
标题: 请教PREP2-25题!!!!!! [打印本页]

作者: tim_zyb    时间: 2008-6-25 11:37
标题: 请教PREP2-25题!!!!!!

There is a widespread belief in the United States and Western Europe that young people have a smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents and that the source of the change lies in the collapse of the "work ethic."


(A) a smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(B) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(C) a smaller commitment to work and a career than that of their parents and grandparents

(D) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents had

(E) a lessening of the commitment to work and a career that their parents and grandparents had


答案是D 为什么补助动词had? 我觉得要补助动词应该补DID呀 请高手赐教!

还有 less of a commitment 可以这么用吗?如果可以的话 后面应该怎么写?感激!

作者: tim_zyb    时间: 2008-6-27 09:59
作者: piggyzhuzhu    时间: 2008-6-27 11:29
不应该是 young people have sth
    than their parents and grandprerents had 吗?
作者: tim_zyb    时间: 2008-6-27 11:55
以下是引用piggyzhuzhu在2008-6-27 11:29:00的发言:
不应该是 young people have sth
 than their parents and grandprerents had 吗?

我印象里 好像主句动词为完成时的时候 比较才补出have/had 吧?毕竟补出的是助动词 这句话里面虽然出现have 但是have不是助动词而是一个实意动词呀 所以我觉得应该补出did才合适……个人一点见解
作者: 笨笨可可    时间: 2008-6-27 12:59

我觉得这里的had 和did都对。。


I havenn't a sister =I donn't have a sister.


have less of=更加少。。

作者: tim_zyb    时间: 2008-6-27 20:07
以下是引用笨笨可可在2008-6-27 12:59:00的发言:

我觉得这里的had 和did都对。。


I havenn't a sister =I donn't have a sister.


have less of=更加少。。

如果have 作助动词的话 后面应该会接实意动词的吧 题目里面就是have commitment 所以我还是认为应该补助动词did比较合适
作者: pheobe    时间: 2008-8-14 22:05



同问:less of a commitment 这个用法怎么理解,觉得怪怪的

作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-8-14 22:57


less of 表示程度


作者: springsound    时间: 2008-8-16 02:45
以下是引用tim_zyb在2008-6-27 11:55:00的发言:

我印象里 好像主句动词为完成时的时候 比较才补出have/had 吧?毕竟补出的是助动词 这句话里面虽然出现have 但是have不是助动词而是一个实意动词呀 所以我觉得应该补出did才合适……个人一点见解

同意. 好象之前在哪道题里也有过类似的讨论...后来LES前辈这么总结的.

所以这题我选了B. 因为找不到did, 我想既然跟前面的have意思一样, 是不是就可以省略了. 请问, 这样的省略会造成什么样的歧义?

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 2:47:20编辑过]

作者: rorarora    时间: 2008-8-23 23:45
作者: scarlett19    时间: 2008-8-24 16:21

请问a smaller commitment 为什么部可以阿

作者: yezi870514    时间: 2008-8-24 19:33
作者: smartsky11    时间: 2009-3-20 13:06

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-4-12 13:12

  S1. V1. more O1. than S2. V2.           V2.只需助动词 

= S1. V1. more O1. than O2.               O2.常用that/those代替

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-4-12 13:34
S1. be1. more 1. than S2.        P.是表语。
作者: lc837981213    时间: 2009-8-4 17:17


25.   (25704-!-item-!-188;#058&002607)


There is a widespread belief in the United States and Western Europe that young people have a smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents and that the source of the change lies in the collapse of the "work ethic."


(A) a smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(B) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(C) a smaller commitment to work and a career than that of their parents and grandparents

(D) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents had   答案:D

(E) a lessening of the commitment to work and a career that their parents and grandparents had

我觉得这道题在than后面不不出助动词完全没有问题,因为是否补出来是看是否会产生歧义,这里如果要产生另外一种意思的话只能是young people have less of a commitment to work and a career than to their parents and grandparents 。而事实上,没有这个to,所以their parents and grandparents 只能和主语young people 平行。至于D项不加did却加had很诡异啊,哪位NN解释一下这个had表示的是什么意思?

作者: lc837981213    时间: 2009-8-4 17:39

作者: lc837981213    时间: 2009-8-4 20:21


作者: sunny8843    时间: 2009-8-9 09:31
作者: z89113570    时间: 2009-9-3 10:30
作者: 冰川    时间: 2009-10-12 22:12

我来说less of, 向前是修饰动词have的,而不是后面的名词。在白勇还是刘振民语法里面提到过的,两本都看了,忘了是哪本说的了,不过肯定是这个解释。这样就是动作的比较,have 和 had(过去时) 比较。

作者: dabobowa1111    时间: 2009-10-13 10:51

大家觉得a career 是和谁平行的呢?是和a commitment吗?

作者: jimei12345    时间: 2009-10-13 19:26

Because natural gas is composed mostly of methane, a simple hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel.

为何这句less of的结构里面those burning gasoline or diesel fule后面省去了和emit相对应的did 呢? 

作者: zoemiaoer    时间: 2010-9-25 21:11
作者: xiaoqiaoli    时间: 2011-7-11 10:48
Because natural gas is composed mostly of methane, a simple hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel.

为何这句less of的结构里面those burning gasoline or diesel fule后面省去了和emit相对应的did 呢?
-- by 会员 jimei12345 (2009/10/13 19:26:00)



在这道题里,比较的是vehicles powered by natural gas 和 vehicles powered by gasoline 两者所emit出来的pollutants, 如果要加的话也只能加do,这从时态、语态、语气上来看和原句的emit都是一样的,因此可以省略do。


至于Prep2-25中,加had而非did,我觉得是因为题目中只有加had的选项,也就只能选had的选项了。其实,had 和did应该都可以。
作者: piscesq    时间: 2015-2-27 03:54
less of a commitment 是名词短语,意思是更少的承诺。
另外比如:less of a problem 是指更小的问题。
作者: DeliciaAn    时间: 2015-6-14 16:05
补充下less of 的意思。

less of
to a smaller extent or degree
举例: we see less of John these days; less of a success than I'd hoped.
作者: 徐HaHa    时间: 2018-6-4 15:47
tim_zyb 发表于 2008-6-27 11:55
以下是引用piggyzhuzhu在2008-6-27 11:29:00的发言:不应该是 young people have sth than their pare ...

作者: 徐HaHa    时间: 2018-6-4 15:50
笨笨可可 发表于 2008-6-27 12:59
我觉得这里的had 和did都对。。首先就看你吧have当作一个什么看待了。I havenn't a sister =I donn't have  ...

你可逗吧 您在哪儿见过haven't a sister啊??haven't那是典型完成时做实意动词的助动词,have a commiment这不赤裸裸的实意动词
作者: zyrcs1997    时间: 2018-9-13 13:34
关于less of: 终于找到曼哈顿里Ron的明确解答---"Less of a/an ___" doesn't refer to a literal quantity. It's an expression that means, roughly, "not as true" or "not having as much of the essence of a/an ____".
Since that's an awkward definition, here is an example:
My grandfather thought that crying made you less of a man. (i.e., like "less manly")

Much more importantly, "smaller" vs. "less of a" is there just to distract you. You don't actually need it to solve the problem.
* You can eliminate a/b/c because the comparison has two possible meanings: (1) commitment to work vs. commitment to family, or (2) young people's commitment to work vs. their parents' and grandparents' commitment to work.
* You can eliminate E because "than" is there without "less".

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