
标题: prep的讨论太少了。。再发一贴,prep-165帮忙 [打印本页]

作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-7-28 22:07
标题: prep的讨论太少了。。再发一贴,prep-165帮忙



Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times as rare as China's giant pandas.


(A) Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times as rare as

(B) Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, researchers have determined, making them many times more rare than

(C) There are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined, which makes the leopards many times more rare compared to

(D) Researchers have determined that, because of being poached and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, thus making them many more times as rare as

(E) Researchers have determined that, because of poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times more rare than

我记得...time后面只有两种表达:....times 以及....times the+n.  而且加more than是错的。这里堂而皇之的当了答案。不理解!

44. (26787-!-item-!-188;#058&002971)
Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have succeeded for the first time in mining heat
from the Earth's interior and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient
generation of electricity and heating factories and homes.

(D) to produce energy on a commercial scale, enough for generating electricity efficiently and for

我记得so...that to 与enough to常常混考。enough to是必错的,因为主观。可是这里又是为什么啊。。。

45. (26929-!-item-!-188;#058&003015)
The application of a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel allows scientists to
examine molars of prehuman ancestors and determining
that their diets were more varied than had
been supposed.

(E) Applying a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel, scientists have examined
molars of prehuman ancestors and determined

这里不是for doing不好么?为什么又用了呢?而且不论表目的还是和apply连用,都是to do更好啊?


作者: 黄公子    时间: 2008-7-28 22:26

165:这个问题难回答,之前没有见过这种表达。Prep里面解释是...times+more+adj+than, ...time as + adj + than都正确



45:这个还是回答和上面一样,每个选项都有for doing,选相对正确的。

作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-7-28 22:43


作者: 黄公子    时间: 2008-7-28 22:52




作者: paulstars    时间: 2008-7-28 23:48

这个more adj. than 和more than还是有差异吧

more adj. than中的more是修饰adj的,上面的many times more rare than 和我们常见的.. times more than的错误不同,细细体会一下

作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-7-29 11:22
以下是引用paulstars在2008-7-28 23:48:00的发言:

这个more adj. than 和more than还是有差异吧

more adj. than中的more是修饰adj的,上面的many times more rare than 和我们常见的.. times more than的错误不同,细细体会一下

也就是说times more than的more与times重复,但是本题中more是形容rare的?是么?还是有点别扭

作者: ivyqxx    时间: 2008-7-29 14:31
我这两天也在分析prep sc我最大的感受是不能光凭一两个词本身来判断对错,一定要放到句子本身的逻辑环境中去考虑;因为我们总结的任何规律几乎都会有“意外”,og中也并没有告诉我们哪些一定错哪些一定对(几个og中提到的具体搭配例外),但是og时时刻刻在提醒我们哪些是illogical的
作者: 黄公子    时间: 2008-7-29 15:30
作者: Lattix    时间: 2008-7-30 09:18

那啥,,,我也选的是many times more rare than,但是我选的是B。为什么B不对呢,researchers determined不可以做插入语么?

作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-7-30 15:11

B中后面的making有没有问题先不说,前面的due to就不对。前面的现在分词poaching and increased cultivation 没有逻辑主语。难道是there are?

作者: nemo11    时间: 2008-7-30 22:01
我觉得B最大的错误还是句run on了,2个句子没有连词阿
作者: AlienX    时间: 2008-7-30 23:33
A&B中的poaching and increased cultivation是名詞, 不用有邏輯主語.
B錯是因為run-on sentence.

作者: paulstars    时间: 2008-7-31 14:29
以下是引用goyce36在2008-7-29 11:22:00的发言:

也就是说times more than的more与times重复,但是本题中more是形容rare的?是么?还是有点别扭


作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-9-25 00:02


请问语法笔记上说making修饰对象不清,我当时觉得在句末作结果状语比并列更合适。请问是不是因为there be句型,所以making才没法做结果状语呢?

作者: JorieSong    时间: 2008-10-6 12:16
以下是引用goyce36在2008-9-25 0:02:00的发言:


请问语法笔记上说making修饰对象不清,我当时觉得在句末作结果状语比并列更合适。请问是不是因为there be句型,所以making才没法做结果状语呢?

第一种思路: 在句尾的分词有两种情况:1.作伴随状语,逻辑主语是主句主语  2.就近修饰分词前面的名词.

第二种思路: 如果做整个句子的伴随结果, 主句表原因, 无逻辑主语,前可直接thus...再看, there are fewer...这个句子可以做making...的原因, 行得通. 可是,整个句子: Researchers have determined...语法上也可以做making 的原因, 所以making...的修饰对象有歧义.


作者: JorieSong    时间: 2008-10-6 12:21

请问,A 选项解释中提及的  "due to...原因状语修饰主语,修饰对象错误" 是不是在讲 due to...短语的位置离要修饰的词太远?谢谢!

作者: AlienX    时间: 2008-10-6 13:38
hmm....不好意思, 12th floor說錯了
due to=attributable to
A錯跟解釋說的一樣 - 修錯對象, 修了researchers

作者: wlxcrystal    时间: 2009-5-26 17:29
如果从THEIR 不能放在指代的RESEARCHERS 前面是否也能按此排除ABC选项呢?
作者: Liu_leaf    时间: 2009-7-13 21:20
their不指代researchers,而是指代Arabian leopards呀。
作者: wangluxb    时间: 2009-8-17 17:20
Prep里面解释是...times+more+adj+than, ...time as + adj + than都正确,这个问题我左思右想,认为Perp的解释错了。times+more+adj+than这个比较好理解,也可以找到相应的文章来佐证,但是time as + adj + than是错的,as不能与than对称,as在表示比较的时候,一定是与as对称。

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/17 17:25:00编辑过]

作者: 妖怪毛毛    时间: 2009-10-30 12:24

作者: ageng    时间: 2009-10-30 23:25
以下是引用AlienX在2008/7/30 23:33:00的发言:
A&B中的poaching and increased cultivation是名詞, 不用有邏輯主語.
B錯是因為run-on sentence.

我觉得B不能算run-on吧。, researchers have determined, 应该只是个插入语,不需要连词。

It’s a great mistake, I think, not to accept their proposal.

The old man, it is said, was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life.

里面的I think, it is said

作者: nancyhearste    时间: 2010-10-21 01:39
Prep里面解释是...times+more+adj+than, ...time as + adj + than都正确,这个问题我左思右想,认为Perp的解释错了。times+more+adj+than这个比较好理解,也可以找到相应的文章来佐证,但是time as + adj + than是错的,as不能与than对称,as在表示比较的时候,一定是与as对称。

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/17 17:25:00编辑过]

-- by 会员 wangluxb (2009/8/17 17:20:00)

同意,prep的解释错了,...time as + adj + than 是错的,应该是 ...time as + adj + as

同时,我觉得选项E有个错误,rare是有比较级形式rarer的,这里的many times more rare than的表达改为 many times rarer than才更准确。不过不知道是不是GMAC没有注意到这个问题,就想考...times+more+adj+than这个考点,但其实这个结构中的more是用来修饰adj的,当adj自己本身没有比较级时才用,如three times more expensive than;而当adj本身用比较级时,应该是...times+比较级+than这个结构,如three times richer than。


作者: xiaoqiaoli    时间: 2011-6-6 09:05

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