
标题: Darden Bank Loan [打印本页]

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-11 03:52
标题: Darden Bank Loan

Since I was asked about this, please have the attached info FYI:

From: Carraway, Robert
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 3:45 PM
To: International Students (First Year)
Cc: Mueller, Larry; Pattie, J. Marshall; Neher, Sara; Mills, Amanda; Rodriguez, Peter; Tenguria, Susheel
Subject: International student loans


I hope your exams and exam preps are going well.


I interrupt your current activities to respond to the present turmoil in the financial markets and its impact on international student loans, specifically loans not requiring a creditworthy U.S. citizen cosigner.  Thanks to Larry Mueller’s efforts and foresight, you should be all set for this year, as long as you got your GATE loan application in by September 15.  With this e-mail, I want to assure you, as a current Darden student, that the School WILL have an option available for you to borrow funds to support your second year.   You therefore do NOT need to worry about this.


In terms of prospective students, we are working hard to find a similar solution for them.  We are not there yet, but optimistic that we will find an option for them soon.  If contacted by a prospective student, please help us get our message out to them: (1) we fully expect to have an option available for them and (2) THEY SHOULD PROCEED WITH THEIR APPLICATION UNDER THIS ASSUMPTION.  No one will be asked to pay a deposit until a plan is in place.  


Virtually all schools are struggling with this issue right now.  We don’t want to lose attractive prospective students to other schools that are more willing to make promises before they know how they will deliver on them.


I hope this note enables you to rest easy, at least on this score; there is of course still that exam thing!



作者: victomer    时间: 2008-10-11 18:40

Thanks for info. similiar situation for most BS. Hope it can be done soon.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-11 18:42:48编辑过]

作者: samchocolate    时间: 2008-10-12 03:25

我觉得学校这么说,就是想忽悠你继续申请。要我是招生办的,不到最后一分钟我也不能告诉你不行。还等着收申请费呢。你仔细读,其实对明年新生什么承诺也没有。Darden 担心的就是 lose attractive students。现在的趋势,全美国学校都有这个问题,那大家就全一样了。最好的结果,就是学校象征性的提供 10K-20K 的小贷款。

另外说一句,美国现在连本国学生贷款都有问题了。对银行来讲,像这种没抵押没担保的 student loan,属于风险很高的贷款之一,风险甚至比次级债还高。

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-12 03:42
以下是引用samchocolate在2008-10-12 3:25:00的发言:

我觉得学校这么说,就是想忽悠你继续申请。要我是招生办的,不到最后一分钟我也不能告诉你不行。还等着收申请费呢。你仔细读,其实对明年新生什么承诺也没有。Darden 担心的就是 lose attractive students。现在的趋势,全美国学校都有这个问题,那大家就全一样了。最好的结果,就是学校象征性的提供 10K-20K 的小贷款。

另外说一句,美国现在连本国学生贷款都有问题了。对银行来讲,像这种没抵押没担保的 student loan,属于风险很高的贷款之一,风险甚至比次级债还高。









BTW目前在美国所有top 20 school里面,Darden贷款利率是最低的





作者: samchocolate    时间: 2008-10-12 06:46

是学校没有必要忽悠在校生,可你看到这句没有 "If contacted by a prospective student, please help us get our message out to them”。

另外质疑一下“Darden贷款利率是 TOP 20 最低的”。我知道前几年,Citi 给外国学生的 floating rate 是 prime rate (现在 4.5%) + 1%,联邦 10-year fixed rate 6.8%。Darden 是多少?

作者: aaronfly2007    时间: 2008-10-12 08:41
From the bank's perspective, this segmet is very attractive, the probem now is the credit crunch is out of everyone's limit. Sigh.....
作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-12 12:15
以下是引用samchocolate在2008-10-12 6:46:00的发言:

是学校没有必要忽悠在校生,可你看到这句没有 "If contacted by a prospective student, please help us get our message out to them”。

另外质疑一下“Darden贷款利率是 TOP 20 最低的”。我知道前几年,Citi 给外国学生的 floating rate 是 prime rate (现在 4.5%) + 1%,联邦 10-year fixed rate 6.8%。Darden 是多少?

OK, one of the lowest.

Around 5% this year.

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-12 12:22
以下是引用samchocolate在2008-10-12 6:46:00的发言:

是学校没有必要忽悠在校生,可你看到这句没有 "If contacted by a prospective student, please help us get our message out to them”。

另外质疑一下“Darden贷款利率是 TOP 20 最低的”。我知道前几年,Citi 给外国学生的 floating rate 是 prime rate (现在 4.5%) + 1%,联邦 10-year fixed rate 6.8%。Darden 是多少?

BTW: I hope we can stop our nagtive discussion about Darden here.  

Thanks for repecting my motivation.

I will not get a share if any one apply our school.

作者: HSGMBA    时间: 2008-10-13 04:36

Virtually all schools are struggling with this issue right now.....

if financial turmoil go even worse, laons, credits may stop???? banks already stop giving credits to each other.

作者: sullymeetsbo    时间: 2008-10-13 07:19

Attentioned, Darden will be my target...

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-13 07:53

Feel free to reach me for questions about Darden.

P.S. I like this school so much !

作者: jack00000    时间: 2008-10-13 11:22
以下是引用soniashi在2008-10-13 7:53:00的发言:

Feel free to reach me for questions about Darden.

