
标题: 关于that的跳跃修饰--大全413 [打印本页]

作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-14 04:39
标题: 关于that的跳跃修饰--大全413

413  In the mid-1920’s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of an intensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers’ performance.

(A) That would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers’ performance

(B) Investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers’ performance

(C) for investigating what are the effects in workers’ performance that changes in working conditions would cause

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions’ effects on workers’ performanceB

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers’ performance



作者: laipiyu    时间: 2008-7-14 12:10

What "that" modifies is determined by the logical meaning of the sentence.

作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-14 22:34


那就是that 的指代没有指代不清这一说了?

作者: cecila    时间: 2008-7-15 16:06


很抽象,拿你这道题来举例:that前面的意群是scene of an intensive series of experiments Investigating the effects ,因为修饰限定scene的部分“of an intensive series of experiments Investigating the effects ” 过长,很难把它提到scene的前面去,所以没有办法that只能在这个意群结束以后出现,但是为了让that 没有歧义,作者把所有的series,experiments, effects都安排成了复数,可以让exchanges的出现清楚地界定that的修饰对象为最近的一个单数名词scene。

一家之言,还需要经过多道实战题目验证,目前来看OG上面有道Market的题目也是这样,题号想不起来了,prep 等等的也可以看看,GWD因为没有标准答案就很不好说,这个点上我看争议蛮多的。


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-15 16:07:27编辑过]

作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-15 22:37

谢谢 cecila, 现在感觉明朗多了,以后做题的时候边做边验证;

作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-7-16 14:46


但是注意  A of B 结构,不同于其他的介词结构组,正如介词指代可以指代A也可以指代B一样,定从也是


作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-17 01:03
dingxiang, 你说的别的介词的情况是不是就是小黑猫给的OG11-116的那个例子中的that指代一样的啊. 先问哈,等会找几个例子贴出来,继续研究一下,昨天碰到一个,现在暂时找不到了
作者: 我爱周末    时间: 2008-7-17 21:20
我觉的这题是同位语从句啊!而不是什么定语从句. That从句是做experiment的同位语.
作者: 我爱周末    时间: 2008-7-17 21:27

错了, 是Effects的同位语

作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-18 01:00



作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-18 04:09


大全-675      Studies show that young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and their families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.

(A) and their families have a history of high blood pressure

(B) whose families have a history of high blood pressure

(C) and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family

(D) whose families have a history of high blood pressure running in themB

(E) with a history of high blood pressure running in their family

这里面的whose的修饰就是跃过with短语的限定直接修饰yong people的

作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-18 05:18


大全- 678     Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are thriving in the free market conditions permitted by the current Federal Communications Commission.

(A) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are

(B) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, a practice that federal regulations once prohibited, is

(C) Developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, as once prohibited by federal regulations, is; 

(D) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but they are;  E

(E) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but such programs are


作者: kathyseven    时间: 2008-7-18 10:23
标题: 我也是类似的问题 自己发了帖子没人看 借LZ的帖子吧 都是指代问题

我是语法白痴 这几个问题想了一下午都没想通 可能基础太差了希望nn指点!!!!!

1 From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

上面这道题我会选答案但是我不明白 which could carry four 这个句子怎么能修饰canoe去,为什么不能修饰 cedar,或者修饰 rails of cedar;


1. 定语从句不是就近修饰吗??为什么不能修饰介词短语中的名词呢??因为是非限??还是因为介词短语与主句是独立主格的关系?

2 如果是n of n'这样的结构 定语从句修饰哪个名词??限制性定语从句和非限制性在这样的情况下有没有区别?


2 还有一句话:。。。。。many others in the film industry, however, contend that the technique degrades major works of art, which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue.

这个也是选项没有问题 但这里的which指代是什么呢 major works of art 还是art呢

名词性从句和定语从句在这样的修饰指代上面有什么区别吗 就是这种 n of n 形式的 是修饰后面的 N呢 还是修饰整个的n of n???

3.关于it 的指代问题

我一直觉得从句中的it指代主句中的单数中心词 但有时候主语宾语都是单数名词 优先哪个呢?

As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.

这里的第一个it肯定指代a rudimentary sense of vision,但是为什么不能是baby呢???

还有上面那句many others in the film industry, however, contend that the technique degrades major works of art, which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue.  如果major works of art变成单数 it能否指代major work呢

作者: SuccessMBA08    时间: 2008-7-18 16:45
以下是引用小黑猫晒太阳在2008-7-16 19:04:00的发言:




Out of America's fascination with all thing antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing back the ...


有人有这方面的总结吗?谢谢 谢谢

这句THAT不可能修饰furnitureS(复数),THAT后是IS只能修饰a market

作者: SuccessMBA08    时间: 2008-7-18 16:56
以下是引用zhaxi8313在2008-7-18 5:18:00的发言:


大全- 678     Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are thriving in the free market conditions permitted by the current Federal Communications Commission.

(A) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are

(B) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, a practice that federal regulations once prohibited, is

(C) Developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, as once prohibited by federal regulations, is; 

(D) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but they are;  E

(E) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but such programs are


作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-18 22:31


以下是引用zhaxi8313在2008-7-18 5:18:00的发言:


大全- 678     Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are thriving in the free market conditions permitted by the current Federal Communications Commission.

