
标题: Go Yalies! Yale 2010 MBA Taking Questions (09暑期实习5月最新更新204楼) [打印本页]

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-8-30 04:17
标题: Go Yalies! Yale 2010 MBA Taking Questions (09暑期实习5月最新更新204楼)


之前 Mr. Yale有个很好的答疑帖,供大家参考:

=============== 中国学生背景分享====================


人数多的原因我想有两个,一个是鉴于耶鲁和中国的友好关系(当年胡core来美国,演讲的地点就选在耶鲁)以及中国在世界上的日益扩大的影响力,耶鲁有意多招中国人,另一个就是今年耶鲁在中国的yield rate提高了(有好几个拒了排名更高的学校的offer,甚至是奖学金,选择了耶鲁,这可能是adcom们之前没有料到的,所以招人招多了)。




1个Google China高管(one of the founding members),在中国工作(资深,在IBM等外企工作过较长时间);



1个media company的CFO,中国(比较资深,在知名Consulting工作过较长时间);


5个banker(包括ibanker和commerical banker),4个在美国,1个在中国(工作时间2~6年不等)

1个silver scholar(毕业后直接上MBA,一年后去工作/实习一年,然后再回来读一年书,详情请参见Yale MBA网站),中国。




最新刚出的BW排名中,Yale又掉出TOP 20,不少人在问这个事,所以我就在这里说说我的看法。

Business Week的排名其实争议很大,一般而言,招聘的公司更看重的是US News的排名(13),在这个排名中yale的排名是每年渐升的。


在Yale SOM,各大招行每年都要举办很多活动。今年除了Presentation外,Credit Suisse,Citi, JP Morgan, Merill Lynch等公司都在Yale 有Cocktail party和Informational Interview,Credit Suisse还邀请Yale的新生去总部,给我们讲解怎样评估一个公司。另外,受邀去纽约的投行总部访问的机会也很多,上周六刚去了Merill Lynch,JP Morgan和Morgan Stanley,上上周去了Credit Suisse和UBS。

来Yale SOM的咨询公司也常搞活动,McKinsey办了一次Case workshop和一次coffee chat,BCG也办了一次Case workshop和一次coffee chat。另外McKinsey Asia来纽约搞活动,邀请的学校就是CBS, NYU, Yale SOM, Cornell Johson,没有别的学校受邀了。

那些所谓Business Week排名比Yale高三五名的,很少有能享受这个待遇的。如果你选校完全看BW排名的话,那肯定会后悔的。

Free Mock Interview!!!

If you get interview invitation from Yale SOM, please feel free to contact me to schedule a mock interview (phone interview).

The length of interview is usally 30 mins, +10 mins feedback.

How to schedule a mock interview: forward your interview invitation letter to huangren(在), and tell me your phone number and available time slots (normally, I can do it Sat/Sunday morning or night, New York time). Please note that I don't give away my phone number, so I will call you instead. This service is totally free -- you don't even need to pay telephone fee! I provide this service on a First Come First Serve basis, so I may not be able to speak with you if I am fully booked.

NOTE: I only provide mock interview to those who have received interview invitation from Yale SOM.











耶鲁所在的城市是New Haven,在很多文章中,纽黑文被描述成一个很boring的城市。其实我觉得这个小城市别有一番风味,对住惯大城市的人来说,刚开始或者不习惯,但慢慢会喜欢上它。当然,这只是我个人意见,不一定有代表性。

下面是纽黑文的市政府(那栋小一点的,古香古色的,不是那栋高楼--那是Financial Center)。

市厅对面的小公园,叫New Haven Green,周末常有露天演出。这张照片是在树阴下照的,所以光线不好,大家将就着看吧。^_^

作者: yaoyao99    时间: 2008-8-30 04:30

作者: 小土狗    时间: 2008-8-30 08:29


作者: littleca    时间: 2008-8-30 09:40

So beautiful~

作者: 小土狗    时间: 2008-8-30 09:49
作者: purefeel    时间: 2008-8-30 09:51
I have a question.  In your opinion, how important is a school visit for Yale?  Do you feel the Adcom take it in the admission decision?

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-8-30 10:12
顶下!my dream school
作者: iammad    时间: 2008-8-30 11:07
以下是引用purefeel在2008-8-30 9:51:00的发言:
I have a question.  In your opinion, how important is a school visit for Yale?  Do you feel the Adcom take it in the admission decision?

