
标题: GWD-8-Q41 中国人很难作对的一题 [打印本页]

作者: ad264    时间: 2008-6-2 20:59
标题: GWD-8-Q41 中国人很难作对的一题

When drive-ins were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4,000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.

A. there are less than one-quarter that many

B. there are fewer than one-quarter as many

C. there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

D. the number is less than one-quarter the amount

E. it is less than one-quarter of that amount

Ans: A

今天无意间看了Erin的帖,发现原来分数的量词要用不可数名词。我也已将less than one-quarter这样的词组在NYTimes验证,果然是这样用。

Anyway, what you want to know: yes, you are right that we generally use non-count modifiers (less, amount, much, etc.) when we are referring to percentages and fractions, even when those numbers refer to count nouns.
The concept behind this is that we are focusing on the number itself,
not on the things the number represents. And this case would be no



作者: ricee    时间: 2008-6-2 22:55


哦,看了连接了,Also, D and E are awkward or wordy, in addition to the some other problems.
So, let's address the last part of the underline--many or amount. In this case, since we are referring to a count noun, drive-ins, we should use a count modifier, many or number.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-2 23:03:27编辑过]

作者: leogm    时间: 2008-6-3 08:03



Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.

a. movies—less than those
b. movies—fewer than have been
c. movies, which is less than those
d. movies, a number lower than the people
e. movies, fewer than the ones

作者: ad264    时间: 2008-6-3 09:59

作者: latuan1982    时间: 2008-6-3 13:13
作者: leogm    时间: 2008-6-3 23:28
C中which指代不明,从逻辑上应该是seven people;而且谓语is肯定不对
作者: vivianclr    时间: 2008-8-28 12:12

c is wrong

search for "than one-quarter of that amount" in NY times.

1.He said he hoped the United States would pledge about $10 billion a year, more than one-quarter of the amount the committee said would be needed from donor ...

2.On the basis of the pending bill Federal taxes will take much less than one-quarter of that amount, and Federal and State taxes combined will take less than ...

3.WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. -- The bank deposits of the people of the United States aggregate $8,300,000,000, an average of $108 per capita. Ten years ago they aggregated $4,232,700,000, or just half the amount of to-day, and twenty years ago they were $2,600,000,000, or a little more than onequarter of those of to-day.

4.He said he hoped the United States would pledge about $10 billion a year, more than one-quarter of the amount the committee said would be needed from donor ...

5.As such it stood in stark contrast to a grievously one-sided House bill that provided $27 billion in incentives for the oil, gas and coal industries and less than one-quarter that amount for efficiency.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-28 13:09:58编辑过]

作者: lovebing    时间: 2008-9-13 03:59
以下是引用vivianclr在2008-8-28 12:12:00的发言:

c is wrong

search for "than one-quarter of that amount" in NY times.

5.As such it stood in stark contrast to a grievously one-sided House bill that provided $27 billion in incentives for the oil, gas and coal industries and less than one-quarter that amount for efficiency.


google里面几乎没有"less than one-quarter that many"

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 4:07:03编辑过]

作者: vivianclr    时间: 2008-9-13 14:15
以下是引用lovebing在2008-9-13 3:59:00的发言:


google里面几乎没有"less than one-quarter that many"

我選D, 清楚没有歧义.


作者: fightbear    时间: 2009-3-6 21:25
He was tired enough to make ten errors in as many (=in ten) pages.

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-7 12:29
as many的用法在Longman上有:

as many=a number that is equal to another number:
They say the people of Los Angeles speak 12 languages and teach just as many in the schools.

in as many days/weeks/games etc   
A great trip! We visited five countries in as many days (=in five days).

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-7 13:29

A it is. Erin explained the points out very clearly.

作者: fighting127    时间: 2009-3-7 13:31

official answer is B

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-7 14:45
unfortunately Erin is wrong because he is not GMAC/ETS ;-)

作者: uustar    时间: 2009-3-7 19:51
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-8 00:03
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-7 14:45:00的发言:
unfortunately Erin is wrong because he is not GMAC/ETS ;-)

AlienX, please explain the reason why you take B, or what are wrong with the other choices?

