
标题: PREP1-69 [打印本页]

作者: rock19840717    时间: 2008-9-13 15:19
标题: PREP1-69

The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who register the Internet domain names of high-profile companies in hopes of reselling the rights to those names for a profit, led to passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later.

(A) passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling

(B) the passage of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, which allows companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent that they will sell

(C) the passage in 1999 of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which allows companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling

(D) the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which was passed in 1999, and it allows companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent to sell

(E) the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, passed in 1999 and allowing companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling


作者: liu4949    时间: 2008-9-13 21:07

比较划线开头,lead to 的是act的passage,排除DE,passing表持续动作不好,排除A


B,which可以修饰1999这个时间,举例,你什么时候出生的?(when)     92年或93年,哪年(which)是你出生的年?

同时,(我自己的感觉)in 1999修饰可能有歧义,修饰act还是修饰pass?修饰act可能意思是1999已经有提议这个act,但是当年没passage。修饰passage就是说act不知道什么时候提出的,但是是在1999passage的

作者: rock19840717    时间: 2008-9-14 08:06
作者: lijiahui0422    时间: 2009-7-5 11:09
确实避免了时间歧义,确定了passage的时间,另外with the intent of doing是个固定搭配 除非内容比较复杂,后面跟同位语从句,这道题用前者比较简洁

作者: edmundshi    时间: 2009-7-5 22:16
B后面有个they,和划线部分后面的部分them产生了歧义,变成了they will sell them later。

作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-7-10 21:55




(A) 从逻辑意思上看The proliferation…导致的结果是反域名强占保护法案的通过,而不是通过的过程,因此passing应该改为passage,强调结果.in 1999既可能修饰Act也可能修饰passing,导致修饰不清;分词结构allowing…修饰有歧义。

(B) in 1999位置不对,导致修饰不清;with the sole intent that they will sell表达复杂,笨拙.

(C) 正确, lead to the passage强调了结果;which非限定定语从句修饰Act,意思表达清楚;时间状语in 1999紧靠修饰对象the passage,修饰无歧意;of selling修饰名词intent表达正确

(D) 从逻辑意思上看,The proliferation…导致的结果是法案的通过,而不是导致了法案,因此lead to the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which was passed in 1999意思表达不完整;with the sole intent to sell错误,应该改为with the sole intent of selling.

(E) 错误同D,逻辑意思表达不完整


我个人觉得B选项前半句和C选项前半句并没有本质区别,只是C选项的Consumer Protection Act, which allows 看起来更工整、更规矩一点,我觉得B前面不存在重大问题,是否导致修饰不清并不是cut B选项的重要决定因素。


作者: judyenglish    时间: 2009-8-4 17:59
作者: sunny8843    时间: 2009-8-5 17:16
作者: 没办法1987    时间: 2009-8-17 20:53



The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who register the Internet domain names of high-profile companies in hopes of reselling the rights to those names for a profit, led to passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later.




这里allowing很是适合第二条啊,led to the passage是因, allowing是果


作者: z89113570    时间: 2009-9-1 15:41
作者: liuxy1234    时间: 2009-9-15 15:18
个人觉得B的错误在于they 和句尾未划线部分的them指代不一致:第一个they指代companies,第二个them指代domain names。另外,时间状语的位置很灵活,在这里并无明显不妥,可以参照PREP1-44中的"for the first time"的位置。
作者: yinan    时间: 2009-9-21 16:30

这题还是想问问这个intent to do的结构,to do只能修饰动词么?不定词应该可以做定语修饰名词,如:ability to do等。

我在Longman查到的intent的一种解释:the intention to do something illegal
                                  with intent (to do something)
eg:Jones was found guilty of wounding with intent.

    He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robber。

这里的with intent to do是否一定要与intent的意思有关?

作者: judyenglish    时间: 2009-9-25 12:05
固定搭配:with the intent of doing
作者: gsj677    时间: 2009-10-16 12:16
作者: ageng    时间: 2009-11-3 22:27



The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who register the Internet domain names of high-profile companies in hopes of reselling the rights to those names for a profit, led to passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later.




这里allowing很是适合第二条啊,led to the passage是因, allowing是果

-- by 会员 没办法1987 (2009/8/17 20:53:00)

作者: tianmo0512    时间: 2010-3-1 20:17
作者: HUZ    时间: 2010-4-1 17:16
其次,若allowing表示伴随结果,则应该是前面整句(A led to B)作为整体表示原因。这就产生了矛盾,很明显,应该是Act 允许公司怎么怎么样,而不可能是A led to B, 这种行为允许公司怎么怎么样;
作者: Roberta2011    时间: 2011-10-12 10:22
我觉得区分选择B还是C,最主要还是看后面那个intent的用法吧,曼哈顿的idiom那章有写到intent的用法:intent of doing/n 或者 intent to do ,而intent that 这种表达不够好.(见曼哈顿语法部分)
作者: wbhsky    时间: 2011-10-20 00:43
我怎么觉得有led to allowing,和做伴随,结果的歧义?

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