这个问题我很难回答。我觉得并不一定有用,因为有很多人没有条件去做campus visit的,如果因为你去参观学校就给你加分,那对这些人就不公平了。


当然,如果你有条件来参观学校的话,还是欢迎你来看看,跟学生聊聊天,看看跟你是不是合得来,听听课,看看喜不喜欢。这样可能在Why Yale这个问题上可以多点可写的东西。^_^

作者: waitingtoexhale    时间: 2008-8-30 11:21



作者: iammad    时间: 2008-8-30 11:30
以下是引用waitingtoexhale在2008-8-30 11:21:00的发言:



1. 工作时间我根据我了解的情况update了,可能并不是特别准确,但八九不离十吧。

2. 这个我很难分析,每个人选择耶鲁的理由都不一样,有些是个人原因,有些是因为personal fit,有些则是为了回国发展,耶鲁的brand name可以有所帮助。给我点时间,我会在顶楼加入一些说明。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-30 11:31:28编辑过]

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-8-30 11:41

楼主能否帮忙打听一下,11月8号在SOM的admission event-Explore Diversity  总共会挑选多少人参加啊?我知道需要提前申请被筛选的。


作者: waitingtoexhale    时间: 2008-8-30 13:14
以下是引用iammad在2008-8-30 11:30:00的发言:

1. 工作时间我根据我了解的情况update了,可能并不是特别准确,但八九不离十吧。

2. 这个我很难分析,每个人选择耶鲁的理由都不一样,有些是个人原因,有些是因为personal fit,有些则是为了回国发展,耶鲁的brand name可以有所帮助。给我点时间,我会在顶楼加入一些说明。


作者: 小土狗    时间: 2008-8-31 04:43
以下是引用段誉在2008-8-30 21:07:00的发言:


Law School.

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-8-31 04:51
以下是引用小土狗在2008-8-31 4:43:00的发言:

Law School.



作者: ChrisX    时间: 2008-8-31 08:12
我印象中软件行业的申请人很多,但为什么录取名单中软件背景的人这么少?其他学校也是一样,我翻过Darden 02的resume book,60个学生里面软件背景的也只有两个,其中一个还是转了去Finance以后申请的。是不是软件行业的申请者不受学校青睐呢?
作者: 小土狗    时间: 2008-8-31 10:43

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-1 11:32
以下是引用段誉在2008-8-30 21:07:00的发言:


还有,Tony Blair 的课会上吗?

实话实说,我个人并不认为Yale SOM比HBS有什么优胜的地方。而且我也没上过别的商学院,要我比较两个学校的差别就有点勉强了。

Tony Blair的课是选修课,今年只有二年级的同学可以上。如果明年还开,肯定是要上一下的。^_^

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-1 11:34
以下是引用dxj在2008-8-30 11:41:00的发言:

楼主能否帮忙打听一下,11月8号在SOM的admission event-Explore Diversity  总共会挑选多少人参加啊?我知道需要提前申请被筛选的。


明天是美国的labor day,adcom不上班。你得再等等。


另外,如果是注册campus tour的话,不需要复杂的手续,应该是比较简单的。

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-1 11:36
以下是引用ChrisX在2008-8-31 8:12:00的发言:
我印象中软件行业的申请人很多,但为什么录取名单中软件背景的人这么少?其他学校也是一样,我翻过Darden 02的resume book,60个学生里面软件背景的也只有两个,其中一个还是转了去Finance以后申请的。是不是软件行业的申请者不受学校青睐呢?




作者: josephhe    时间: 2008-9-1 11:41
以下是引用小土狗在2008-8-31 10:43:00的发言:

另外,还有一个和我现在比较要好的哥们是做XBOX的,第一次见面吓一跳,竟然是competitor. .不过现在还不错。
人家也是聪明异常,Harvard college毕业的,提问异常犀利,话语无比幽默。。。

作者: icylees    时间: 2008-9-1 11:43



1.模糊记得New Haven附近有个最近几年兴起的风投聚集地,具体名字是?

2.9月14号上海的info. session会有应届生过来交流么?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-1 11:47:22编辑过]

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2008-9-1 23:28
请问楼上 9月14日 YALE的info session时间地址是,需要提前在哪儿注册么,谢谢啦
作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-2 01:27
以下是引用bigjoe在2008-9-1 23:28:00的发言:
请问楼上 9月14日 YALE的info session时间地址是,需要提前在哪儿注册么,谢谢啦

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-9-2 05:56
I 版,你在yale的这段时间学习紧张吗?选了几门课啊?另外yale有没有pre-term的课程 例如accounting之类?
作者: 天使也爱美女    时间: 2008-9-2 06:20
请问我想参加campus visit,怎么参加?
作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-2 06:31
以下是引用icylees在2008-9-1 11:43:00的发言:



1.模糊记得New Haven附近有个最近几年兴起的风投聚集地,具体名字是?

2.9月14号上海的info. session会有应届生过来交流么?


1. 这个我实在不知道,没听说过New Haven附近有风投聚集地啊。如果你能给我个大概的名字,我可以帮你验证一下。

2. 应该不会。一般的reception都不会有应届生的,因为现在已经开学了。但是应该会有alumni参加。:)这是了解学校的一个好机会,有时间还是去看看。

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-2 06:38
以下是引用dxj在2008-9-2 5:56:00的发言:
I 版,你在yale的这段时间学习紧张吗?选了几门课啊?另外yale有没有pre-term的课程 例如accounting之类?



我们第一学期的课分为两阶段,第一阶段是6周的orientation to management,教的课有accounting, economics, data analysis, interpersonal dynamics, problem framing, career, leadership development program。第二阶段则是integrated curriculum,教的不再是一门一门独立的课,而是从不同的perspective来看待问题和解决问题的方法,课程有:Customer, Investor, Competitor等等。这是一个innovation,把平时分开来学的finance, marketing等课都融合到一块儿,教给你怎样用不同perspective来分析问题和解决问题。

关于integrated curriculum,请参考


作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-2 06:39
以下是引用天使也爱美女在2008-9-2 6:20:00的发言:
请问我想参加campus visit,怎么参加?