In A, is that many incorrect? Is less than one-quarter correct as Erin says?  I think he is right.  But the official answer B uses fewer in place of less. I am very puzzled on this point.

In C, is amount can be used here? I think it makes sense to refer to the number some 4000.

About D, I know that many CDers says of must be inserted between one-quarter and the amount

In E, I think that it has no referrence.

Help me, please, thank you!

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-8 02:22
A: 我是讚同Erin的說法 -- percent or fraction是用less than而不是用fewer than.  OG/Prep上有很多的examples.  我看了Garner's Modern American Usage, 書上是傾向less than X percent因為sounds better and less formal而不是它對, 而這個usage是debate了很久...唯一我能想的possible explanation是less跟much是一個pair, 而fewer跟many是一個pair(Garner's Modern American Usage有說).  我看了所有用less than X percent of Y的OG/Prep題, 那個Y都剛好不是much/many除了這題.  有2個possibilities: ETS給錯答案(還沒出現過), 有新的知識點我不會...
C, D, E錯: amount只能用在不可數的名詞/time/money上, e.g. amount of energy (OG10#8)
D: number不用less

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-8 02:24
one more thing to add:
NY Times上的都是好文章, 可是不是perfect, 就這個usage來說, nytimes.com上有less than one quarter, 也有fewer than one quarter的句子
所以不要太rely on google/, they are just your last resorts ;-)

作者: nemo11    时间: 2009-3-8 13:30

这道题还是考倒装吧。there be 的倒装

B  there are fewer than one-quarter as many

C there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

B中there are,one-quarter代表1000,那么谓语用复数are

而C中 one-quarter of that amount中心词还是amount,那么谓语应该是单数is,而不是are

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-8 13:42
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-8 16:16

谢谢AlienX版主一连回复这么多内容。我明白你的意思是less/few than X percent of Y都是可能对的,没有道理,就是事实证明的(通过本题的正确答案、其它OG/Prep题目和google内容得出的结论)。

其次,我在16楼想问amount是不是可以指代一个“数量”,或者说“数字”:some 4000?

关于这个问题,nemo11 MM的提醒醍醐灌顶。如果amount指代一个数字,那么本题的比较对象就是单纯两个数字:some 4000和less than 1/4 of some 4000,而数字作比较句的主语,谓语就应该用单数形式。而事实上本题的谓语用的是复数形式,所以反过来说,我们只能认为这里的比较对象是两个实物some 4000 (drive-ins)和less/fewer than one-quarter drive-ins/as many/that number。所以像Erin所说,本题只能用many或number,不能用amount。 


作者: nemo11    时间: 2009-3-9 00:38
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-8 13:42:00的发言:

Alienx 斑斑

因为drive-ins were 这里用的是复数说明是drive-ins是可数的,用few修饰不能用Little修饰,所以A不对。


作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-9 01:56
umm...nemo, few(er)修可數的noun, little/less修不可數的noun是一個general rule, 有很多exceptions.
for instance, 在OG/Prep中妳只會看見less than X percent of Y, 不管Y是可數還是不可數的noun

而less than X percent of Y的謂說的是單是複是看Y是單是複.
for example, less than 25 percent of the 3000 drive-ins are with trucks.

Erin的argument是one quarter=25 percent, 所以要用less than而不是fewer than.

作者: nemo11    时间: 2009-3-9 12:41
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-9 1:56:00的发言:
umm...nemo, few(er)修可數的noun, little/less修不可數的noun是一個general rule, 有很多exceptions.
for instance, 在OG/Prep中妳只會看見less than X percent of Y, 不管Y是可數還是不可數的noun

而less than X percent of Y的謂說的是單是複是看Y是單是複.
for example, less than 25 percent of the 3000 drive-ins are with trucks.

Erin的argument是one quarter=25 percent, 所以要用less than而不是fewer than.


