Classi size: 55 Average age: 28 Average work experience: 5.2 years Gender: 35% F 65% M Nationalities: 9/03 entry : 8 Local 38% Asia 49% Europe 2% Canada and US 11% Academic Background: Engineering: 29% Business: 20% Science: 17% Arts/Humanities: 18% Social Science: 9% Other: 7%作者: fucus 时间: 2004-1-11 23:17
emba 和mba无直接联系。金融时报,中文mba 70,80名。作者: kathy72 时间: 2004-1-12 10:53
中大全日制MBA尤其针对那些毕业一两年的人, 与大部分学校不一样啊!作者: zhangli305 时间: 2004-1-12 20:40
Anyway, UST's ranking is beyong 50, both USTand CU MBA belong to 3rd class compared with those top business schools in US. So those ranks does not make great difference, since they both belong to 3rd range.作者: Artemis 时间: 2004-1-13 02:01
Interesting, how do people define a 3rd class MBA school? How can you be sure that CU MBA belongs to 3rd class?作者: usdusaj 时间: 2004-1-13 09:49
zhangli305 means compared with top 10 in US.作者: Rocli 时间: 2004-1-13 15:58
kathy72,请问你说“中大全日制MBA尤其针对那些毕业一两年的人, 与大部分学校不一样啊!”的根据是什么呢?? 我们这个班的大陆的同学的工作年限最低是4年哦作者: zhangli305 时间: 2004-1-13 16:20
excuse me, kathy. I would like to say that average working experience for CUMBA 5 years at least for 2005 year's. I have no idea where you got information to draw that conslusion? Full-timeCUMBA id eligible for those people with 2-3 years working experience.作者: zhangli305 时间: 2004-1-13 16:23
top 20 is 1st category including Harvard, Wharton; Top20- top 50 is supposed to in 2rd class; Some people told me that, believe it or not , that is up to you.作者: zhangli305 时间: 2004-1-13 16:27
usdusaj, you are right. we all take if for granted that EMBA and MBA belong to the same family: CU. Graduates from EMBA will benefit us a lot during studying or future career path in some degrees.作者: catcherintherye 时间: 2004-1-13 20:20
If you do believe those rankings, okay, UST has been ranked much higher than CUHK in Financial Times for a number of years and UST's EMBA program--Kellogg HKUST program-- ranked No. 9 worldwide in '03. Its programs are more westernized compared with others in Asia. If you don't bother to believe those rankings, that's fine too, think clearly what you really want--western style may not fit you; But I'd rather say, if you couldn't get into the Top20 US B-schools, then picking a good location is probably better than sticking to the rankings.作者: usdusaj 时间: 2004-1-14 10:57
仁者见仁嘛! 中文:历史长,校友多,和大陆联系多 科大:排名好,西化,和大陆联系少 就看大家自己看好哪些了。我们的讨论其实就是从多方面来了解问题。