作者: 盗亦有道    时间: 2008-9-2 09:15

作者: phenomena    时间: 2008-9-2 14:07



作者: tinywhite    时间: 2008-9-2 14:19


作者: bigjoe    时间: 2008-9-2 16:03
以下是引用iammad在2008-9-2 1:27:00的发言:


作者: bigjoe    时间: 2008-9-2 16:07
以下是引用phenomena在2008-9-2 14:07:00的发言:



作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-2 19:34
以下是引用phenomena在2008-9-2 14:07:00的发言:






作者: dxj    时间: 2008-9-3 03:24
以下是引用phenomena在2008-9-2 14:07:00的发言:

Would you please show me some reading material about this? Just curious.

A school is only a school, although it is my dream too.

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-3 08:40
以下是引用dxj在2008-9-3 3:24:00的发言:

Would you please show me some reading material about this? Just curious.

A school is only a school, although it is my dream too.

Many people like to attach a personality to a certain uni. I don't agree nor disagree with this kind of attachment.

The following article is for your information:

作者: tasteofair    时间: 2008-9-3 08:41
YALE也是我很喜欢的学校。我查了一下,发现今年YALE参加的WORLD TOUR很多,想请问楼主是参加这种OFF CAMPUS的SESSION好呢,还是去CAMPUS VISIT好?我个人觉得是不是CAMPUS VISIT好一点?有个实地的经验?
作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-3 08:53
以下是引用tasteofair在2008-9-3 8:41:00的发言:
YALE也是我很喜欢的学校。我查了一下,发现今年YALE参加的WORLD TOUR很多,想请问楼主是参加这种OFF CAMPUS的SESSION好呢,还是去CAMPUS VISIT好?我个人觉得是不是CAMPUS VISIT好一点?有个实地的经验?

Campus Visit可以让你实际听听耶鲁教授的课(by the way, I think those profs are amazing),也可以让你实际和现在在读的学生交流一下。

But here is the warning: SOM's building is not impressive at all, don't let it discourage you from applying. ^_^

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-9-3 09:32

我倒不觉得楼啊建筑啊会有负面的印象作用,Yale 吸引的理想主义者比其他地方更多些,也许和它的政治人文背景有关。

美国这边的好学校也去过很多,但是不和其中的人打交道是很难体会学校魅力的。我没联系过 Sharon Oster 教授,因为跟我的专业本不相干。不过看了一点她的书和文章,觉得她很有魅力啊。I 版你会选她的课吗?但愿我自己去探路时候能有她在授课。。。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-3 9:36:14编辑过]

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-3 10:02
以下是引用dxj在2008-9-3 9:32:00的发言:

我倒不觉得楼啊建筑啊会有负面的印象作用,Yale 吸引的理想主义者比其他地方更多些,也许和它的政治人文背景有关。

美国这边的好学校也去过很多,但是不和其中的人打交道是很难体会学校魅力的。我没联系过 Sharon Oster 教授,因为跟我的专业本不相干。不过看了一点她的书和文章,觉得她很有魅力啊。I 版你会选她的课吗?但愿我自己去探路时候能有她在授课。。。


作者: dxj    时间: 2008-9-3 10:08
哦 谢谢!版主你太幸福了。她上课的那本教材我都搜罗到一本啦。我想去Yale,就为那儿的几个老师!听起来比较变态。。。
作者: dd6612    时间: 2008-9-3 10:47


作者: tasteofair    时间: 2008-9-3 11:00

楼主回的真快啊!BUILDING没有关系,我这人很实际的,实力才是王道!我第一轮可能太紧了,准备申请第二轮了。但是这第一轮和第二轮隔的太远了,我准备12月初的样子去CAMPUS VISIT。

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-3 11:14
以下是引用tasteofair在2008-9-3 11:00:00的发言:

楼主回的真快啊!BUILDING没有关系,我这人很实际的,实力才是王道!我第一轮可能太紧了,准备申请第二轮了。但是这第一轮和第二轮隔的太远了,我准备12月初的样子去CAMPUS VISIT。

Dec is NOT a good time for campus visit: 1) it is freezing; 2) it is final time. Oct may be the best time for campus visit. You can do campus visit first, and then apply.

作者: tasteofair    时间: 2008-9-3 11:48
以下是引用iammad在2008-9-3 11:14:00的发言:

Dec is NOT a good time for campus visit: 1) it is freezing; 2) it is final time. Oct may be the best time for campus visit. You can do campus visit first, and then apply.

Oh, really? Thanks!...  I'm trying to push the campus visit late because I hope I will be better prepared after working on my application package, especially the essays. I mean I hope I can talk more consistently with my application package. October is a little early. I see that dates from Oct 10 to Oct 26 are blocked for campus visit. How about November then? Is November a good time to visit? BTW, I'm in Ohio. So I don't mind the cold weather.