作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-9 20:33
以下是引用nemo11在2009-3-9 12:41:00的发言:


Very constructive! Good job, nemo11!

I search the phrase on Google and find that you are probably right!

But I also see one sentence which doesn't agree with the rule: AQI took credit for 10 percent of attacks on Iraqi security forces and Shiite militias (forty-three out of 439 attacks), and less than 4 percent of attacks on U.S.

This sentence is from:

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-9 20:49
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-9 1:56:00的发言:
umm...nemo, few(er)修可數的noun, little/less修不可數的noun是一個general rule, 有很多exceptions.
for instance, 在OG/Prep中妳只會看見less than X percent of Y, 不管Y是可數還是不可數的noun

而less than X percent of Y的謂說的是單是複是看Y是單是複.
for example, less than 25 percent of the 3000 drive-ins are with trucks.

Erin的argument是one quarter=25 percent, 所以要用less than而不是fewer than.

So  now I think Erin is not totally right on the rule about less/fewer than X percent of Y. I would agree with nemo11.

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-9 21:17

My summary:

考点:比较。词组:less/fewer than X percent of Ylessfewer的选用取决于Y是否可数。本题的比较对象是drive-ins这个实物而非数字,原因在于some 4000这个单独的数字是不可能existed in the United States的,只有some 4000 drive-ins)才说得通。既然全句比较的是可数名词,相应地,需要用arefewermany/number等与可数名词复数形式相一致的表述。Alessaremany搭配错。CDEamount修饰不可数名词或表示“数量”,这里两种用法均错。另外,D中用the number说明搞错了比较对象。E中的it为单数形式无指代。

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-10 01:08
prep1:81. In the major cities of industrialized countries at the end of the nineteenth century, important public places such as theaters, restaurants, shops, and banks had installed electric lighting, but electricity was in less than one percent of homes, where lighting was still provided mainly by candles or gas.

根據nemo的意思, 数字的大小用less, 可是我沒看出homes是有數字的大小的含意...反而有多少的含意(one percent of homes).


作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-3-10 08:08

A. there are less than one-quarter that many
首先是that many的表达unidiomatic.
其次如果后面用less than,前面的there are要用there is.
另外,less than one-quarter中,是两个不同的群体对比,而不是与prep1-81一样是指"在大类中所占比例",所以还是应该用fewer than.

作者: fighting127    时间: 2009-3-10 10:58

A. there are less than one-quarter that many
应该还是主要在于that many---unidiomatic的错误 后面的看理解了 1/4是修饰drive-ins

本来满倾向aeoluseros斑竹对less和fewer的解释 但想了一下我觉得这里B是以there are开头 表示的是有... 所以没有体现出比较的意思 open to discuss

但是还是给我们提了一个醒 要注意这种修饰语的不同

我这个题目也解释不清楚 继续学习大家的讨论

作者: nemo11    时间: 2009-3-10 12:47
以下是引用AlienX在2009-3-10 1:08:00的发言:
prep1:81. In the major cities of industrialized countries at the end of the nineteenth century, important public places such as theaters, restaurants, shops, and banks had installed electric lighting, but electricity was in less than one percent of homes, where lighting was still provided mainly by candles or gas.

根據nemo的意思, 数字的大小用less, 可是我沒看出homes是有數字的大小的含意...反而有多少的含意(one percent of homes).



我说的数字(如4000是个数字)指的是number这个词,正如D里the number作主语,用less是对的。但是表示数量多少(如4000个drive-ins)用fewer来修饰,例如A里 其实少了一个of,many修饰前边的那个数,表示有1/4那么多,是表示有多少,也就是说数量的问题,而不是数的问题。看D里the number作主语,就是说这个数怎么怎么样,而不是由多少数量。不知道解释清楚了没有。

你举的这个例子 less than 修饰数字one percent(electricity was同样适用。

作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-3-10 12:50
以下是引用fighting127在2009-3-10 10:58:00的发言:

A. there are less than one-quarter that many
应该还是主要在于that many---unidiomatic的错误 后面的看理解了 1/4是修饰drive-ins

本来满倾向aeoluseros斑竹对less和fewer的解释 但想了一下我觉得这里B是以there are开头 表示的是有... 所以没有体现出比较的意思 open to discuss

但是还是给我们提了一个醒 要注意这种修饰语的不同

我这个题目也解释不清楚 继续学习大家的讨论

umm..怎么说呢,there are是在比较结构之外,与该比较无关的. 如果如你所说,1-81的句子也不是比较了,而只是说明了一个比例.

