
标题: prep2-15 定语从句 [打印本页]

作者: nemo11    时间: 2008-8-13 13:13
标题: prep2-15 定语从句

15.        (25243-!-item-!-188;#058&002297)

In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of an intensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance.

(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance

(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

这个答案B是定语从句吗? that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance怎么感觉是同谓语从句?

这个答案B是定语从句吗? that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance怎么感觉是同谓语从句?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-13 13:21:05编辑过]

作者: lijiaxuan810823    时间: 2008-8-13 13:23
作者: lijiaxuan810823    时间: 2008-8-13 13:26

前半句简化看来就是A is B 然后后面跟着修饰B的成分,你觉得这样看来可以在B后面跟to do结构吗?C就错的更离谱了,一看这种答案就肯定错的

作者: nemo11    时间: 2008-8-13 23:09
作者: nemo11    时间: 2008-8-13 23:24

B that从句里的主谓宾是什么?that到底是什么从句?


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-13 23:55:25编辑过]

作者: iser    时间: 2008-9-14 14:37


(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance


(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

B,notes中没有说错,that从句作为定从修饰effects,后面的on workers' performance也是修饰effects的。即

the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance

这就类似the book that you buy之类的从句,从句的主语为changes,谓语是would have。

(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance


what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are

再回头看看C,这就是为什么C中莫名其妙多出个are that的原因,C是把E中缺的一个are和一个引导词that都补出来了,但是顺序完全不对。老notes里面说C的错误原因是that没有指代对象,这是不对的。因为that其实是个放错了地方的引导词。

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

最后,说说我错选的D,notes的解释是:表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions



另外附OG R86题及其解释,这里仅摘取了对所有格的说明。

86.  Since 1986,when the Department of Labor began to allow investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee,with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.

(A)  investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations began

(B)  investment officers’ fees to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

(C)  that fees of investment officers be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations have begun

(D)  fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations have begun

(E)  that investment officers’ fees be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

The pronoun they lacks a referent.While they would seem to refer to investment officers’ , grammatically it cannot because investment officers’ is a possessive modifying fees, rather than a plural noun standing by itself. The sentence needs to be revised so that investment officers is a plural noun.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-14 14:49:51编辑过]

作者: casforain    时间: 2008-10-7 00:32
作者: rwchinak    时间: 2008-10-7 00:45

C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

are that表达明显错误。that引导定于从句不能修饰are。

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

逻辑错误。翻译过来是“去调查 在工作环境方面的效果改变,这些效果的改变可能对员工表现有影响

而正确的意思应该是“去调查 工作环境改变的效果,这些效果可能对员工表现有影响

而正确的意思应该是“去调查 工作环境改变的效果,这些效果可能对员工表现有影响

作者: yzhao26    时间: 2008-12-15 03:27
作者: songlovegt    时间: 2009-2-19 22:40
以下是引用iser在2008-9-14 14:37:00的发言:

(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance
                                        are赞同,此处为省略了that 的同位语从句。

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

最后,说说我错选的D,notes的解释是:表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions



此外 D 错误还因为,changes in working conditions’ effects on workers’ performance
investigated 宾语,结构过长,表达不清,这种情况下应该改为 that 限定性从句。

此题考察的最重要的一个方面,还在于是否能辨明句子所要强调的中心,是 experiments 还是
effects. 所要强调的中心通常用that 引导的从句详细表述。像在 D 中其强调的是 experiements that, 而 B 强调 effects that.

A 中 would 使用也不正确。对比 B 中 would 的使用情况,B 中的 effect 是相对于 experiments 而言,无法预测的影响,所以用将来时态。但 A 中只是陈述 experiments  的内容,没有必要用将来时态。

GMAT 考试的越来越注重考察是否能够准确地把握句子所要论述的中心信息,而不仅仅是语法的运用能力。更像是浓缩了的阅读题。

作者: nemo11    时间: 2009-2-20 05:12

(B) investigating the effects (that changes in working conditions )would have on workers' performance

中 investigate后省略了that的宾语从句

investigatting (that) effects(that changes in working conditions) would have on workers' performance.


作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-2-20 08:10
changes在這是名詞不是動詞 ;-)

作者: smartsky11    时间: 2009-3-20 12:09
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-4-12 04:15

C/E中what the effects重复,要么what effects...(宾从),要么the effects that(宾语加定从)。

作者: 天蝎蝴蝶    时间: 2009-7-21 18:22
作者: sunny8843    时间: 2009-8-9 08:43

作者: judyenglish    时间: 2009-8-18 22:43
作者: Raymond_GMAT    时间: 2009-8-27 22:32
以下是引用iser在2008/9/14 14:37:00的发言:


(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance


(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

B,notes中没有说错,that从句作为定从修饰effects,后面的on workers' performance也是修饰effects的。即

the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance

这就类似the book that you buy之类的从句,从句的主语为changes,谓语是would have。

(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance


what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are

再回头看看C,这就是为什么C中莫名其妙多出个are that的原因,C是把E中缺的一个are和一个引导词that都补出来了,但是顺序完全不对。老notes里面说C的错误原因是that没有指代对象,这是不对的。因为that其实是个放错了地方的引导词。

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

最后,说说我错选的D,notes的解释是:表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions



另外附OG R86题及其解释,这里仅摘取了对所有格的说明。

86.  Since 1986,when the Department of Labor began to allow investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee,with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.

(A)  investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations began

(B)  investment officers’ fees to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

(C)  that fees of investment officers be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations have begun

(D)  fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations have begun

(E)  that investment officers’ fees be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

The pronoun they lacks a referent.While they would seem to refer to investment officers’ , grammatically it cannot because investment officers’ is a possessive modifying fees, rather than a plural noun standing by itself. The sentence needs to be revised so that investment officers is a plural noun.