作者: watsons2008    时间: 2008-9-3 13:06
YALE喜欢刚毕业的本科生吗? 谢谢.
作者: dxj    时间: 2008-9-3 13:12
以下是引用tasteofair在2008-9-3 11:48:00的发言:

Oh, really? Thanks!...  I'm trying to push the campus visit late because I hope I will be better prepared after working on my application package, especially the essays. I mean I hope I can talk more consistently with my application package. October is a little early. I see that dates from Oct 10 to Oct 26 are blocked for campus visit. How about November then? Is November a good time to visit? BTW, I'm in Ohio. So I don't mind the cold weather.


Explore Diversity
November 8 – November 10, 2008

Explore Diversity is a program designed to expose prospective applicants to Yale SOM's learning and social environments, career resources, and the MBA application process. Participants will have the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the MBA program, interacting closely with students, faculty, alumni and administrators. Additionally, the program highlights the many aspects of diversity at Yale SOM.

Explore Diversity is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 2008 through Monday, November 10, 2008.

Prospective SOM applicants will be able to participate in Explore Diversity at Yale SOM by invitation only. To be considered, please complete the online application, then email a current resume to Please note that all participants are expected to fully participate in all events, unless otherwise noted as optional. In addition, admissions interviews will be available for those participants who have taken the GMAT and reported their score on the Explore Diversity application.

The application submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 13, 2008. Invitations to Explore Diversity will be emailed on Thursday, October 16, 2008, with RSVPs due by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 20, 2008.

Meals and two nights lodging for Explore Diversity will be provided by Yale SOM. Explore Diversity participants will be reimbursed the actual cost of their travel expenses (flight, train or car), up to $100. An invitation to Explore Diversity at Yale SOM does not imply admission to the Yale School of Management.

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 203.432.5635 or

作者: 栀子花女孩    时间: 2008-9-3 14:23
请问yale的推荐信还是hard copy吗?还是可以在线上传。。?
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2008-9-3 18:07
以下是引用iammad在2008-9-3 8:53:00的发言:

Campus Visit可以让你实际听听耶鲁教授的课(by the way, I think those profs are amazing),也可以让你实际和现在在读的学生交流一下。

But here is the warning: SOM's building is not impressive at all, don't let it discourage you from applying. ^_^



作者: duijinxiaozi    时间: 2008-9-3 21:58

Yale 的 intern 主要是集中在nyc吗? 请楼主介绍一下。


BTW,SOM 的楼感觉很清新。感觉再种点竹子就更好了。

作者: tristesser    时间: 2008-9-3 22:47
9.18 去campus visit. 有没有学长学姐有空见一下面的。

作者: gzeric    时间: 2008-9-3 23:39

Thank you for sharing the information!

Can you tell more information about the exchange students from Tsinghua?

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:08
以下是引用watsons2008在2008-9-3 13:06:00的发言:
YALE喜欢刚毕业的本科生吗? 谢谢.

刚毕业的本科生可以申请Silver Scholar:

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:08
以下是引用栀子花女孩在2008-9-3 14:23:00的发言:
请问yale的推荐信还是hard copy吗?还是可以在线上传。。?


作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:11
以下是引用bigjoe在2008-9-3 18:07:00的发言:





作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:12
以下是引用dxj在2008-8-30 11:41:00的发言:

楼主能否帮忙打听一下,11月8号在SOM的admission event-Explore Diversity  总共会挑选多少人参加啊?我知道需要提前申请被筛选的。



作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:14
以下是引用duijinxiaozi在2008-9-3 21:58:00的发言:

Yale 的 intern 主要是集中在nyc吗? 请楼主介绍一下。


BTW,SOM 的楼感觉很清新。感觉再种点竹子就更好了。



另外,我帖的照片不是SOM。前面说过了,SOM的建筑实在是not impressive at all。所以我来了这么久,都没照过SOM的照片  >_<

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-4 4:17:51编辑过]

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 04:16
以下是引用tristesser在2008-9-3 22:47:00的发言:
9.18 去campus visit. 有没有学长学姐有空见一下面的。

呵呵,9.18是周四,那天的课比较无聊的说。:) 是数学课(概率统计)


作者: duijinxiaozi    时间: 2008-9-4 08:13
以下是引用iammad在2008-9-4 4:14:00的发言:



另外,我帖的照片不是SOM。前面说过了,SOM的建筑实在是not impressive at all。所以我来了这么久,都没照过SOM的照片  >_<



请问楼主,中国学生非美国的intern。 是自己找国内的公司面试。还是在美国的公司去yale,面完派到国内的呢?

再问一个:som有没有教project finance 的教授呢?

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-4 09:21
以下是引用duijinxiaozi在2008-9-4 8:13:00的发言:



请问楼主,中国学生非美国的intern。 是自己找国内的公司面试。还是在美国的公司去yale,面完派到国内的呢?

再问一个:som有没有教project finance 的教授呢?