作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-3-10 13:01

umm..nemo,我觉得就纯D选项不看未划线部分来说是没有问题的the number is less than one-quarter the做为形容词/限定词来修饰the amount,中间并没有缺少of.但是amount的指向就错了:4000 drive-ins是可数的.

First of all, if we compare the moon with the earth, we find that the moon is much smaller. It is about one-quarter the size of the earth.

作者: fighting127    时间: 2009-3-10 14:13


另外再把笔记里的这个题目粘贴来看看 能说明问题

In the major cities of industrialized countries at the end of the nineteenth century, important public places such as theaters, restaurants, shops, and banks had installed electric lighting, but electricity was in less than one percent of homes, where lighting was still provided mainly by candles or gas. 

而D是 there was less than one percent of homes that had electricity, having lighting that was still ---was应该改为were, 因为one percent of homes是复数名词; having… 修饰对象不清楚。

1.there be + n 句型中, be动词的单复形式由n的单复形式决定

2.单数复数: the percent of +可数名词复数形式, 谓语动词用复数


作者: soiler    时间: 2009-3-10 15:04


one-quarter that many 中that many用法不对 ,应为as many,或加of

one-quarter as many 中心词为many,many后省略drive-ins,用fewer

one-quarter of...中心词为one-quarter,用less

作者: ezailshi    时间: 2009-3-10 17:23


作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-3-10 20:37
以下是引用soiler在2009-3-10 15:04:00的发言:


one-quarter that many 中that many用法不对 ,应为as many,或加of

one-quarter as many 中心词为many,many后省略drive-ins,用fewer

one-quarter of...中心词为one-quarter,用less

soiler说的就是nemo11 MM想表达的意思吧,大家看同不同意呢?反正我是彻底晕厥了。

作者: wen217    时间: 2009-3-10 21:56

fewer than one quarter --- Google UK search. 约有 4,580,000 项符合 fewer than one quarter 的查询结果

less than one quarter ---  约有 23,900,000 项符合 less than one quarter 的查询结果

It tells!!! No??

作者: soiler    时间: 2009-3-11 07:57
作者: grape262001    时间: 2009-3-22 16:57


The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.


(A) extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than

(B) extinction; its numbers are now five times more than

(C) extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were

(D) extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had

(E) extinction, now with numbers five times greater than



作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-3-24 10:42
xdjm們, 我沒有多大的結論.
後來ManhattanGMAT的instructor Ron看到P1-81, 他自己也不能解釋為什是less than one percent of homes而不是fewer than one percent of homes.
他覺得less than one percent of homes在P-81不是考點.
他覺得如果less vs. fewer of X percent of Y變成考點, 看Y來決定用fewer/less.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-24 13:46:17编辑过]

作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-3-26 13:34

When drive-ins were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950s, some 4,000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many

A. there are less than one-quarter that many

B. there are fewer than one-quarter as many

C. there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

D. the number is less than one-quarter the amount

E. it is less than one-quarter of that amount

关于这个题 偶一直是这么看的 when drive-ins were...,some 4000 drive-ins existed in the United States,but today fewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins are there.

drive-ins是可数所以不用less 而且我觉得some 4000 drive-ins与fewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins对应的很好 exised与are对应的很好 in the US与there对应的很好 这个句子本来就是想要今夕对比 我只是在B和C之间徘徊过

作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-3-26 13:41
以下是引用nemo11在2009-3-9 0:38:00的发言:

Alienx 斑斑

因为drive-ins were 这里用的是复数说明是drive-ins是可数的,用few修饰不能用Little修饰,所以A不对。


我很同意这个观点 也觉得考点就是这个 题干专门把some 4000后面的drive-ins和fewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins后面的两个drive-ins省略掉(当然,因为重复也是应该省略掉) 就是看考生能不能读清楚主语是drive-ins 所以用fewer而不是less


作者: alohabrian    时间: 2009-3-26 14:25
我记得,Ron purewal说过,不能说 amount/number is more 或者 less, amount和number只能说 bigger, greater,smaller,lower等等。我觉得是为了避免语义重复。

因为 less more本省就有 amount和number的意思。

我想:也不能说 one quarter of the amount/number,等等。只能 写成这样: one quater of the drive-ins或者one quarter of those ,或者直接用 one quater

C里面 than之后的,amount用的也不好,因为原句里把  drive in看成复数,就要要用数量也要说:the number is lower than the number


作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-3-26 14:31

刚才吃完饭刷牙的时候突然想到到底是less还是fewer,其实还是看修饰的中心词是谁。但是如果跟在动词后面,就算宾语是可数 例如OG11中的cost less还有旧prep中的emit less那就必然是用less了 因为less可以是副词 我觉得具体要用哪个没有规定性一说 要在具体语境里面看修饰的中心词是谁

加了percent和不加percent我觉得一个道理 还是看具体语境中修饰的中心词是谁

作者: alohabrian    时间: 2009-3-26 14:40
不是的,less和fewer的用法很复杂的。我记得经典SC题的表达, less of pollutants  less of a commitment。都是对的。

可不可数关键看 作者 想表达的东西 是可分还是不可分。

但是一句话里,同一个东西  不可能 前面 当成 可数,后面当成不可数。


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 14:42:33编辑过]

作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-3-28 14:01



When drive-ins (主语,可数名词)were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4,000 existed in the United States, (插入语,是否可先不优先考虑,先focus在句子主干)but today there are fewer(drive-ins,句子描述的主语) than one-quarter of that amount(of drive-ins???这里有省略?).

总之,我的理解是句子的主旨是在比较drive-ins 这个可数名词,所以选项缩小到B C。

然后,我刚刚去问了个美国人,我让她凭语感选出第一个她认为正确的选项,她选的C,我又跟她说BBS上也有很多人选B,我问她B的as many是否说得通,她说感觉上也是对的。所以,我当时就说比较晕,她说她会首先选C,看到B也OK。就是这个样子。

open to discuss...

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 14:03:29编辑过]

作者: alohabrian    时间: 2009-3-28 14:05


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 14:05:47编辑过]

作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-3-28 14:16





作者: alohabrian    时间: 2009-3-28 14:25


我的还是感觉是 不能说 a quarter of that amout, 就像不能说 a quarter of that number

要说 a quarter of many/much

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 14:27:09编辑过]

作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-3-28 14:39
以下是引用alohabrian在2009-3-28 14:25:00的发言:


我的还是感觉是 不能说 a quarter of that amout, 就像不能说 a quarter of that number

要说 a quarter of many/much


作者: uustar    时间: 2009-3-28 17:52
问一下,one-quarter 中间有个小横杠,应该是名词吧?和one quarter 有什么区别?
作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-3-29 16:00
以下是引用vivian0331在2009-3-28 14:39:00的发言:


GWD-7-Q4:Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.