作者: KiteRunner    时间: 2009-8-29 11:06

the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance


定语从句中that/which指代的先行词可在从句中作主语或宾语,这里effects在从句中作would have的宾语

作者: judyenglish    时间: 2009-9-27 15:00
作者: onedayling    时间: 2009-9-28 19:02
作者: onedayling    时间: 2009-9-28 19:17
以下是引用iser在2008/9/14 14:37:00的发言:


(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance


(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance

B,notes中没有说错,that从句作为定从修饰effects,后面的on workers' performance也是修饰effects的。即

the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance

这就类似the book that you buy之类的从句,从句的主语为changes,谓语是would have。

(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working conditions would cause

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance


what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are

再回头看看C,这就是为什么C中莫名其妙多出个are that的原因,C是把E中缺的一个are和一个引导词that都补出来了,但是顺序完全不对。老notes里面说C的错误原因是that没有指代对象,这是不对的。因为that其实是个放错了地方的引导词。

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

最后,说说我错选的D,notes的解释是:表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions



另外附OG R86题及其解释,这里仅摘取了对所有格的说明。

86.  Since 1986,when the Department of Labor began to allow investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform, several corporations began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee,with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.

(A)  investment officers’ fees to be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations began

(B)  investment officers’ fees to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

(C)  that fees of investment officers be based on how the funds they manage perform,several corporations have begun

(D)  fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations have begun

(E)  that investment officers’ fees be based on the performance of the funds they manage,several corporations began

The pronoun they lacks a referent.While they would seem to refer to investment officers’ , grammatically it cannot because investment officers’ is a possessive modifying fees, rather than a plural noun standing by itself. The sentence needs to be revised so that investment officers is a plural noun.


作者: maggie0406    时间: 2009-10-8 23:24


作者: maggie0406    时间: 2009-10-8 23:30

what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are

不懂为什么要补这个are , the effects的谓语不是would have on 吗?

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-10-9 08:08
如果the effects的謂語是would have, 那changes是?

作者: zanyingsan    时间: 2009-10-21 04:16
作者: shiwen66666    时间: 2009-11-15 13:10
我为什么觉得A their的语法所指应该是experiments呢?求教
作者: shiwen66666    时间: 2009-11-15 13:20
作者: kathy1989717    时间: 2010-3-23 00:11
what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are
不懂为什么要补这个are , the effects的谓语不是would have on 吗?
-- by 会员 maggie0406 (2009/10/8 23:30:00)

作者: lmiltamy    时间: 2010-4-14 11:19
标题: 可以詳解嗎
the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance
that是定语从句,不是同位语从句 定语从句中that/which指代的先行词可在从句中作主语或宾语,这里effects在从句中作would have的宾语

effect 在從句中作 would have 的賓語
是等於=investigating would have effect on worker's performance???

作者: carali    时间: 2010-5-1 10:33
c 用for表示目的,也不对吧~
作者: dldennis    时间: 2010-5-9 15:09
the effects (that changes in working conditions would have) on workers' performance
that是定语从句,不是同位语从句 定语从句中that/which指代的先行词可在从句中作主语或宾语,这里effects在从句中作would have的宾语

effect 在從句中作 would have 的賓語
是等於=investigating would have effect on worker's performance???
-- by 会员 lmiltamy (2010/4/14 11:19:36)

将effects放入宾语从句应该是changes in working conditions would have effects on workers'
performance. changes是主语
作者: xiaoqiaoli    时间: 2011-6-22 18:33
what the effects (that)changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are
不懂为什么要补这个are , the effects的谓语不是would have on 吗?
-- by 会员 maggie0406 (2009/10/8 23:30:00)

-- by 会员 kathy1989717 (2010/3/23 0:11:21)

what the effects (that) changes in working conditions would have on workers' performance are

that 后面跟的是修饰effects的从句,所以what从句没有谓语,要加are~~

作者: cecilia422    时间: 2013-4-6 11:03


1) What + Verb 此时what是动词的主语
例如:i don't know what happened last night
2) What + noun.+ verb 此时what是从句的宾语
i don't know what my brother said when i was gone

(错误选项)what the effects [(that)changes in working conditions would have on workers'performance]
changes在这里必须做名词,如果是动词的话,前面的effects可是复数啊。。那么[]中的结构就是effects的定语从句,effects在从句中作would have的宾语。但是what从句同时又需要一个谓语,全部补出的话,就像之前童靴说的,应为to investigate what the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers’ performance would be。

总结:effects在定语从句中做would have的宾语,但是在what引导的名词从句也要有自己的谓语呀。这是两个不同层级的结构~

(正确选项)investigating the effects [that changes in working conditions would have] on workers'performance
[]中的内容修饰effects,由于effects已经是investigate的宾语了,后面的on worker's performance也是修饰effects,所以不需要补出任何成分。

作者: fanofkaka    时间: 2013-4-16 10:48
D 句子的意思和原文所表达的不一致。

作者: niclively    时间: 2013-12-25 21:19
iser 发表于 2008-9-14 14:37
此题notes中讲得不太明白,研究了半天,说说我的一点看法:(A) that would investigate changes in working ...

解释的很详细  谢谢~~
作者: tianzuo    时间: 2014-8-5 23:21
Raymond_GMAT 发表于 2009-8-27 22:32
以下是引用iser在2008/9/14 14:37:00的发言:此题notes中讲得不太明白,研究了半天,说说我的一点看法:(A) ...

ta这个E选项解释错的,根本不用are好吧。。。eg I like what the book you read about
作者: tianzuo    时间: 2014-8-5 23:28
cecilia422 发表于 2013-4-6 11:03

what从句是名词性从句, ...


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