P.S. I like this school so much !

So, could you give me your e-mail or something can catch you? I've got some question about application, thanks a lot!
作者: kevingu    时间: 2008-10-13 12:48


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-28 21:46:24编辑过]

作者: tania_zhang    时间: 2008-10-13 23:12


作者: wuyc    时间: 2008-10-13 23:18


作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-14 04:52
以下是引用kevingu在2008-10-13 12:48:00的发言:

支持 sonia


也是全美就业最好b school之一,就业率甚至比某些m7的学校都好很多



呵呵  最好发封信给admission office,push他们一下,顺便表达我们对darden的热爱







作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-14 04:52
以下是引用tania_zhang在2008-10-13 23:12:00的发言:




作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-14 04:53
以下是引用wuyc在2008-10-13 23:18:00的发言:


我有一个hard copy...




作者: Juliandworld    时间: 2008-10-14 08:52

支持soniashi! 上次darden在香港举办info session, Dean 专门飞过来做了对全球经济分析的演讲, 还有很多校友, 感觉气氛非常好! 非常乐于助人\热心的校友, 很喜欢这个学校, 也准备申请! 希望能多了解一些情况, 比如在能源行业(尤其是renewable energy) 方面就业的情况, 谢谢! 另外给你发短消息了, 谢谢!

作者: Juliandworld    时间: 2008-10-14 09:22

狂汗, 短消息总是发送失败, 今天好像和系统超级没有默契... 贴在这里了, 先谢谢Sonia同学的回答!


我现在很struggle darden essay, 写了几版全被人拍死了,.....想请教关于1,3 的破题, 感觉和一般学校的问法不太一样, 是不是需要有特别要注意的? 另外第3题要从什么方面回答呢? 谢谢!


1. What pivotal choices have you made in your life that have influenced your decision to pursue an MBA?  (500 words)


3. Describe how you are a fit with the case study method.  (250 words)

作者: kevingu    时间: 2008-10-14 12:33


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-28 21:47:05编辑过]

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-15 05:25
以下是引用kevingu在2008-10-14 12:33:00的发言:

hi sonia,




个人判断 肯定可以贷款



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-15 5:32:55编辑过]

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-15 05:32
以下是引用Juliandworld在2008-10-14 9:22:00的发言:

狂汗, 短消息总是发送失败, 今天好像和系统超级没有默契... 贴在这里了, 先谢谢Sonia同学的回答!

我现在很struggle darden essay, 写了几版全被人拍死了,.....想请教关于1,3 的破题, 感觉和一般学校的问法不太一样, 是不是需要有特别要注意的? 另外第3题要从什么方面回答呢? 谢谢!

1. What pivotal choices have you made in your life that have influenced your decision to pursue an MBA?  (500 words)

3. Describe how you are a fit with the case study method.  (250 words)

我不敢乱说 怕说错了

个人意见 仅供参考


最后一个就是跟学校的情况有联系的 你多了解Darden的case教学就可以写好啦。我觉得最后一篇对我自己来说,也很难写出新意。

作者: Juliandworld    时间: 2008-10-15 12:45
以下是引用soniashi在2008-10-15 5:32:00的发言:

我不敢乱说 怕说错了

个人意见 仅供参考


最后一个就是跟学校的情况有联系的 你多了解Darden的case教学就可以写好啦。我觉得最后一篇对我自己来说,也很难写出新意。

感谢感谢感谢, 接着琢磨, 痛苦....
作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-10-16 04:41


关于Essay 3

For this one, I really have no shining point to share.


Darden case study is about:

1.       Language ability. Very very important.

2.       Background knowledge, mean you better know all the functions of a company.

3.       Team work.

4.       Way of thinking, how you view things? You always willing to know more?



That’s all what I can say right now.  Hope it helps.

作者: jameswujiana    时间: 2008-10-16 08:26
以下是引用soniashi在2008-10-11 3:52:00的发言:

Since I was asked about this, please have the attached info FYI:

From: Carraway, Robert
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 3:45 PM
To: International Students (First Year)
Cc: Mueller, Larry; Pattie, J. Marshall; Neher, Sara; Mills, Amanda; Rodriguez, Peter; Tenguria, Susheel
Subject: International student loans


I hope your exams and exam preps are going well.


I interrupt your current activities to respond to the present turmoil in the financial markets and its impact on international student loans, specifically loans not requiring a creditworthy U.S. citizen cosigner.  Thanks to Larry Mueller’s efforts and foresight, you should be all set for this year, as long as you got your GATE loan application in by September 15.  With this e-mail, I want to assure you, as a current Darden student, that the School WILL have an option available for you to borrow funds to support your second year.   You therefore do NOT need to worry about this.


In terms of prospective students, we are working hard to find a similar solution for them.  We are not there yet, but optimistic that we will find an option for them soon.  If contacted by a prospective student, please help us get our message out to them: (1) we fully expect to have an option available for them and (2) THEY SHOULD PROCEED WITH THEIR APPLICATION UNDER THIS ASSUMPTION.  No one will be asked to pay a deposit until a plan is in place.  


Virtually all schools are struggling with this issue right now.  We don’t want to lose attractive prospective students to other schools that are more willing to make promises before they know how they will deliver on them.


I hope this note enables you to rest easy, at least on this score; there is of course still that exam thing!




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