  1. movies—less than those

  2. movies—fewer than have been

  3. movies, which is less than those

  4. movies, a number lower than the people

  5. movies, fewer than the ones

这道题是否跟我们讨论的题目有些像?因为我原来选的fewer than the ones……

作者: JamesYi    时间: 2009-3-29 16:52
Amount是个错误的标志,driving-ins是可数名词,不能用amount。B as many (as)缺少
作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-3-29 23:00

OG11-4 A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as much as 1977.

a) twice as much as 1977

b) twice as many as 1977

c) double what it was in 1977

d) double the figure for 1977

e) a number double that of 1977's


作者: 34cocorate    时间: 2009-5-24 16:49
vote for B
作者: 路吉儿    时间: 2009-8-4 17:07

作者: alibaba_2009    时间: 2009-8-14 12:40

A. there are less than one-quarter that many

that:在这里是指示代词;many:在这里作名词,意思是许多;that many用法别扭 one-quater;名词,表示数量1/4,one-quarter that many:名词修饰名词,错误;less:对于数量的比较;are:there be 后面接数量中心词谓语用单数

B. there are fewer than one-quarter as many

as many:数量/倍数+as many as+名词,所以后面省略了4,000 drive-ins;中心词是drive-ins,强调的是具体名词的对比


C. there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

amount:指代前面的4000,one-quarter of that amount中心词表示数量,对比用less

D. the number is less than one-quarter the amount

than后面没有中心词,不知道比较什么;the number是数字,比较用lower

E. it is less than one-quarter of that amount

quarter of that amount是数量的比较用less


作者: jean1280    时间: 2009-8-24 00:36

数学里面不是很多都有the number is less than...吗?



作者: chenchanchan    时间: 2009-10-8 14:23
以下是引用nemo11在2009/3/8 13:30:00的发言:

这道题还是考倒装吧。there be 的倒装

B  there are fewer than one-quarter as many

C there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

B中there are,one-quarter代表1000,那么谓语用复数are

而C中 one-quarter of that amount中心词还是amount,那么谓语应该是单数is,而不是are


作者: didaxx    时间: 2010-4-11 00:36
我认为应该同意PREP 给出的答案B , 理由如下:

1、few修饰可数名词  less修饰不可数的内容(这一点在OG12的基本语法知识讲解中明确说到了,并举了例子)

drive-in:A drive-in is a restaurant, cinema, or other commercial place which is specially designed so that customers can use the services provided while staying in their cars.

drive-in是可数名词, 因为A、E用less来修饰drive-in,所以可以马上排除A和E;

2、amount是用来修饰不可数名词的(字典中的释义:The amount of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.),many是修饰可数名词的,many本身可以做表数量的代词(字典中的内容:Also a pronoun. 例句:We stood up, thinking through the possibilities. There weren't many. )  

所以在这道题中完全不应该使用amount, 所以排除C和D被排除

综上所述,大家应该相信PREP 2中的答案,这道题我也做到了,PREP给出了答案B。这样说来这道题还是有道理的,其他四个选项都是有硬伤的。

作者: 遗失的紫水晶    时间: 2010-4-28 13:36
挺有道理的, 按排除法只能选B了,但是我想问一下fewer than。。。as many是个什么用法,这里的as 是怎么用的呢???疑惑啊!!!!!请NN们快来解答吧!!!!
作者: liulianf    时间: 2010-5-10 15:37


B 选项的话,as many 感觉不对吧~ 省略as some 4000 drive-ins?
作者: 糖奔奔    时间: 2010-6-2 18:27


B 选项的话,as many 感觉不对吧~ 省略as some 4000 drive-ins?
-- by 会员 liulianf (2010/5/10 15:37:26)


as many
a number that is equal to another number
They say the people of Los Angeles speak 12 languages and teach just as many in the schools.

A great trip! We visited five countries in as many days (=in five days).
以下是引用nemo112009/3/8 13:30:00的发言:

这道题还是考倒装吧。there be 的倒装

B  there are fewer than one-quarter as many

C there are fewer than one-quarter of that amount

Bthere areone-quarter代表1000,那么谓语用复数are

C one-quarter of that amount中心词还是amount,那么谓语应该是单数is,而不是are

when drive-ins were...,some 4000 drive-ins existed in the United States,but today fewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins are there. drive-ins是可数所以不用less

而且我觉得some 4000 drive-insfewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins对应的很好 exisedare对应的很好 in the USthere对应的很好这个句子本来就是想要今夕对比我只是在BC之间徘徊过

因为drive-ins were 这里用的是复数说明是drive-ins是可数的,用few修饰不能用Little修饰,所以A不对。



我很同意这个观点也觉得考点就是这个题干专门把some 4000后面的drive-insfewer than one-quarter as many drive-ins后面的两个drive-ins省略掉(当然,因为重复也是应该省略掉) 就是看考生能不能读清楚主语是drive-ins 所以用fewer而不是less


It's more expensive than it was last time but not as good(as it was last time).


as many: (此为省略随后的as...)