你照的是Prospect Street的那个门,我觉得那个门最难看。:(

在HillHouse Ave还有一个门,是小洋楼的样子,那个要好看些。这个楼的对面和旁边还各有一幢楼,都是SOM的,只是平常不怎么去。:)

我遇到的几个二年级学生,都是在on campus recruiting中拿到offer的。在国内做intern的也是在业界相当有名的外企,所以我估计是在美国的公司面完了派到国内的。

我不知道什么叫Project Finance噢。。。

如果光说Finance的话,Yale SOM是Behavioral Finance的重镇,有个相当有名的搞Behavioral Finance的教授叫Robert Shiller。很抱歉,我对finance不太了解,不能提供更多有用的信息。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-4 9:28:41编辑过]

作者: duijinxiaozi    时间: 2008-9-4 11:45



作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-7 00:03

Class 2010 At a Glance

Class 2010 Profile

作者: never3738    时间: 2008-9-7 13:13


偶申请Silver Scholars,有几个问题:


(2)轮次区别大吗?ROUND 2 OR 3 的名额不多? 因为我想这学期努力一下,把综合GPA提高,申请第二轮或者第三轮的。


作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-7 22:19
以下是引用never3738在2008-9-7 13:13:00的发言:


偶申请Silver Scholars,有几个问题:


(2)轮次区别大吗?ROUND 2 OR 3 的名额不多? 因为我想这学期努力一下,把综合GPA提高,申请第二轮或者第三轮的。


For Silver Scholar, GPA is quite important, because you don't have full time W/E to demonstrate your ability.

However, adcoms always take a holistic review of your applicaiton package. Generally, adcoms focus on the following criteria:

1) GPA

2) Internship

3) Awards and Prizes

4) Extra-cirriculum activities

5) G/T

You may be able to compensate your low GPA by internship experience at a bluechip company, or outstanding awards and prizes, or very high G/T.

Apply when you are ready, but generally speaking, the earilier the better. Yale usually only takes one silver scholar from China every year (I don't know this number is planned or not). If you apply in R2, and the spot was already taken, the chance of getting in is slim. If your essays and recommendations are ready, I would suggest you to apply in R1. 

作者: never3738    时间: 2008-9-13 02:06

TO iammad,



作者: wydhcgd    时间: 2008-9-15 14:49

之前提到立志做non profit的人选择yale,想具体问一下这方面的问题,是yale特别适合有这样理想的学生吗?能不能具体介绍一下,谢谢!

作者: goalkeeper    时间: 2008-9-15 23:32
Lz 能不能介绍一下已经被admitted的Silver Scholar的background 和你认为Yale对哪些方面如team working skills etc.是比较favour的?
作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-16 01:41
以下是引用wydhcgd在2008-9-15 14:49:00的发言:

之前提到立志做non profit的人选择yale,想具体问一下这方面的问题,是yale特别适合有这样理想的学生吗?能不能具体介绍一下,谢谢!


1) legacy,之前有很多耶鲁的校友在non-profit和corperate social responsibility这个领域工作,有很好的reputation。

2)   耶鲁在non-profit及social responsibility方面的选择课比其它的商学院要多。

3)   在耶鲁,想做non-profit不会被认为是异类,而可以找到不少志同道合的人。


作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-16 01:44
以下是引用goalkeeper在2008-9-15 23:32:00的发言:
Lz 能不能介绍一下已经被admitted的Silver Scholar的background 和你认为Yale对哪些方面如team working skills etc.是比较favour的?

我对两个中国silver scholar的背景不是特别了解,也没有去细问(因为觉得这是个人隐私,不想刻意去问)。



作者: wydhcgd    时间: 2008-9-16 18:36


作者: waitingtoexhale    时间: 2008-9-18 23:32



作者: zodiacie    时间: 2008-9-19 00:50


作者: wbnewlife    时间: 2008-9-19 01:59


不过楼主能不能把商学院的照片拿出来亮亮?Yale SOM的建筑可以算是耶鲁校园里最不好看的地方之一了。官方做宣传的时候只敢拿晚上的照片

作者: wbnewlife    时间: 2008-9-19 02:15


作者: iammad    时间: 2008-9-19 08:47
以下是引用waitingtoexhale在2008-9-18 23:32:00的发言:



Generally speaking, the earlier the better.

Yale SOM received 20% more application last year, and the admission rate was about 10%.

I don't know what the situation will be this year. 

作者: 锦江III    时间: 2008-9-23 02:04

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, seen here in July ...

Blair goes back to school -- as Yale religion prof

by Sebastian Smith Mon Sep 22, 9:03 AM ET

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut (AFP) - Former prime minister Tony Blair, describing himself a terrible student, has gone back to school -- as a lecturer in religion at top US university Yale.

Blair, who converted to Catholicism after leaving office in 2007 and talked increasingly openly of his Christian faith while prime minister, on Friday delivered his inaugural lecture at the prestigious college in the state of Connecticut.

An enthusiastic audience of more than 2,000 students later thronged ornate Woolsey Hall to hear a talk by Blair, who stepped down after a decade in power, under fire for his support for the US-led war in Iraq.

The part-time job -- he will deliver five lectures a year for three years to 25 students -- comes on top of work as a Middle East peace envoy and lucrative business consultancies.