(A) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, which was once prohibited by federal regulations, are

(B) Television programs developed in conjunction with the marketing of toys, a practice that federal regulations once prohibited, is

(C) Developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, as once prohibited by federal regulations, is; 

(D) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but they are;  E

(E) Federal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in conjunction with the marketing of toys, but such programs are




作者: zhaxi8313    时间: 2008-7-19 00:37

OG 11- 9.     Sunspots, vortices of gas associated with strong electromagnetic activity, are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on the Sun’s poles or equator.

(A) are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on

(B) are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of the Sun

(C) appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although never sighted at

(D) appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun, although never having been sighted at

(E) appear as dark spots on the Sun’s surface, which have never been sighted on

OG 解释:  E      The relative pronoun which should immediately follow its referent; here which illogically follows surface,
and its intended referent, either sunspots or dark spots, becomes unclear




作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-7-23 09:42




当定从前面有介词结构, 要看这个介词结构是做什么成分,如果是做修饰语,修饰介词结构更前面的核心词,那么不用担心定从会指代介词结构里面的名词。




open to discuss

作者: nk_jade    时间: 2008-7-23 10:29
以下是引用zhaxi8313在2008-7-18 22:31:00的发言:



我是觉得which引导的句子作为一个单句列出,前后用逗号隔开,这样就像一个插入成分一样,就不是直接修饰前面从句中的的market of toys, 而应该是修饰的是主句中的中心词。


作者: rpch2004    时间: 2008-7-23 23:48
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-23 23:49:03编辑过]

作者: rpch2004    时间: 2008-7-23 23:52

GWD26-Q24 关于跳跃修饰

According to United States census data, while there was about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home.






A.     while there was about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home.

B.      there were about one-third of mothers with young children who worked outside the home in 1975; in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home

C.     in 1975 about one-third of mothers with young children worked outside the home; in 2000, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home

D.     even though in 1975 there were about one-third of mothers with young children who worked outside the home, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home in 2000

E.      with about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home in 2000

答案为C,D错在who worked outside 修饰children逻辑错误


这里的with young children 可不可以看成一个介词短语,然后who ....跳跃修饰前面的名词mothers ??

作者: sharon213    时间: 2008-7-24 21:40

In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller  coaster  is that  the cars'   potential  energy,   gained   through  their  being  lifted   by   a  chain   drive    through   the  Earth's  gravity  to  the  top  of  the  first  drop  ,

has been  converted  to  kinetic   energy  by  the  time the  ride   ends.

A    cars' potential  energy  ,  gained  through their  being  lifted  by  a  chain  drive

B    cars' potential  energy ,   a gain  achieved  as  they  are lifted  by a  chain  drive

C    potential  energy  from  the  cars'  being  lifted  by a chain  drive

D    potential  energy   of  the  cars , gained  as  a  chain  drive   lifts  them

E     potential   energy   gained   by  the   cars , being   achieved  while  a chain  drive  lifts  them

答案是D  我不懂的是解释里提到  -ed分词gained跳过介词短语of the  cars修饰potential  energy 

为什么这里不能用-ed分词可能就近修饰介词短语of the cars逻辑意思不合理  来作为排除D的理由??

最近复习貌似总是遇见类似的问题 有时可以用就近修饰导致逻辑意思不合理来排除某个选项





作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-8-6 09:20
以下是引用rpch2004在2008-7-23 23:52:00的发言:

GWD26-Q24 关于跳跃修饰

According to United States census data, while there was about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home.







A.     while there was about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home.

B.      there were about one-third of mothers with young children who worked outside the home in 1975; in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were employed outside the home

C.     in 1975 about one-third of mothers with young children worked outside the home; in 2000, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home

D.     even though in 1975 there were about one-third of mothers with young children who worked outside the home, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home in 2000

E.      with about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the home in 1975, almost two-thirds of such mothers were employed outside the home in 2000

答案为C,D错在who worked outside 修饰children逻辑错误


这里的with young children 可不可以看成一个介词短语,然后who ....跳跃修饰前面的名词mothers ??

我不同意你的理解: 我认为D不是错在定从的指代,注意到这里是限制性定从, 其特点我之前说过是指代中心词的, 介词结构with young children 并不影响定从的指代, 定从是指代mothers的,没有问题。 但D最关键的错误,在于, there were句型, 非常awkward, 而且更严重的是逻辑意思的错误,如果你仔细看原句,原句用的是while从句表对比,表示对比, 而C自说自话改为了even though从句表转折, 严重的扭曲逻辑意思。

C 的正确性:

1)完美的平行 ,两个分句的结构平行, 各个成分的位置平行,意思平行。

in 1975
                about one-third of mothers 【with young children】 worked (outside the home); in 2000, almost two-thirds of such mothers
                were employed  (outside the home )

2)从OG的例子来看, 分号是ETS偏爱的选项。(如果需要举例,我可以补充)

作者: lichabrend    时间: 2008-8-19 13:19
作者: elric9    时间: 2009-7-25 14:08

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