are able to protect electronic computer chips against exposure to intense radiation, where this protection is necessary.


Political advocacy groups have begun to use information services to disseminate information that is then accessed by the public via personal computer.  Since many groups are thus able to bypass traditional news sources, whose reporting is selective, and to present their political views directly to the public, information services present a more balanced picture of the complexities of political issues than any traditional news source presents.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?

A.      Information services are accessible to enough people to ensure that political advocacy groups can use these services to reach as large a percentage of the public as they could through traditional news sources.

B.      People could get a thorough understanding of a particular political issue by sorting through information provided by several traditional news sources, each with differing editorial biases.

C.      Information on political issues disseminated through information services does not come almost entirely from advocacy groups that share a single bias.

D.      Traditional news sources seldom report the views of political advocacy groups accurately.

E.       Most people who get information on political issues from newspapers and other traditional news sources can readily identify the editorial biases of those sources.


In order to raise revenue, the federal government planned a tax amnesty program that allows tax delinquents to pay all owed tax without added financial penalty. However, economists projected that the federal government would collect a far lower percentage of total tax owed by delinquents than did state governments implementing similar programs.

Which of the following, if true, would most contribute to an explanation of the economists’ projections?

A.      Tax amnesty programs are only successful if they are widely publicized.

B.      Most people who honestly pay their state tax are equally honest in paying their federal tax.

C.      Although federal tax delinquents usually must pay high financial penalties, the states require far lower financial penalties.

D.      The state tax rate varies considerably from state to state, but the federal tax is levied according to laws which apply to citizens of all the states.

E.       Unlike most federal tax delinquents, most state tax delinquents fail to pay state tax because of an oversight rather than a decision not to pay.


Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago.  Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water.  Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lacked such kidneys sometimes swam in the Earth’s saltwater oceans, these species must have had to return frequently to freshwater rivers to drink.

Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information given?

A.      Fossils of whale species dating from between sixty million and fifty million years ago will not be found on continents that were at the time separated from ancient Asia by wide expanses of ocean.

B.      Among whale fossils that date from later than about fifty million years ago, none are fossils of whale species that drank only fresh water.

C.      Fossils of whale species that drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossils of whale species that drank salt water.

D.      The earliest whales that drank salt water differed from fresh-water-drinking whales only in their possession of specialized kidneys.

E.       Between sixty million and fifty million years ago, the freshwater lakes and rivers in which whales originated were gradually invaded by salt water.


Manatees, aquatic mammals inhabiting Florida’s rivers and coastal waters, swim close to the surface and are frequently killed in collisions with boats.  To address the problem, boat traffic in manatee-populated waters is being required to maintain very low speeds.  Unfortunately, manatees are unable to hear low-pitched sounds and a boat’s sound lowers in pitch as the boat slows.  Therefore, this approach may in fact make things worse rather than better.

Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the conclusion?

A.      The areas where boats would have to maintain low speeds were decided partly on the basis of manatee-population estimates and partly from numbers of reported collisions between manatees and boats.

B.      Because the water hyacinth that manatees feed on grows best in water that is nearly still, water hyacinth beds can be disturbed or damaged by fast-moving boat traffic.

C.      Over the last several decades, boat traffic in Florida’s coastal waters has been increasing almost continuously and now represents the greatest threat to the endangered manatee population.

D.      The sound of a boat engine generally travels much further under water than it does through the air.

E.       When experimenters exposed manatees to the recorded sounds of boats moving at various speeds, the creatures were unable to discern the sounds over normal background noise.


The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years.  This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined.  The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.

The information above most strongly supports which of the following?

A.      The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years.

B.      The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years.

C.      The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.

D.      During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits.

E.       Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax.Compare with an old edition of this question listed below.  There are many tiny changes in the main body of the question and its answer choices.


作者: leowz    时间: 2008-10-17 19:59


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