1 [adj.]  (与前述之数)同数的

例句:They had five quaarrels in as many meetings. 他们见了五次面,吵了五次架。

2[] (与前述之数)相同

例句: I have three suits,but I need twice as many


It's more expensive than it was last time but not as good(as it was last time).


as many: (此为省略随后的as...)

1 [adj.]  (与前述之数)同数的

例句:They had five quaarrels in as many meetings. 他们见了五次面,吵了五次架。

2[] (与前述之数)相同

例句: I have three suits,but I need twice as many

作者: 阳光小捷子    时间: 2010-8-13 17:51

When drive-ins were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4,000(省略drive-ins,不可能是4000这个数字existedexisted in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.

A.there are less than one-quarter thatmanythat many表达不对;many后省略drive-ins,所以这里的one-quarter不能单独看成是分数用less,而要连着看:one-quarter that many drive-ins,所以这个分数构成的词组修饰的是可数名词,不能less用来修饰)

B.there are fewer than one-quarter as many(省略as are there in the 1950'sfewermany都修饰可数名词;but连接比较,前后比较对象要有同类一致性,即比较的是drive-ins数量)

C.there are fewer than one-quarter of that amountamount修饰不可数名词,不能用来修饰4000 drive-ins

D.the number is less than one-quarter the amount(比较对象不同类,未划线前句比较的是4000 drive-ins这数量与之而不是数字) is less than one-quarter of that amountit指代不明;比较对象不同类,未划线前句比较的是4000 drive-ins这数量与之而不是数字)

注:一般来说:如果比较的是单独的分数,百分比,比例,数字等“值”的大小时,用修饰不可数的amountlessmuch等及单数谓语修饰;如果是用这些值做词组形成A of B时,(如50%of trees1/3of milk等)在比较对象为A of B代表的整个数量时,谓语动词和less/fewer等词取决于名词是否可数及其单复数形式。

EgFewer than half of the students in the class were present yesterday due to the flu.

特例:因为英语中一般的A of B的侧重点在于A,所以如果当句子表达的意思强调的是前面的数字部分A时,尤其在比较数据中,即使后面的名词是可数的复数形式,也要用less而非fewer来修饰,因为fewer的话强调的就是名词部分了。

Egprep1:81. In the major cities of industrialized countries at the end of the nineteenth century, important public places such as theaters, restaurants, shops, and banks had installed electric lighting, but electricity was inless than one percent of homes(强调的是比1%还少,而不是1%的家庭数量), where lighting was still provided mainly by candles or gas.

作者: 超超琪琪格    时间: 2010-8-15 05:44
作者: 超超琪琪格    时间: 2010-8-15 05:49
作者: 超超琪琪格    时间: 2010-8-15 05:51
作者: 熊熊加小怪    时间: 2010-10-31 16:33
作者: lisney    时间: 2013-3-24 10:23
看了几页讨论,,我想问下,less 不是既可以修饰不可数也可以修饰可数的么。。。。。
作者: peal888    时间: 2015-4-9 11:29
A错误,one quarter + 数量名词amount/number/size可以,但不能够直接加物体名词,that many不表示数量,如果表示数量应该用that number,that many是名词概念,后面省略了名词。
B正确,as many as...第二个as后的内容省略。
C错误,one-quarter of that amount 表示数量,前面应该用less,而且amount表示不可数,而主语drive-ins可数。
D错误,the number 特指前面的number 4,000,用在这里不合适。
E错误,it无指代。one quarter of that amount中的of多余。

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