
标题: [求助]GWD 4 里面的 3道题, 似懂非懂中 :( [打印本页]

作者: yang8630    时间: 2008-10-14 15:30
标题: [求助]GWD 4 里面的 3道题, 似懂非懂中 :(

Community activist: 
If Morganville wants to keep its central shopping district healthy, it
should prevent the opening of a huge SaveAll discount department store on the
outskirts of Morganville.  Records from
other small towns show that whenever SaveAll has opened a store outside the
central shopping district of a small town, within five years the town has
experienced the bankruptcies of more than a quarter
of the stores in the shopping district.


The answer to which of the following would be most useful
for evaluating the community activist’s reasoning?


  1. Have
         community activists in other towns successfully campaigned against the
         opening of a SaveAll store on the outskirts of their towns?
  2. Do a
         large percentage of the residents of Morganville currently do almost all
         of their shopping at stores in Morganville?
  3. In towns with healthy central shopping
         districts, what proportion of the stores in those districts suffer
         bankruptcy during a typical five-year period?
  4. What
         proportion of the employees at the SaveAll store on the outskirts of
         Morganville will be drawn from Morganville?
  5. Do
         newly opened SaveAll stores ever lose money during their first five years
         of operation?

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-15 14:18:35编辑过]

作者: jesuischong    时间: 2008-10-14 21:09

第一题,提干是如果If Morganville wants to keep its central shopping district healthy, 那么it必须 prevent the opening of a huge SaveAll discount department store on the outskirts of Morganville。如果人们本来就不去M购物的话,那这个必须就不成立了……反正本来就要倒了,和开不开SaveAll就没关系了



作者: yang8630    时间: 2008-10-15 14:15

作者: winrain    时间: 2009-7-29 10:20

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