
标题: 求助 GWD-18-Q15 [打印本页]

作者: zyhyxm    时间: 2008-8-18 12:31
标题: 求助 GWD-18-Q15

Fact:  Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.

Fact:  Over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.


If the information given as facts above is true, which of the following must also be true?


A.      Hay fever is a prerequisite for the development of asthma.

B.       Asthma is a prerequisite for the development of hay fever.

C.      Those who have neither hay fever nor asthma comprise less than 5 percent of the total population.

D.      The number of people who have both of these ailments is greater than the number of people who have only one of them.

E.       The percentage of people suffering from hay fever who also have asthma is lower than 95 percent


作者: dingshuaijun    时间: 2008-8-18 19:51



作者: dianecarton    时间: 2008-8-18 20:47

Asthma 比hay fever少见很多

超过95%的asthma 患者同时有hay fever,

E hay fever患者同时还有asthma的低于95%

作者: bubu_rachel    时间: 2008-11-3 11:07

我觉得应该是应该得那个hay fever比Asthma common,所以得hay fever的人比较多。如果画一下那个那个圆的图,就知道那个hay fever的圆比较大,那相交的面积占asthma的比较大,那自然占fever的就比较小。其实就是分母越大,结果越小的道理!~我是这样理解的,不知道对不对。。。

作者: 热带鱼    时间: 2008-12-20 22:35
患有AB的有 95%X< 95%Y

作者: Mayanist    时间: 2009-3-17 03:44

E -- 同时患两种病的人少于95%


因为asthma远少于hay fever, 也就是P(asthma)远小于1,例如20%,P(hay fever | asthma) > 95%

P(hay fever and asthma) = P(asthma) * P(hay fever | asthma) = 20%*95%

作者: Mayanist    时间: 2009-3-17 03:49


The percentage of people suffering from hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages, who also have asthma, a bronchial condition, is lower than 95 percent.

Fact: Over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.


If the information given as facts above is true, which of the following must also be true?


A. Hay fever is a prerequisite for the development of asthma.

B. Asthma is a prerequisite for the development of hay fever.

C. Those who have neither hay fever nor asthma comprise less than 5 percent of the total population.

D. The number of people who have both of these ailments is greater than the number of people who have only one of them.

E. Asthma is much less common ailment than hay fever.



Fact1: P(hay fever and asthma) <95%

Fact2: P(hay fever | asthma) > 95%

à P(asthma) << 95 %

作者: dustyrick    时间: 2009-3-17 11:42

X*Y/X > 95%  ---> Y > 95%

Y*X/Y = X = P(Fever & Asthma)/ P(Fever)

cuz Y > 95% and Y > X  ---> X < 95%
hence  suffering from hay fever who also have asthma < 95%

作者: hairicanye    时间: 2009-3-21 15:19




作者: elaine1031    时间: 2009-7-20 16:53
作者: Simonyo    时间: 2009-8-4 21:34
作者: jesmine    时间: 2010-9-19 16:50
作者: robinwayne    时间: 2010-12-11 16:31
jesmine 还真是过细哈。
作者: Jennyqu    时间: 2010-12-17 01:40
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-12-17 12:17
This is a basic math question and an inference question, which is equal to a Must Be True type question.
作者: 鱼筱洛    时间: 2010-12-17 23:59
作者: gqiulu    时间: 2011-5-14 18:49
补充一个问题,题目里是Over 95%,而且并没有给出具体Asthma比fever要Less common多少,
如果接近100%的asthma患者也有fever,而fever只比asthma要common一点,这个must be true是不是就不一定成立了呢
作者: 396963484    时间: 2012-9-14 17:28
作者: cannotliu    时间: 2012-9-15 07:32
作者: Jianke311    时间: 2012-12-4 12:07
我也感觉这题E不正确,只说了A&H/A>95% ,那可以是97% ,或者是98%,那相应的就不一定是比95%小了,代数法则里面关于不等式的定理,若 1/x  >  y, 且z > x, 则1/z <  y 吗?答案是不一定哦!!

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