
标题: GWD29-26 [打印本页]

作者: shakepig    时间: 2008-10-1 23:33
标题: GWD29-26


Section 301 of the 1988 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act enables the United States Trade Representative to single out a country as an unfair trader, begin trade negotiations with that country, and, if the negotiations do not conclude by the United States government’s being satisfied, to impose sanctions.


A.      by the United States government’s being satisfied, to impose

B.       by the United States government’s satisfaction, impose

C.      with the United States government’s being satisfied, imposing

D.      to the United States government’s satisfaction, impose

E.       to the United States government’s satisfaction, imposing

正确选D,我选了B,不知道这里用by, or to的区别,是直接根据含义来判断,还是动词之间的用法呢?怎么判断呢。

作者: shakepig    时间: 2008-10-1 23:40
作者: tsaiming    时间: 2009-3-5 16:46
如果選by, 前面的conclude應該改為被動。
作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-3-5 18:27
标题: 解答
以下是引用shakepig在2008-10-1 23:33:00的发言:


Section 301 of the 1988 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act enables the United States Trade Representative to single out a country as an unfair trader, begin trade negotiations with that country, and, if the negotiations do not conclude by the United States government’s being satisfied, to impose sanctions.

咳咳咳...GMAT惯用伎俩...首先上句子结构分析。其实就是 S&C(想起gossip girl中S&D...) enables USTR to do, do, and do. 只是在第三个动词前加了个条件状语从句来迷惑考生,让考生看句子减慢速度理解意思变苦难,并看着看着忘记三个动词并列...我是先确定后面必然用impose,而不是to impose也不是imposing的。请参见Prep320但我忘记是哪个题了,上面有说如果是to do, to do and to do弄成to do, do, and do是绝对正确的(注意了,两个do的时候就要to do and to do了,切记),而且OG11中有例子。上例子OG11-11:Warning that computers in the US are not secure, the NAS has urgered the nation to revamp computer security procedures, insitute new emergency response teams, and create a special nongovernment organization to take charge of computer security planning.

红色已经标出A,C,E错误。那么接下来就剩下到底是conclude by还是conclude to了

A.      by the United States government’s being satisfied, to impose

B.       by the United States government’s satisfaction, impose

C.      with the United States government’s being satisfied,

D.      to the United States government’s satisfaction, impose

E.       to the United States government’s satisfaction, imposing

正确选D,我选了B,不知道这里用by, or to的区别,是直接根据含义来判断,还是动词之间的用法呢?怎么判断呢。

作者: skigorush    时间: 2009-7-30 00:04

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