But the focus on faith and globalisation as Yale's Howland Distinguished Fellow dovetails with the former Labour Party leader's long interest in religion and the work of his Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Blair, who wore a blue suit and came with a Scotland Yard security detail, is already familiar with Yale's picturesque campus in the quiet town of New Haven -- his elder son Euan graduated from there this year.

He described his students at their first lecture as "really clever".

The ex-premier, who jokingly recalled his own teachers thinking of him as "a complete pain the backside" and a being habitual absentee at lectures, is unlikely to join in the carousing for which US college life is famous.

Blair will deliver two-hour lectures but will not conduct seminars, meaning he will spend only brief spells on campus, Yale spokeswoman Helaine Klasky said.

However, he will spend a few nights at the university where his former close ally US President George W. Bush, once studied.

"He slept here last night, but he is leaving later this evening," Klasky said.

Yale is donating 200,000 dollars (109,000 pounds) to his foundation, in addition to paying a "nominal fee," Klasky said.

Unlike Americans, Britons discourage public displays of faith by politicians.

Blair once admitted to the BBC that he toned down religious talk for fear of being considered a "nutter".

Or as his famously pugnacious spokesman Alastair Campbell once stated: "We don't do God."

Yet Blair openly flirted with Catholicism while in office and converted soon after, a break with tradition in a nation where the monarch heads the Anglican Church of England.

By chance, students waiting for Blair to arrive at Woolsey Hall were treated to a church-like recital on the hall's magnificent organ.

However, Blair was in no mood to repent for his most controversial act: supporting Bush's invasion of Iraq based on what has since proven to be a false premise -- that Saddam Hussein harboured weapons of mass destruction.

He described the Iraq conflict, deeply unpopular in Britain, as part of a broader struggle against extreme Islam and enemies of Muslims "trying to be part of the modern world".

"They are the same forces we are fighting everywhere," Blair said.

Referring to the guerrilla wars bogging down Western armies both in Iraq and Afghanistan, Blair said there was "a deeper and more fundamental struggle than we anticipated".

There is "no alternative but to follow it through."

Other than his Mideast envoy duties and now teaching, Blair has a range of lucrative part-time work, including consultancies for investment bank JPMorgan and Swiss insurer Zurich.

He is reported to earn hundreds of thousands of pounds for speaking appearances.

Amila Golic, an English literature student who attended the talk, found Yale's newest lecturer "charming but not convincing".

"A lot of it was wishy washy. The questions about Iraq and so on should have been extended. I think that's more relevant to us," said Golic, 20.

Certainly the once-invincible master of 10 Downing Street still has charm.

He drew laughs recalling the double-speak among senior advisors. "When they thought you were doing something really, really stupid, they'd say: 'That's a very courageous thought, prime minister'."

But the loudest cheer came when he was quizzed about how as a student he'd sided in the great debate over who was best: the Beatles or the Rolling Stones.

Blair looked flummoxed. "I always used to say the Rolling Stones," he answered finally, "because if you didn't say the Stones, the girlfriends just..." -- and Blair waved his hands to indicate them disappearing.

"The truth is," he continued to a roar of approval, "that it really is the Beatles."

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-23 2:05:09编辑过]

作者: yolanda3    时间: 2008-11-1 20:13

Dear LZ, could u pls share sth about the Organizational Perspectives u have taken? Thx!

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-1 20:45
以下是引用yolanda3在2008-11-1 20:13:00的发言:

Dear LZ, could u pls share sth about the Organizational Perspectives u have taken? Thx!

Sorry. I haven't taken this course yet.

What do you want to know about this course? If you can give me specific questions, I will ask second year student for you.

作者: yolanda3    时间: 2008-11-3 11:56
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-1 20:45:00的发言:

Sorry. I haven't taken this course yet.

What do you want to know about this course? If you can give me specific questions, I will ask second year student for you.

Hi iammad,

I got the concept of "Organizational Perspectives" from your brochure and searched below info. in the website. Seems that tranditional courses have been replaced by integrated courses in the 1st year study. I'm not quite understand. What's your courses this year? Is it case study?

Many thx!

"In 2006, Yale SOM introduced a new era in MBA education.

The school wholly redesigned the first-year core curriculum by replacing courses in the traditional disciplines — finance, accounting, marketing, etc. — with courses based on the constituencies a manager must engage and lead to maximize value within an organization. This approach provides the frameworks and concepts of MBA education in a richer, more relevant context — and is responsive to the demands of contemporary business.

The heart of this new way of thinking about the MBA is a series of eight multidisciplinary courses, taught by teams of senior faculty, called Organizational Perspectives. These first-year courses are structured around the roles a manager must draw upon in order to create a thriving organization or business. They are the Investor, the Customer, the Competitor, State and Society, the Innovator, the Employee, the Operations Engine, and Sourcing and Managing Funds. "

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-4 10:27
以下是引用yolanda3在2008-11-3 11:56:00的发言:

Hi iammad,

I got the concept of "Organizational Perspectives" from your brochure and searched below info. in the website. Seems that tranditional courses have been replaced by integrated courses in the 1st year study. I'm not quite understand. What's your courses this year? Is it case study?

