Rabbits were introduced to
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. There is less chance that the virus will infect domestic animals on Numa than that it will infect bilbies.
B. There are no species of animals on the island that prey on the rabbits.
C. Overgrazing by rabbits endangers many of the plants on which bilbies feed.
D. The virus that the government proposes to use has been successfully used elsewhere to control populations of rabbits.
E. There is no alternative means of reducing the rabbit population that would involve no threat to the bilby
应该是c,削弱了“increase the threat to native wildlife”。
b的话,文章中并没有说bilby 是吃rabbit的;而且就算文章中说吃了,b也驳斥前提了阿。。
c的意思是overgrazing如果不治理的话也会endanger bilby,治理的话也会endanger,横竖都要endanger。这样结论中的“increase”就站不住脚了。
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