For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to
personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that
has decimated native
peoples of the
A. devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the
B. devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by
which native peoples of the
C. devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native
peoples of the
D. devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western
Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.
E. the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that
have decimated the native peoples of the
1. that指代progress还是devastation and enslavement: 我做的时候觉得是代 progress,但是仔细想想进步本身不能decimate人,而应该是devastation和enslavement去decimate人
2. 主谓一致:如果1中的That的确指代D+E,那么因为E只有一个the, 谓语动词是否应该用has而不是have呢?
3. E的后半段还多了一个the,这个是不是不对呢?
the anwser should be E.
A的意思完全不对了.注意这里是限定性定语从句,翻译过来是:以已经损害了native people的进步的名义.
这句话我做的时候并没有看懂,只是觉得that一般不跳跃修饰,所以直接跟了progress. 看了这个争论贴认真地查了每个单词并结合字典例句说说我的翻译和一些看法,欢迎拍砖:
1.以上只是意译不能看出一个词扣一个词的环节,但至少说明一点,progress本身是可以decimate people的。以decimate劣等人种的行为来进化人类正是哥伦布那时候要做的事。
2.仔细体味一下整句,in the name of XX 这个意群应该不是devastation and enslavement 发出的,而是“哥伦布成为毁灭和奴役的化身”这整句话发出的,in the name of progress 如果不是修饰devastation and enslavement 的话that跳跃修饰它就有点说不过去,that跳跃修饰一般也只是修饰临近意群中的中心词。
3. 字典上的“personify 抽象名词”的例句中 貌似抽象名词前都不加定冠词 the 的。所以devastation and enslavement 前加the是否合适?当然这可能只是小问题,这里主要是主谓一致,GMAT不会专门考定冠词,但是我自己的经验发现往往错误答案就会伴有一些小错误,正确答案大多数小地方是对的。
不知道这题NY Times 上面会不会找得到原文
"in the name of progress" modifies "personify".
personify: To think of or represent (an inanimate object or abstraction) as having personality or the qualities, thoughts, or movements of a living being
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