Many thx!

"In 2006, Yale SOM introduced a new era in MBA education.

The school wholly redesigned the first-year core curriculum by replacing courses in the traditional disciplines — finance, accounting, marketing, etc. — with courses based on the constituencies a manager must engage and lead to maximize value within an organization. This approach provides the frameworks and concepts of MBA education in a richer, more relevant context — and is responsive to the demands of contemporary business.

The heart of this new way of thinking about the MBA is a series of eight multidisciplinary courses, taught by teams of senior faculty, called Organizational Perspectives. These first-year courses are structured around the roles a manager must draw upon in order to create a thriving organization or business. They are the Investor, the Customer, the Competitor, State and Society, the Innovator, the Employee, the Operations Engine, and Sourcing and Managing Funds. "

我们第一学期分两个小学期,第一小学期上的是一些基础课:Econ, Data, Accounting, etc.

第二个小学期开始上Competitor, Customer, Investor, Sourcing & Managing Fund, etc.


比如Competitor这门课,就兼收了Econ, Marketing, Strategic Management,Game Theory 等相关课程,教你怎样去分析一个industry,怎样分析Competitor,怎样应对Competition等等。

Investor这门课基本上是Finance (Basic),只是重新组织了一下,以一个投资者的角度来学习金融知识,更系统化了一些,但基本知识是一样的。

Customer的主体是Marketing,但并不局限于Marketing,主要教你怎样去satisfy and keep customers。包括针对消费者的需求设计产品等等。分为三个module,1)Customer Analysis and Strategy, 2) Creating and Maintaing a Customer Aligned Organization, 3) Customer Management Metrics.


作者: hbs2008    时间: 2008-11-5 08:32

大家好,我想请教一个Yale SOM今年申请方面的问题。


status of your application appears below. Please note:






作者: phenomena    时间: 2008-11-5 16:54
以下是引用iammad在2008-9-2 19:34:00的发言:




[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-5 16:55:53编辑过]

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-7 09:49
以下是引用hbs2008在2008-11-5 8:32:00的发言:

大家好,我想请教一个Yale SOM今年申请方面的问题。


status of your application appears below. Please note:








作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-7 09:53
以下是引用phenomena在2008-11-5 16:54:00的发言:


speaking 26算是挺高了,但是总分还是偏低。不过反正上百了,再考也没时间了,就这么申吧 ^_^

Yale的essay其实算是很容易的了,都是比较straightforward,没有tricky question。如果对essay有什么疑问,欢迎在本答疑题询问,我会尽力回答。

作者: 慕容楠生    时间: 2008-11-7 10:18
作者: summerfallen    时间: 2008-11-7 12:06
但是一个月前我写信给他们,回复说要等4 weeks from the deadline date of the round.

Thank you for your e-mail.  Please allow four weeks
from the deadline date of the Round in which you apply for all your supplementary
materials to be posted to your online status page.  If you requested us as
a recipient of the official GMAT score report we will be able to access your
GMAT score from Pearson Vue.

作者: phenomena    时间: 2008-11-7 12:47
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-7 9:53:00的发言:

speaking 26算是挺高了,但是总分还是偏低。不过反正上百了,再考也没时间了,就这么申吧 ^_^

Yale的essay其实算是很容易的了,都是比较straightforward,没有tricky question。如果对essay有什么疑问,欢迎在本答疑题询问,我会尽力回答。

我这个礼拜一直在考虑essay的问题。尤其是第一问“what the
impact you want to have on the world”感觉比较泛。说实话平时关于社会问题阅读不少,但是真的英文阅读量不多,首先这个“impact
on the world”有哪些方面,怎么归纳上,感觉知识很匮乏。依照我目前的经验和我未来的目标(短期内是进入global的industry公司,帮助raise像我目前所在的公司那样的international
joint venture).长期来说我希望能进入管理层领导跨国business项目。我觉得自己想实现的impact应该是促进globalization和world community的发展,间接帮助发展中国家的社会进步。这样的规划你觉得怎么样?(不好意思,感觉有点像essay
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-7 12:59:43编辑过]

作者: yolanda3    时间: 2008-11-7 13:23
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-4 10:27:00的发言:

我们第一学期分两个小学期,第一小学期上的是一些基础课:Econ, Data, Accounting, etc.

第二个小学期开始上Competitor, Customer, Investor, Sourcing & Managing Fund, etc.


比如Competitor这门课,就兼收了Econ, Marketing, Strategic Management,Game Theory 等相关课程,教你怎样去分析一个industry,怎样分析Competitor,怎样应对Competition等等。

Investor这门课基本上是Finance (Basic),只是重新组织了一下,以一个投资者的角度来学习金融知识,更系统化了一些,但基本知识是一样的。

Customer的主体是Marketing,但并不局限于Marketing,主要教你怎样去satisfy and keep customers。包括针对消费者的需求设计产品等等。分为三个module,1)Customer Analysis and Strategy, 2) Creating and Maintaing a Customer Aligned Organization, 3) Customer Management Metrics.



作者: hbs2008    时间: 2008-11-7 23:47
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-7 9:49:00的发言:







作者: purefeel    时间: 2008-11-8 05:49
This is off topic
but I visited the school yesterday and there was this girl in the class 2010.  Hottest girl I have ever seen in all business schools .

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-8 12:16
以下是引用purefeel在2008-11-8 5:49:00的发言:
This is off topic
but I visited the school yesterday and there was this girl in the class 2010.  Hottest girl I have ever seen in all business schools .

there are quite a few hot girls in class 2010. not sure which one you are referring to. =)

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-8 12:20
以下是引用summerfallen在2008-11-7 12:06:00的发言:
但是一个月前我写信给他们,回复说要等4 weeks from the deadline date of the round.

Thank you for your e-mail.  Please allow four weeks
from the deadline date of the Round in which you apply for all your supplementary
materials to be posted to your online status page.  If you requested us as
a recipient of the official GMAT score report we will be able to access your
GMAT score from Pearson Vue.



作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-8 12:25
以下是引用phenomena在2008-11-7 12:47:00的发言:

我这个礼拜一直在考虑essay的问题。尤其是第一问“what the
impact you want to have on the world”感觉比较泛。说实话平时关于社会问题阅读不少,但是真的英文阅读量不多,首先这个“impact
on the world”有哪些方面,怎么归纳上,感觉知识很匮乏。依照我目前的经验和我未来的目标(短期内是进入global的industry公司,帮助raise像我目前所在的公司那样的international
joint venture).长期来说我希望能进入管理层领导跨国business项目。我觉得自己想实现的impact应该是促进globalization和world community的发展,间接帮助发展中国家的社会进步。这样的规划你觉得怎么样?(不好意思,感觉有点像essay


其实很多时候adcom也知道申请人在胡扯,但只要扯得有理有据,让人信服,就没问题(就像那个career goal的文章,多少人都是进了商学院重新选的career goal,写essay的时候就是怎样写起来方便就怎么写)。

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-8 12:33
以下是引用hbs2008在2008-11-7 23:47:00的发言:







Yale adcom的效率还是比较高的,但是今年申请人很多,还是体谅一下,多点耐心吧。

作者: purefeel    时间: 2008-11-8 12:51
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-8 12:16:00的发言:

there are quite a few hot girls in class 2010. not sure which one you are referring to. =)

 Her initial is T.S. 

(This is a test to see whether everyone in SOM really knows each other so well)

PM me if you figure it out

作者: Xiaoyi8719    时间: 2008-11-8 13:29


作者: wangzan    时间: 2008-11-8 14:37
作者: hbs2008    时间: 2008-11-8 23:29
以下是引用iammad在2008-11-8 12:33:00的发言:



Yale adcom的效率还是比较高的,但是今年申请人很多,还是体谅一下,多点耐心吧。


我两次T的成绩都几乎一样,只有1分差距。不过想了一下,决定相信Yale Adcom的效率和细致。先等两周再说。

作者: iammad    时间: 2008-11-17 07:57

最新刚出的BW排名中,Yale又掉出TOP 20,不少人在问这个事,所以我就在这里说说我的看法。

Business Week的排名其实争议很大,一般而言,招聘的公司更看重的是US News的排名(13),在这个排名中yale的排名是每年渐升的。


在Yale SOM,各大招行每年都要举办很多活动。今年除了Presentation外,Credit Suisse,Citi, JP Morgan, Merill Lynch等公司都在Yale 有Cocktail party和Informational Interview,Credit Suisse还邀请Yale的新生去总部,给我们讲解怎样评估一个公司。另外,受邀去纽约的投行总部访问的机会也很多,上周六刚去了Merill Lynch,JP Morgan和Morgan Stanley,上上周去了Credit Suisse和UBS。

来Yale SOM的咨询公司也常搞活动,McKinsey办了一次Case workshop和一次coffee chat,BCG也办了一次Case workshop和一次coffee chat。另外McKinsey Asia来纽约搞活动,邀请的学校就是CBS, NYU, Yale SOM, Cornell Johson,没有别的学校受邀了。

那些所谓Business Week排名比Yale高三五名的,很少有能享受这个待遇的。如果你选校完全看BW排名的话,那肯定会后悔的。

Free Mock Interview!!!

If you get interview invitation from Yale SOM, please feel free to contact me to schedule a mock interview (phone interview).

The length of interview is usally 30 mins, +10 mins feedback.

How to schedule a mock interview: forward your interview invitation letter to huangren(在), and tell me your phone number and available time slots (normally, I can do it Sat/Sunday morning or night, New York time). Please note that I don't give away my phone number, so I will call you instead. This service is totally free -- you don't even need to pay telephone fee! I provide this service on a First Come First Serve basis, so I may not be able to speak with you if I am fully booked.

NOTE: I only provide mock interview to those who have received interview invitation from Yale SOM.

作者: dxj    时间: 2008-11-17 12:54
刚刚看到 11月的新闻说 Sharon Oster 做了Yale SOM 的New dean 啦,真棒。希望她能干的非常好!

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